

Barbara Furber





Baydon Parish Assembly



Mr Kevin Barnes chaired the Baydon Parish Assembly on Friday 20th April 2007 which was held in the St.Nicholas School Hall. Parish Councillors Don Carmichael, Jason Haythorn-Thwaite was also in attendance.


In his report from the Parish Council Mr Barnes explained that the PC had met seven times during the year on Monday evenings and had dealt with 17 planning applications the largest of which was the 26 houses off of Aldbourne Road. The latter application still had to be agreed. It was, he added, 16 months since the PC had had any contact with Gleeson the developers.


Mr Barnes reported that the Information / Contacts Booklet had been delivered to every household in the village. Updated copies were available at the Post Office Stores. New recycling initiatives which were government led, had been introduced in the village, though as yet no plastic or cardboard kerbside collections were available.


In the Best Kept Village Competition Baydon were 6th out of 7 last year. This year Mr Barnes pleaded with house owners to be ware, particularly between May to July whilst the judging is taking place, and keep the front of their properties tidy. The PC was this year looking at maintaining some areas in the village i.e. The Green, some verges and the Church yard. Tenders had been invited. Mr Barnes applauded those who already maintain the grass areas outside their own properties. Dog fouling, he said was a continuing problem, as was litter.


Social events organised by the PC included Bonfire Night, Carols on the Green, Beating the Bounds (On Monday 7th May this year at 10am) were all successful. Mr Barnes asked that everyone support the fundraising efforts by the youngsters who are working towards a BMX track on the Parish Field. Mr Barnes concluded by saying that there was still a vacancy for anyone interested in joining the PC. The AGM would be held on Monday 14th May 2007.


District Councillor Susan Findley was unable to attend and her report was read by Mr Barnes. In it she said that the great concern at Kennet DC at the moment was Wiltshire’s desire for a unitary authority. Kennet Councillors were very much against this and she pleaded for parishioners to air their views on the Kennet web site. Mrs Findley wrote that the recycling scheme was now working well, particularly in the Baydon area. She ended her report with congratulations to the PC for their full involvement in the village.


The Head Teacher of St. Nicholas School, Mr Peter Chambers was also unable to attend but sent his report to be read. In it, he wrote that the school now had 99 pupils and were looking forward to an intake of 18 children in September. The quality of the teaching, he wrote, was reflected in the excellent SAT results. Activities this year had been many and varied with Wagtails and After School Clubs providing “wrap around care” he added. Links with the community included successful Senior Friends Lunches, Church Services and the Fete.


Chairperson of the Baydon Young Peoples Association – Ms Venice Marriott-Webb also sent her report to be read. She wrote that 45 children between the ages of 8 and 16 met at two sessions each week, Tuesday and Fridays, enjoying a range of activities.


Mrs Pat Barnes gave her report of the various indoor and outdoor activities enjoyed by the Baydon Brownies, who have just celebrated their 4th anniversary. Some of the badges worked on by the girls included Wildlife, Brownie traditions and Knots. The pack visited Brownie Revels in Marlborough. Eight new Brownies have been enrolled, whilst the older ones have moved on to the Guides in Aldbourne.


Mrs Denise Dawson leader of the Little Crickets Pre-School Group reported that there were 23 children on the register plus a waiting list. A wide variety of learning activities had taken place on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday throughout the year, and several fundraising events had also taken place.


The highlight of the year followed a 2 day OFSTED inspection in February. The group were congratulated on its calm and happy environment and its outstanding quality of care and education in a glowing OFSTED report. The Little Crickets were also being presented with an award by Wiltshire County Council on the strength of the report as; it was said, rare to see such an outstanding report from OFSTED.


Ms Liz Knight explained the purpose of the Baydon Resource Group which had been set up to provide recreation facilities for all age groups in the village. 5 members of a steering group were at the moment supporting the youngsters in their quest for a BMX track. Ms Knight said to look out for a questionnaire and to check the village web site for more details.


Mr Tony Topp then gave a short report from the Parochial Church Council in which he said the average congregation was 20 with up to 70 on Family Services. Sunday Services were at 9.30 each week and the Family Service was led by the School. Finance was a serious concern this year the accounts showed a shortfall of £7000. An appeal recently received a good response but more money was still needed if the parishioners were not to lose the clergy or even the building itself.


He reminded everyone that this years Fete is to be held on June 16th. Mr Topp ended with thanks to the PC for their continued help with graveyard maintenance and to all the others who helped with the upkeep.


Mr Lee Hogan, reported that the Cricket Club was in its 21st session with Tom Ellis as captain and Mr Steve Sutton as Chairman. Mr Hogan said that the club would appreciate more support from the village at its Sunday matches.


Mrs Sheila McCleery in her report as President of the Women’s Institute said that she was pleased to report an increase in membership this year. Visits, talks and social times had been enjoyed by the members. A fund raise which was hugely successful and well supported by friends also enabled a donation to be sent to the Prospect Hospice. 200 new Daffodil bulbs had been planted around the village this year and Mrs McCleery added congratulations to parents who persuaded their children to allow the daffodils to keeps their heads on a little longer this year. Another exciting year has been planned, said Mrs McCleery, and new members or visitors were always welcomed.


Mrs Peggy Slater wrote that the Thursday Club still functioned well with 24 members, and had enjoyed various trips, quizzes and speakers throughout the year. A Coffee morning had proved to be a successful fundraising event with a donation being sent to the Prospect Hospice.


The new Community Police Officer who liked to be known as “Batch” was expected at the meeting but for unknown reasons did not attend.


In the public participation Mrs Janet Rees reported drains that were blocked and needed attention particularly storm drains which serve the whole village. She also requested that a Bridle path sign be re-instated on 3090 Bridleway on the Russley Road. Mr Barnes said that he would look into the matter.


Mrs Mo Lafford asked where the recycling units were at the Red Lion. Mr Barnes explained that contrary to the PC’s expectations the large wheelie bins in the Pub car park were for kerbside recycling such as glass, paper, tins and fabric, not plastic or cardboard. This was collected bi monthly. Ms Liz Knight, clerk to the PC, added that Kennet DC sent a list of dates which usually were on a Tuesday, but she had to accept whatever Kennet listed so sometimes the collection varies in day, time and duration. There is also to be a gap of three months at the end of the year, she said.


Mrs Dawson voiced concern about garden bonfires during the day – Mr Barnes agreed to look into the laws concerning bonfires.


Mrs Sue Harris asked for a sign “The Green” to be erected near the old Cottages so as to avoid confusion with the new houses which are “Fiveways”.


Mr Don Carmichael, parish councillor, explained how the PC wanted to set up a steering group in the near future to serve the village. The idea was, he said, to build up a report that would be used to guide the PC in the years ahead, and would be entitled The Parish Plan. 300 other villages, including Aldbourne, have already formulated their Parish Plans and, Mr Carmichael said, he felt this was the way forward. He advised parishioners to look out for a public meeting soon, for volunteers would be needed to man the steering group. For more details anyone interested could contact the PC and also look at the Baydon village website (


Barbara Furber

21st April 2007

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