Baydon Parish Council

MONDAY 27th February 2017



To:- Councillors: Tamsin Witt (Chairman), Kevin Howell, Amy Bryan, Brian Billington

You are summoned to attend the above meeting.




Members are reminded that at the start of the meeting they should declare any known interests in any matter to be considered, and also during the meeting if it becomes apparent that they have an interest in the matters being discussed.

Cllr Billington has registered his interests on the Wiltshire Council website.


To approve the minutes of the meetings held on:

16th January 2017 (Baydon Parish Council Meeting)

1st February 2017 (Extraordinary Meeting)

To be agreed and signed as a correct record.


Police Report for February 2017 was received on 9th February and was posted on the Baydon Website. Two local crimes were reported:

09/01/2016 – Criminal damage to a vehicle, Baydon.

06/02/2017 – 2 x sheep in lamb killed by unknown dog, Baydon


If anybody would like a copy they should email the Clerk.


The full council requires seven councillors and three to be quorate.

With councillor Cockcroft’s resignation and Cllr Howell’s intended resignation the council will still be two councillors short of full council.

a)    The co-option of Sarah Chidgey and James Lawrence onto the council.


b)    To divide roles between the councillors or form small committees.

·         Planning

·         Footpaths

·         Traffic Calming

·         Playground

·         Allotments

·         Parish Steward

·         Village Plan

·         Emergency Plan

·         Parking

·         Hedgerows

·         Beating the Bounds


c)    A New Council will start in May 2017.

The 2017 election will be announced on 15 March, and all nominations must be in by 4pm on 4 April. If there are more candidates than seats (i.e. 8 +) there will be a poll on 4 May. If less candidates are nominated (i.e. less than 7) they will be declared elected unopposed.

All councillors who wish to remain on the council need to put in a nomination and they have to be handed in, in person (or a nominated person) to the office in Devizes.



The meeting will be suspended to allow members of the public to speak to the Council. No decisions can be made by the Council during PQT. After this period the meeting will be resumed and members of the public may only speak when invited to do so. 


All correspondence was circulated to the councillors.

16th January 2017 – Email from Lydia Hogan asking to volunteer to litter pick as part of her Duke of Edinburgh Award. A response was sent asking for a schedule to put this in place.

20th January 2017 – Email from Lisa Strode asking for the stones outside Tubbs Cottage, Finches Lane to be moved as they are potentially dangerous to cars parking there. The Clerk responded that the rocks were there to prevent people parking on the verge, and that the verge has been damaged due to cars parking there.

2nd February 2017 – Mark Farrell via the Baydon Website, providing details of the original purchase price of the pub and a consequent sale of land reducing the current value. This was circulated to the councillors and the committee.  

6th February 2017 – Letter from Cllr John Cockcroft, resigning his post as councillor.

8th February 2017 – Email from Richard Bayliss regarding untidy hedgerows on Aldbourne Road just outside the 30mph signs.


a)  Application:                      15/03264/FUL

                              Location:                          Russley Road, Baydon

     Comments:           The buildings which have been erected are not in compliance with the planning permission received.


b)              Application:                        16/06794/FUL


                  Location:                          Land at Top Field Farm, Aldbourne Road,                

     Comments:           An appeal hearing is to be held on 18th April and comments must be received by 17th March.   



9.1 Clerk’s Report 

1) On February 3rd the Clerk attended the first training session of the CiLCA course which was useful. There are a couple of books which the council should have in order to check legality of their actions etc which will come to about £150. Regarding the payment, the course payment was £264 and was agreed in the January meeting and paid from the 2016/17 budget. Can the £250 line in the 2017/2018 budget be used for the qualification. Not many clerks have this qualification and there are advantages for the council.

2) The nomination to make the Red Lion an Asset of Community Value. Wiltshire Council take eight weeks to make a decision as to whether it will be listed, and in the meantime a letter has been sent to Julie Wyatt at the pub for her to make any comments on the nomination.

3) The new bin was erected in Manor Lane by the permissive path to the Alpaca farm on 27th January. The bin collections started on February 8th and going forward will happen on the first Tuesday of every month.

4) The ‘Locality’ Fund is Government Funding which can be used to produce a new Village Plan. They can provide between £1000 and £9000 for this but this will have to be used before the end of the financial year. 

9.2 Red Lion

a)    Feedback from the Extraordinary Meeting  held on 1st February 2017

b)    Feedback from the Committee Meeting held on 6th February 2017

c)    Request for £200 donation for the Fighting Fund for the Lion

9.3 Parish Steward Scheme

The Parish Steward was in the village on 30th January and will next be on site on March 27th and April 27th.

To decide what are the priority jobs to be carried out.

9.4 Allotments

a) Feedback from the Allotment Association meeting held 10th February 2017

b) To discuss the mole problem

c) Discuss who the contact should be on the website and the role of the Clerk and Allotment Committee Chair.

d) Pruning of trees on unviable lots

e) Renewal of plots for 2017/2018

9.5 Community Area Transport Group Update (CATG)

a) Pedestrians in Road Sign, Ermin Street (Community Issue Number 4860)

b) 30mph limit requested to be moved further out of the village in Aldbourne Road.

c) The lack of pathway on Aldbourne Road near Ridgeway View (Community Issue Number 4687)

d) Buildouts on Ermin Street Project. Update following the PC decision not to go ahead with the Western Chicane.

e) BYPA Hall Signs (Community Issue Number 5080)

f) 30mph sign not flashing, Ermin Street (Reported Oct 2016 service request 826352)

9.6 School Parking/Road Safety Scheme

a) Flashing school warning signs not working (reported October 2016. Service Request 826363)

b) Taking Action on School Journeys Project update

c) Parking at Pick-up/drop off – proposed actions/ solutions

9.7 Emergency Response Team

An email was received from Aldbourne PC regarding their Emergency Response Team. A discussion whether it was something that Baydon should also have.

9.8 Christmas Lights

Upon inspection when the Christmas tree was erected on the Green 5 Transformers and 3 sets of lights are no longer working and need to be disposed of.

9.9 Hedgerows

In response to an email received regarding hedgerows on the Aldbourne Road. The Council to decide a course of action for landowners who do not maintain their hedgerows.

9.10 AGM

Need to consider:

a)    budget for refreshments

b)    hall hire

9.11 Little Crickets

Update regarding their OFSTED Report

9.12 Items for the Baydon Scene                                                                  

To agree items for the March Baydon Scene Publication.


10. FINANCE                                                                                                                      

10.1 Signatories for Bank Authorisation                                                                 

Cllr Bryan has been set up as a third signatory and is waiting for the pin sentry and pin number.

10.2 Income                                                                                                                                                                                       

Cricket Fund (interest)



10.3 Bank statements                                                                                                             

Barclays Community


General reserve


Cricket Fund


Petty Cash


PC Total




            10.4 Payments approved between meetings                                                                                   



Castle Water



10.5 Payments for approval    

Land Registry docs for ACV


Clerk Expenses (phone/travel to CiLCA)


WALC ‘Local Councils Explained’ book


[note:- two extra payments for approval raised at the meeting]

10.6 Moving money to the Reserve Account

£15817.05 was transferred from the Community Account to the Reserve Account.                                                                                                                     


11.1 Co-option

Sarah Hancock has attended the meeting today with a view to being co-opted onto the council in the next meeting. 




Signed      Charlotte Booth, Clerk                Date 20th February 2017



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