17th October 2005 (Subject to approval at BPC meeting on 28th November 2005)



Mr K. Barnes (Chairman)

Mr J. Grove

Mrs S. Bailey

Mrs J. McGowran

Mr T. Dominy

Mr A. Seymour

Also in attendance: L. Knight (Clerk), Cllr B Twigger, 2 members of the public.

1.             APOLOGIES

Apologies received from Mrs S.Grove. Cllr C Humphries and Cllr S Findlay also advised the Clerk that they would be unable to attend.



There were no declarations of interest on any matter on the agenda.



The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed and signed as a correct record.



The Chairman read out the report submitted by Mrs Dobson. The main points from the report are as follows: There are currently 100 children on roll. The children have enjoyed a most successful summer, both academically as well as in other areas of school life and within the community. Senior Friends of Baydon were invited to ‘school lunches’ during June and proved so successful it is to become a regular event. Activities Week also brought the children and their village friends together sharing cream teas and sports day in the summer sunshine. With the start of the new school year we have warmly welcomed into our fold the new reception children as well as a few other older children. Harvest Festival Celebrations in the church were tremendously successful with a well acted play and many new harvest songs once again bringing the community of Baydon together. The autumn term at Baydon St Nicholas C of E VA School is set to be yet another successful and happy one.


5.             CLERK’S REPORT

5.1         Matters from Previous Meetings

Land at Baydon Hole – Contacted Mike Wilmott again for update.


Power Supply on the Green – Have confirmed that the Green and Pond are both registered a common land with Baydon Parish Council as the registered owner. If building on the village green is restricted under section 194 of the Law of Property Act 1925, it will be necessary to get approval from the Secretary of State in addition to the appropriate planning approval. Further investigation is required. 


Sarsen, Mowing in Village – The clerk will be meeting a representative from Sarsen on 14th October to discuss sub-contracting the mowing in the village.


Naming of Fiveways – Contacted Stuart Hatton-Pocklington again to request details of the second survey sent to the residents of Fiveways Close. S H-P has indicated that the response seems favourable and letters were due to be sent on 16 Sept. to advise the residents. Awaiting confirmation that the letters have been sent. Have requested details of the next steps to be taken and their associated timescales.


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Bank Account – Comparison of RBS “Treasurer’s Account” and Abbey “Free Banking Forever”, the two best accounts suitable for a Parish Council which offer tiered interest starting at £1 sent to Councillors for review. See agenda item 10.2 Finance.


Baydon Field – Paid invoice from Mr B Mildenhall who was contracted to cut the field.


Development Plan for Baydon – Cllr Twigger’s copy of the Ramsbury Plan is still being circulated amongst the Councillors.


Draft Complaints Procedure – WALC have suggested that the document includes a statement to clarify that complaints sent to the Standards Board/Monitoring officer should only be in relation to Code of Conduct issues. 


Portman Savings Account – Change of signatories ongoing.  



Litter Bins – Letter sent to Environment Services to advise them that the public litter bins are not emptied weekly. Reply received stating that the reasons for non-emptying of the bins will be investigated and resolved.


Finchley, Finches LaneThe following response has been received from the enforcement officer: “Additional site visits have taken place and photographs of the site in question have been taken. These along with the original planning files have now been thoroughly investigated by the North Team Leader. The conclusion of which is that on checking file number K/44549 and the photographs therein, they show that the bund had not been totally removed but reduced in height. Photographs taken earlier in the year also show that the area to the rear of the bund and also within the copse had been planted with young trees etc. A further site visit was undertaken by the officer mentioned below on 3 October where further photographs of the site were taken. These now show that the trees planted on the bund have taken root and are establishing themselves. Therefore and with the above in mind the Council are of the opinion that it would not be expedient to take any further action on the matter and will close its file accordingly.”


Parish Lengthsmen Visit – The next Parish lengthsmen visit is scheduled for 14th & 15th December.


Overgrown Hedges – Highways have been asked to cut back some hedges along the roadside where road signs and oncoming traffic is being obscured.


Training – Clerk attended a mentoring session in September. 3 further sessions have been scheduled.  


Electors’ Rights – Notices for the exercise of electors’ rights to examine the Parish Council accounts for 2002/2003 and 2003/2004 have been placed on the notice board.


Baydon Resource Group – The Clerk has spoken with Steve Webb who is unable to attend the Council meeting on 17th October. There are currently only 2 members on the Executive Committee. This, amongst other things, has meant that progress has stalled.  In mid-November an AGM will be held and new members will be elected to the vacant positions on the Committee.  








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6.1         To review and agree the approach to developing a Risk Management strategy

It was proposed by Mr Barnes that he and the Clerk work together on a draft document to put before Council. This was seconded by Mr Dominy.    

6.2         To discuss the draft Standing Orders

No issues raised. To be put forward for approval at the next meeting.

6.3         To discuss the draft Financial Regulations

Clerk informed the meeting that she had recently been advised that procedures for handling tenders and contract had to be included and consequently the FRs would need revising.  

6.4         To agree a plan of action for the management of the Parish field

It was agreed that Mr Grove would put together a calendar of activities for the management of the Parish field. 

6.5         To agree what action should be taken with regard to dogs running loose in the village

There have been reports of dog walkers using the path past the water treatment works being verbally abused by a car driver. It was suggested that anyone who this happens to should take a note of the car registration number and report the incident to the police.


A black Labrador has been seen running loose around the area. Loose dogs should be reported to the Dog Warden at KDC.


Clerk to put article in Scene in Baydon warning people using the track to Pigs Hill and reminding dog owners of their responsibilities.  

6.6         To discuss the need for a Transport representative

The role is for someone to monitor local transport service and to report issues such as the bus bring late and significant changes to the bus timetable. This does not have to be a member of the Parish Council and the ideal person is someone who uses the bus on a regular basis. It was agreed that an article be placed in Scene in Baydon.

6.7         To finalise the arrangements for the Trafalgar Day celebrations

The Chairman confirmed that both owners of the field had kindly agreed to the use of the field and to the lighting of the beacon. Smiths of Axford have generously donated wood for the beacon. Clerk to send letter and put article in Scene in Baydon thanking Peter Smith.

6.8         To agree what part, if any, the Council will take in the Bonfire Night festivities

The Parish Council will not be hosting the Bonfire Night. As in previous years, this event will be organised and managed by a parishioner independently of the Parish council. 

6.9         To discuss issues with drains and flooding outside the school

Clerk to report issues to Highways via Clarence.

6.10     To resolve to support the campaign for the Sustainable Communities Bill

Further information is required about the bill, the campaign and the people behind it.


7.             CORRESPONDENCE

7.1         Correspondence For Consideration at Meeting

a)             Letter from Aldbourne & Baydon Good Neighbour Link Scheme – The Clerk had asked for some additional information regarding expected size of donation and annual running costs. This had not been supplied. Clerk to invite a representative from the Link Scheme to the next meeting. Cllr Findlay may be able to provide information regarding the scheme running in Ramsbury. 

b)             Wiltshire County Council, Rural Facilities Survey 2005 – to be completed by the Clerk


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c)             Marlborough Community Area Strategic Partnership, questionnaire on the Marlborough Community Area Plan

d)             Swindon Borough Council, letter and questionnaire regarding Swindon Borough Council Statement of Community Involvement – No applicable. Clerk to respond.

7.2         Correspondence Handled Between Meetings

a)             West Berkshire Council, “Statement of Community Involvement”, distributed to councillors for comment. Deadline 30th September.

b)              Kennet District Council, report on affordable housing in Kennet 2005, circulated to all Councillors for information.

c)             Kennet District Council, Summary of Housing Land Supply Statement April 2005 and Summary of Employment Land Supply Statement April 2005 – circulated to Councillors for information.

d)             Kennet District Council, CD-ROM containing copy of the adopted Statement of Community Involvement filed. Covering letter sent to Councillors for information.

e)              Marlborough Area Development Trust, Newsletter Issue 2, circulated to all Councillors for information.

f)               Wiltshire Association of Local Councils, County circular for September 2005, sent to all Councillors for information

g)             Kennet District Council, poster for dog microchipping campaign and a ‘clean up after your dog’ poster placed on Parish Council notice board. 

h)             Gleeson Homes, letter of invitation to public exhibition, electronic copy emailed to Councillors, hard copy filed.

i)               Gleeson Homes, posters in relation to the public exhibition for land on Aldbourne Road placed around village.

j)               Wiltshire Music Centre, Annual review 2004/2005, circulated to all Councillors for information.

k)             CPRE: Kennet Group, Chairman’s Half-yearly Newsletter 1st March – 31st August 2005, circulated to all Councillors for information

l)                UP! On the North Wessex Downs magazine circulated to all Councillors for information.



The following planning applications were noted :

8.1         K/53018/F,  5 Manor Lane         Application for single storey rear extension



The meeting was be suspended to allow members of the public to speak to the Council. 


After this period the meeting was resumed.


10.         FINANCE

10.1     Cheques for the following payments were approved and signed : 

Liz Knight, Clerks fee 5 Sept ’0516 Oct ‘05                                                            £320.12

10.2     To resolve to move the Parish Council’s current account to the Royal Bank of Scotland.

Change of correspondence address was approved by the Council. It was agreed that the

signatories should be the same as for the Lloyds current account. Clerk to action changes.



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10.3     To agree the purchase of firewood for the beacon

Firewood has been donated by Smiths of Axford. A letter of thanks to be sent to Peter Smith and “thank you” article to be put in Scene in Baydon.

10.4     To agree the quarterly amount of home working allowance to be paid to the Clerk.

It was agreed that this be deferred to a later meeting.

10.5     To discuss and agree the purposes to which the Council’s unspent precept should be applied

It was agreed to defer this agenda item to the next meeting.

10.6     To consider any additional budget requirements for 2005/2006

The Council resolved to circulate comparative information on the accounts and to make a decision at the next meeting. This was proposed by Mrs Bailey and seconded by Mr Dominy.



It was noted that Baydon Resource group should be providing a regular update for the Council.    



It was noted that St Nicholas School didn’t get money from the Fiveways development despite 6 children from these properties attending the school. The Governors would like Baydon Parish Council to support them in obtaining additional funds from the development on Aldbourne Road and its associated section 106 agreement.


It was noted that Ramsbury are running a trial scheme for recycling of plastic bottles.


It was noted that a van is consistently parking on the pavement along Aldbourne Road, near 1 Ermin Street.   


13.         Next meeting

It was noted that the date of the next meeting is Monday 28th November. Items for the agenda to reach the Clerk before Wednesday 20th November.



The meeting concluded at 10.10 p.m.


















Chairman :  ________________________________                      Date : _______________




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