4th April 2005 (Subject to approval at BPC meeting on 9th May 2005)




Mr K. Barnes (Vice Chairman)

Mr J. Grove

Mrs S. Bailey

Mrs S. Grove

Mr T. Dominy

Mrs J. McGowran

Ms L. Knight (Clerk)

Councillor S. Findlay




Present were 6 members of the public and PC Colin Brown.




The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed and signed as a correct record.




Mr Barnes advised the meeting that there would be a small deviation from the agenda in order to co-opt Mrs Joele McGowran before the declarations of interest for the meeting. Mrs McGowran signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and the Register of Members’ Interests in the presence of the Clerk, and took her seat on the council.




There were no Declarations of Interest in any item on the agenda for this meeting.




1.       BAYDON BOOKLET – Mr Barnes has obtained a quote of £90+ VAT for the cost of printing the booklets .              


2.       LAND AT BAYDON HOLE – Although there has been communication on this matter between Councillor Twigger and Mr Barnes, the Parish Council has still not received a formal response from Kennet District Council. Councillor Findlay suggested that the Council contact Mike Wilmott and request a response.                                               Clerk


3.       POWER SUPPLY ON THE GREEN – Mr Barnes read out a letter from the Planning Dept. giving their informal view on the question of whether or not planning permission is required.  The Clerk stated that the latest feedback received from KDC, in a phone call, suggested that planning permission would definitely be required to turn the temporary structure on the Green into a permanent one.  Documentation to be completed for the Planning application is being sent to the Clerk.      Clerk


4.       NAMING OF FIVEWAYS – Another letter drop will take place now that the last house has been sold.      Clerk/KB


5.       SARSEN, MOWING IN VILLAGE – Mr Barnes read out a response received from Sarsen in which they stated that they are currently collating the information from the tenders, and will be making choices on the contractors for each area. The garden cutting contract has their wish to subcontract within it and will discuss this with the relevant contractor. In broad terms this would involve the relevant areas being defined and arrangements made for this to be cut through the Parish Council, with financial support from Sarsen. The Parish Council will be involved once the matter of contractors has been sorted.


6.       VACANCY FOR COUNCILLOR – Mr Barnes advised the meeting that an application had been received from Mr Peter Jackson, who was at the meeting as a member of the public. During the meeting, Mr Alan Seymour handed his letter of application, for the position of Parish Councillor, to the Clerk.


7.       ABANDONED “FOR SALE” SIGN – The Clerk has been in contact with Wooley and Wallis, and they have advised her that, as the signs cannot be re-used,  it is their policy to have an agreement with the home owner that they will dispose of the sign. The Estate Agents have no objections to the Council disposing of the sign themselves. Mr Barnes stated that as this was Woolley & Wallis’s rubbish they should remove it, and a letter to that effect should be sent to them.           Clerk


8.       COMMUNITY SKIPS – Baydon can have the skips as frequently as they want, but they need to be utilised and not returned half-empty. It was agreed that a Green Waste and a Metal skip should be ordered for delivery asap. Thereafter, subject to availability and provided that they are being properly utilised, skips will be ordered on a bi-monthly basis.           Clerk


9.       ENERGY CONSERVATION PROJECT – Councillor Twigger was not present to give an update on this matter. Councillor Findlay suggested that Mark Smith be contacted for further information.


10.    BAYDON SIGN, FINCHES LANE – Still ongoing.


11.    BYWAY SIGN, WILLOW TRACK – Mr Barnes suggested that digital photos be taken and sent to Highway to facilitate an easy solution.


12.    30MPH SIGN NEAR MANOR LANE – The concern over the positioning of the sign close into the village has been raised with Highways. It was suggested that the Clerk contact Highways and suggest that they visit the site.     Clerk


13.    ROAD SIGN TO CHURCH – A small local sign will be obtained and placed on any existing posts on the corners of Russley Road and Finches Lane.


14.    BOX HEDGING AROUND THE GREEN – Mrs Bailey advised the meeting that there are more plants that just those near the shop which have died. It was suggested that the Clerk contact Bloor Homes again and request that they visit the site to review the situation.                                                                                                                                                                  Clerk


15.    BLOCKED DRAINS -  There are blocked drains outside Model Cottage. It was suggested that a review of all the drains be undertaken as more may be blocked with silt and that a complete list be sent to Clarence. A manhole cover on Ermin Street (50m west of Finches Lane ) is broken. It appears that this has now been targeted for repair.


16.    DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR BAYDON – Councillor Findlay advised the meeting that she believed that Policy Plans had now replaced development plans, and that the Parish Council should speak to Ed White on this matter. Councillor Findlay stated that anything in a Policy Plan is treated as Supplementary Planning Guidance. The Policy Plans can contain anything that the community wishes, provided it does not go against Kennet policy. It was suggested that Mr White be invited to speak at the Parish Assembly.      


17.    SPEEDING IN ALDBOURNE ROAD – Concern was raised regarding vehicles speeding along Aldbourne Road. PC Colin Brown stated that he will do some speed checks, when he could get hold of the equipment.


18.    LITTER PICK – Mr Barnes thanked those people who had helped with the litter pick and had collected 8 bags of litter. Due to constraints regarding the wearing of the correct high visibility jackets along the Swindon road, the litter pick had not extended that far. Clerk to contact KDC to advise them of the litter and to establish what the cost, if any, would be of getting them to come out and clear it up. Clerk to contact Aldbourne and Lambourn Parish Clerks respectively to advise them of the litter along the Aldbourne Road and at Old Hatchets Hill (where there is also a smell of gas and some fly-tipping).


19.    LETTER TO MO LAFFOPRD – Clerk to advise Mo Lafford of changes in personnel on the Parish Council i.e. Jonathan Smith is no longer the Chairman, Joele McGowran has been co-opted onto the council.



REPORT FROM MRS DOBSON – Mr Barnes read out Mrs Dobson’s report. There are 111 children on roll at the school and their main topic for the Spring term was exploring the different origins, forms, colours, tastes and cultural foods. The School children with support from parents and teachers have achieved tremendous success in raising, in just two months, over £2,000 for the Tsunami Appeal, Comic Relief and NSPCC. Donations from Nationwide and Friends of Baydon School have enabled new football strips to be purchased.       




1.       KDC COMMUNITY ARTS INITIATIVE – Details to be circulated and published on Baydon village website.          Clerk


2.       KDC, HOME OFFICE BURIAL GROUNDS SURVEY – Circulate for response.                                        Clerk


3.       KDC GARDEN WASTE COLLECTIONS – Flyer for new recycling scheme to be placed on Parish Council notice board.                                                                                                                                                                                            Clerk


The more householders in the village that register their interest in the scheme, the more likely it is to be rolled out to Baydon and the surrounding areas. Interest can be registered in one of four ways: by completing and returning the leaflet included with the annual Council tax statement, by phoning 01380 734665, by emailing, or by completing the Garden Waste Collection Service request form on the Kennet website.       


4.       KDC REGULATORY COMMITTEE REPORT – To be circulated.                                                                 Clerk


5.       SPLASH, DONATION REQUEST - The Council agreed not to make a donation at this time as, due to a tight budget, it has a policy of only supporting local village groups and activities. 


6.       ST. JOHN AMBULANCE (WILTSHIRE), DONATION REQUEST – The Council agreed not to make a donation at this time as, due to a tight budget, it has a policy of only supporting local village groups and activities. 


7.       DEFRA, QUALITY PARISHES AND PARISH PLANNING – Circulate.                                                    Clerk


8.       WCC, Waste Contract Annual Service Review – Circulate.                                                                            Clerk


9.       WCC, Definitive Map & Statement –


10.    WCC/SBC, ADOPTION OF WASTE LOCAL PLAN & SITE SEARCH – Circulate.                                Clerk


11.    LETTER FROM MR TOPP – Reply to be sent advising Mr Topp that in line with Parish Council policy, for sums of money in excess of £250, 3 quotes must first be obtained. These should include a breakdown of costs.             Clerk




WOODLEY COTTAGE (K/51823/LBC) – Application for insertion of flue in south end elevation returned without comments.


OLD METHODIST CHURCH (K/51786/F) – Application for change of use to a dwelling returned without comments.


APP/E3905/A/05/1172536, RETENTION OF POLE BARN FOR STORAGE – Notification of appeal.



FINANCE – Mr Jackson asked where the Parish Council’s money came from and how it was spent. Mr Barnes explained that BPC receives a precept, the amount of which is shown on each householder’s Council Tax statement. In the main, the monies are required to run the Parish Council and are spent on legal necessities such as the Clerk’s salary, insurance, hall hire, stationery, maintenance of the Church clock. For the avoidance of doubt, it was further stated that the Clerk’s salary was not an arbitrary figure decided by the Council but was set by local Government.



                Cheques Paid:                    £10.00                   BYPA, Hall hire

                                                                £139.38                 WALC & NALC Subscription                      


                Monies received:                None


Lloyds TSB Bank Accounts – Mr Barnes advised the meeting that the Parish Council had 2 cheque accounts with Lloyds TSB and that the changes of signatory had been applied to the Project account not the current account for the Parish Council. These were now being transferred across. The Project account contains monies from the Walronds development and as per current legislation it needs to be kept separate from other money. The Parish Council will investigate options for putting this money into a Savings Account as it is currently not earning any interest. This money is ring-fenced and is to be put towards leisure facilities for the village.



Nothing arising.




1.       BEATING THE PARISH BOUNDS – “Beating the Parish Bounds” will start from the Red Lion pub at 10am on Bank Holiday Monday, 2nd May. It is open to everyone, including non villagers. PC Colin Brown to speak to his Sergeant to see if he is able to provide a blue-light escort for the section down to the Russley motorway bridge. It was noted that for the purposes of this, approximately half an hour of his time would be required.    


2.       PARISH ASSEMBLY – There was some discussion about the Parish Assembly and the possible reasons why historically it has been very poorly attended.  One idea that had been previously considered but not implemented was to offer wine and cheese. Mr Dominy to contact Mike Biddiscombe to discuss obtaining wine on a “sale or return” basis.   TD


It was also noted that some villagers may not know what the Parish Assembly is about, and this lack of knowledge coupled with a belief that it is directly related to the Parish Council may explain why attendance is low. Flyers for the Parish Assembly, including details of what it is, to be delivered to every house.




1.       STREET LIGHT IN DOWNSMEAD – Report to be sent to Clarence advising them that there is a street light which is on 24hrs a day.                                                                                                                                                                                Clerk


2.       TRAFALGAR DAY – A question was asked as to whether or not the Parish Council would be doing anything to mark Trafalgar Day. There was a short discussion on the matter and it was decided that the Parish Council would most likely do something in line with national events. How this occasion is to be marked needs to be discussed more fully at another meeting.


3.       NOTICE BOARD ON DOWNSMEAD – This needs to be sanded down and repainted. Mr Barnes stated that the cork tiles had already been replaced once and that an all-weather pin board was required. It was noted that this may be prohibitively expensive however some of the design ideas could perhaps be copied. Mr Barnes agreed to investigate this further.            KB


4.       GARAGES ON DOWNSMEAD – A concern was raised that following the tarmacing of the garages on Downsmead, this area had been adopted as a playground for some of the local children. The consequence of this was that there were notable occasions when the children, being unsupervised, had run into the road. Mr Barnes stated that this was an issue of parental control and was not something the Parish council could influence.         


The meeting concluded at 9.40 p.m.



NEXT MEETING – AGM, Monday 9th May at 8.00 p.m. at the BYPA Hall, Manor Lane