28th November 2005 (Subject to approval at BPC meeting on 28th January 2006)



Mr K. Barnes (Chairman)

Mr S. Grove

Mr T. Dominy

Mrs J. McGowran

Mr J. Grove

Mr A. Seymour

Also in attendance: L. Knight (Clerk), Cllr S Findlay, 1 member of the public.

1.             APOLOGIES

Apologies received from Mrs S. Bailey. Cllr C Humphries advised the Clerk that he would be unable to attend the meeting.



There were no declarations of interest on any matter on the agenda.



The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed and signed as a correct record.


4.             CLERK’S REPORT

4.1         Matters from Previous Meetings


Land at Baydon Hole – No update from KDC.


Power Supply on the Green – Under section 194 of the Law of Property Act 1925 the erection of any building or fence, or the construction of any work, which prevents or impedes access to land which was subject to rights of common on 1 January 1926, is unlawful unless consent is obtained.  While the registers (i.e. Commons register, parish records, registers held by Public Records Office) may provide that no rights of common are registered under the Commons Registration Act 1965, this is not conclusive evidence that such rights did not exist before that date. As the position on the existence of rights in 1926 is often unclear, it would seem sensible to apply to the Common Land Branch, Defra, for consent anyway. NB. There is no mention of a fee; however a notice advertising the proposed works must appear in at least one principal local paper.  


Sarsen, Mowing in Village – The clerk met with a representative from Sarsen on 14th October to discuss sub-contracting the mowing in the village. As the areas to be mown are very small, the contract is only worth about £90 per year.


Naming of Fiveways – Stuart Hatton-Pocklington has confirmed that the results are in favour of a change of Fiveways. He has informed all the occupants and intends to make a visit on site to organise a replacement sign.


Bank Account – Application form for RBS “Treasurer’s Account” passed to Councillors to sign. Signatories for the account need to arrange to visit a branch, with proof of id and home address, to open the new account.


Development Plan for Baydon – Cllr Twigger’s copy of the Ramsbury Plan is still being circulated amongst the Councillors.


Portman Savings Account – Covering letter from existing signatories (S Bailey & K Barnes), given to new signatories (T Dominy & J Grove) along with request form for change of signatories. New signatories to visit branch, with original forms of proof of id and proof of home address.  


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Power Supply on the Green – Southern Electric have been given the correct contact address and the outstanding bill has been paid. See Finance item 9.1


Baydon Booklet – K. Barnes reimbursed for cost of printing. See Finance item 9.1 


Training – Clerk attended a mentoring session on 20th October.  


Notice boardPosters from the Sustainable Communities dept within the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust placed on notice board outside the shop.


Kerbside Recycling Scheme – Clerk has taken delivery of 15 black recycling boxes, on 2 separate occasions, so that parishioners have the option of collecting additional recycling boxes locally. Posters were placed on the notice boards. An advert to this effect has been submitted for inclusion in the next edition of Scene in Baydon.



5.1         To agree the adoption of the draft Standing Orders

Mr Grove proposed the adoption of the Standing Orders. This was seconded by Mr Dominy.   

5.2         To consider the purchase of a sign for the Church

Mr Barnes volunteered to make a sign rather than purchase one. It was noted that there may need to be a site meeting with a representative from the Parochial Church Council to discuss the location of any sign(s).

5.3         To agree the 2006 dates for Parish Council Meetings and the Parish Assembly

The list of proposed dates was agreed. To be published on notice board and website.


6.             CORRESPONDENCE

6.1         Kennet District Council, questionnaire on the proposals for Devizes town centre - It was decided that there would be no response from the Council.

6.2         SLCC Regional Conference 9th December 2005 – Neither the Clerk nor the Councillors wish to attend the conference.

6.3         Community First, Rural Community Transport Grants – It was suggested that this leaflet should be passed to BYPA as it may be more relevant to them.

6.4         Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS) consultation events – As there strategy does not appear to affect the parish, it was decided that the Council would not be responding to the consultation.

6.5         Wiltshire Strategic Board, survey for the “Leading by Example” initiative – Mr Barnes to respond.


The Council noted the following correspondence that was handled between meetings

6.6         West Berkshire Council, feedback on West Berkshire Council, feedback on Local Development Framework Options consultation – circulated to Councillors for information.

6.7         Kennet District Council newsletter “Kennet News” (Sept/Oct edition) – circulated to Councillors for information.

6.8         South West Regional Spatial Strategy Update, Issue 3 October 2005 – circulated to Councillors for information.




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6.9         Wiltshire Association of Local Councils, County circular for October 2005 – circulated to Councillors for information.

6.10       Community First – Parish Plans Update (Grant funding) - circulated to all Councillors for information.

6.11       Wiltshire County Council, Cabinet resolution on reorganisation of the Police – circulated to all Councillors for information.



The following planning applications were noted :

7.1         K/53018/F,  5 Manor Lane         Notice of Full Planning Permission



The meeting was be suspended to allow members of the public to speak to the Council. 


After this period the meeting was resumed.


9.             FINANCE

9.1         The Council noted the following cheque payments made between meetings

Cheque No. 297      K. Barnes        £99.29

Cheque No. 298      Southern Electric £35.99

9.2         Cheques for the following payments were approved and signed : 

Liz Knight, Clerks fee 17 Oct ’05 – 27 Nov ‘5                                                             £320.12

9.3         To approve the budget for 2006 – 2007

The budget was approved. NB. The breakdown of anticipated expenditure for 2006/2007 does not include estimated costs for the management of the Parish field.

9.4         To agree the precept for 2006 -2007

The Council unanimously agreed not to increase the precept. A precept of £5422.50 will be requested.   

9.5         To discuss and agree the purposes to which the Council’s unspent precept should be applied

It was agreed that £200 be spent on village maintenance e.g. refurbishing the notice board on the corner of Downsmead and purchase of black & white paint to repainting road signs. NB. Part of the Council’s cash reserves will need to be used to fill the shortfall between the precept and the budget, and to cover the costs of maintaining the Parish field.

9.6         To approve the Parish Council accounts for 2004 -2005

The accounts for 2004-2005 were reviewed and approved by the Council.

9.7         To consider transferring the cashbook to an electronic version using a spreadsheet

It was noted that no software needed to be purchased as the Clerk has Excel on her computer and this will be used to create a spreadsheet. Council agreed that the cashbook could be transferred to a spreadsheet.



The Christmas tree will be delivered on 9th December 2005. Carols around the Christmas tree will be on Friday 23rd December at 6.30pm.    



Mr Seymour advised the meeting that he had attended the Link Good Neighbour meeting in Aldbourne and that it seemed like a very worthwhile scheme. The Council have been asked for a donation. It is thought that this is to help with setup costs as once the scheme is up



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and running it is expected to be self financing. Cllr Findlay confirmed that the scheme has been working well in Ramsbury for the past 3 years. Launch date is 1st February 2006. Link good Neighbour Scheme update to be added to the agenda for the next meeting.


Mr Grove presented his plan for management of the Parish field. The costs do not include topping the field which will need to be done 3 or 4 times. Quotes for topping the field to be obtained for the next meeting.


It was noted that as the heating in the hall was not working during the meeting that perhaps a discount on the hall hire should be requested.


12.         Next meeting

It was noted that the date of the next meeting is Monday 9th January 2006. Items for the agenda to reach the Clerk before Friday 30th December.



The meeting concluded at 9.40 p.m.































Signed :  ________________________________                      Date : _______________













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