Baydon Parish Assembly 2016
News report by Barbara Furber
A very informal Parish Assembly was held in the School Hall on Monday 27th June 2016. The meeting was chaired by Cllr Tamsin Witt who stated that an update of Parish affairs was to be seen in the next Scene in Baydon. She also mentioned the additional play equipment in the Parish playground, the new Parish Clerk and one new Parish councillor Cllr Amy Bryan (who was helping by serving drinks at the meeting).
Cllr Witt said that no one was present from Little Crickets pre-school, but they had sent a brief report.
Peter Chambers, head teacher of St Nicholas School gave his report next. He stated that there were 128 children on the role at present, 17 of which will be moving on to secondary school this July. There are 15 new children starting in September.
The school had, he said, an active Governing Body which is seeking one additional Foundation Governor. Friends of Baydon School have had a successful year raising money for iPads. The school maintains good relations with the Church, added Mr Chambers, and joint services have been well attended. Wagtails (Wrap around care) currently have around 10 children before school am and 20 after school pm. The school is thriving and he felt happy that after 24 years as head he was retiring leaving the values of Faith, Family and Achievement fully embedded in the ethos of the school. Mrs Caroline Knightley from Aldbourne will be taking over as head teacher in September.
Michael Ball from the PCC said that the average attendance at Church on a Sunday was 19, with up to 60 adult and 20 children on special services. The Church was open all day, every day and everyone is welcome. This year has seen 1 baptism, 1 wedding and sadly a great number of funerals. Thanks were extended to the Parish Council for help in maintaining the church clock and graveyard. Donations of time, materials and money over the past year, he added, have helped towards maintaining the fabric of the church but a great deal more is needed.
Julie Wyatt from the Red Lion Public House explained that she has been running the pub almost single handed for the last 18 months or so. She thanked those who had supported her, but was just not getting enough trade for the pub to survive. Julie is very keen to hear from the local community with suggestions and ideas of what people in the village would like to get from their local pub and so encourage people along more often. The B&B has recently taken off and helped the situation. Such events as the Community Lunches would continue, the pub remains available to hire for local functions and everyone is very welcome to come along to the next Ladies Night taking place on Friday 15th July (a Gentlements Night is also planned for September). This coming Friday to Sunday sees the Baydon Beer and Cider Festival with various things going on from live music, to car treasure hunt, BBQ and Quiz so do please come along if you can
Colin Yeo spoke on behalf of the Baydon Social Group which meets on the second Thursday of each month. The group put together their own programme each year consisting of trips, walks and talks. More members are very welcome, he added. The next trip will be a historical walk around Hungerford on the 14th July.
Alison Tomkin spoke on behalf of the Aldbourne and Baydon Link Scheme which gives lifts to people on mainly health related journeys or shopping trips. This is its 10th year and it has 38 volunteers. More are needed, she said, as demand may increase if the local bus services are cut in the future. Finances are healthy as donations keep up with expenses.
Rob Howes said that the Baydon Flyers (cycle club) have been in existence for 3 years. They ride out from the Red Lion 20 to 30 miles each Thursday evening. Encouragement is provided and the group return to the pub for refreshments. There are currently 10 members who have also enjoyed Bike Festivals and trip to Flanders.
Mark Austen reported that it was his 10th year of looking after the Baydon Website. He reminded everyone about the facilities on the website, the focus on news and events in and around the village, having a section for all areas of the local community including the school, pub, shop and church to village groups and the Parish Council, together with a live webcam overlooking the Village Green. Mark encouraged the leaders of groups to keep him updated with new events so that they can be fully promoted. On average around 130 people per day had looked at the website over the last month.
Laura Gregory spoke on behalf of the BYPA Committee. The focus this year was to maintain the existing fabric but, she added, the BYPA Hall was an aging building. It has been agreed to advertise the Hall’s facilities further afield. The hourly rate is to be increased but it will still be competitive.
Jim Grove reported from the Firework Committee on another successful event on the Cricket Field this year. £325.65 was in the kitty towards the next event. This year all fireworks will be let off electronically. The equipment to do this cost £1,800. A grant of £930.00 was received from the Marlborough Area Board, but fundraising is ongoing for the rest. The committee did a display for the Aldbourne Carnival and also lit the beacon for the Queen’s 90th birthday celebration. Thanks were extended to Jonathan Smith for use of the field.
The meeting closed at 8.10pm, after which refreshments were provided.
The next Parish Council meeting is to be held in the BYPA Hall on Monday 4th July 2016 at 8pm.
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