Baydon Parish Council

MONDAY 17th October 2016


To:- Councillors: Tamsin Witt (Chairman), John Cockcroft, Kevin Howell, Amy Bryan

You are summoned to attend the above meeting.





Members are reminded that at the start of the meeting they should declare any known interests in any matter to be considered, and also during the meeting if it becomes apparent that they have an interest in the matters being discussed.



Approval minutes of the meetings held on 12th September 2016. To be agreed and signed as a correct record.

Ex-Cllr Antony Prior wanted amendments made to Item 9 is amended from "eastern buildouts" to "western buildouts" or "proposed buildouts".



No report has been received from the police.



There are currently three vacancies for councillors.



The meeting will be suspended to allow members of the public to speak to the Council. No decisions can be made by the Council during PQT. After this period the meeting will be resumed. 



All correspondence was circulated to the councillors.

11th September 2016, Email from Dawn Lee with photographs of a badly parked van on Aldbourne Road on Sunday 11th September. The owner was visiting someone.

13th September 2016, Letter from Antony Prior to Cllr Witt and the Clerk regarding resignation from the council effective immediately.   

20th September 2016 – Email from Jane Scott re capping the precept in 2017/2018 (See item 10.2).

23rd September 2016 – Letter from the Planning Inspectorate regarding REF FBS/Y3940/4/15 a path diversion near Baydon House Farm.

1st October 2016 – Email from Laura Gregory, BYPA, requested support from the Parish Council for signs advertising the BYPA hall, in particular signs on the Aldbourne Road and Ermin Street.



a)           Application:                       E/2012/1575/FUL

                                      Location:                             Next to the Red Lion Pub, Ermin Street

Concerns were raised at the MAB meeting by Cllr Cockcroft. Update to be provided.


9. TRAFFIC CALMING MEASURES                               

a)     Neither the 30mph flashing sign near the proposed Western build-outs nor the flashing school sign are working. Both have been reported to Wiltshire Council.

b)    Councillors to agree the final decision regarding the proposed build-outs at the Western end of Ermin Street.


This is following feedback from the recent CATG meeting, regarding changes to the plans requested by the Baydon Parish Council to alleviate concerns of the immediate residents.



10.1 Clerk’s Report  

a) The electricity box on The Green was replaced on 23rd September 2016.

b) Purchase of Christmas tree Lights.

c) Land registry document purchased.

d) Pittams’ replacement tree (magnolia) and replacement of box hedges. This work will be carried out in early November. The Clerk was unable to secure a discount. Pittams did not think there was any concern regarding the magnolia growing too wide, and believed annual pruning would keep it in check.

e) Contacted Pittams regarding the complaint about mowing over flowers in the cemetery. David Pittams will ask his employees to be more careful.  

            10.2 Precept Capping

Notification was received to announce the precept was being capped at 2% in 2017/18 from government level.

a)     to discuss a response

b)    to discuss raising the precept to cover all additional costs being passed onto the Parish Councils.

            10.3 School Parking/Road Safety

To agree that Cllr Witt should meet with the school Trustees to discuss next steps in regard to safety around pick up/drop off time.            

10.4 Speed Indicator Device (SID)                                                                               

Report on SID training held on 23rd September. Cllr Witt is now qualified to work in the road. It will also be necessary to buy a new battery (approx. £50 each).

10.5 Christmas arrangement

a) Christmas Tree – Brooke Johnson have agreed to donate the tree again this year and it is proposed that this will be erected on 3rd December.

b) Refreshment budget for the carol evening. In 2015 the cost £154.49 for mulled wine and mince pies.

10.6 Event Shelters

1) The Fireworks group and the Brownies would like to use the event shelters on the 5th November.

2) Cllr Cockcroft would like to use the event shelters on 29th and 30th October. He proposes a donation is made to a village organisation in lieu of a fee.

10.7   Aldbourne Road Speed Limit              

Feedback from the CATG meeting regarding moving the 30mph sign. CATG won’t donate any funding towards this but will provide their full support and it has been added to their priority list.

10.8 Pedestrians in Road Sign

To replace this will cost approximately £200. If we purchase this it can be delivered to Steve Cook’s office at Wiltshire Council and he will arrange for the sign to be attached to the existing pole.

10.9 Social Media Presence

To discuss whether there should be a Baydon Parish Council Facebook Page and who should be allowed to post on the Baydon Noticeboard page.

10.10  Dog Fouling                                                                                                                                    

Following recent complaints received about dog fouling a letter was sent to one dog owner in the village, but no response has been received. To consider whether it be worth purchasing a dog waste bin for the worst areas? They cost in the region of £200 + VAT ( Emptying these would be the responsibility of the Parish Council.

            10.11 Manor Lane Footpath                                                                                                          

Following Mr Grove’s request to the PC in October 2015 to cut back overhanging branches from obscuring the streetlight, a decision needs to be made. Cllr Howell and Cllr Cockcroft offered to do the work as a private arrangement but have not completed this yet. Need to decide whether to pay for the work to be done around the streetlight, or a final date when Cllrs Howell and Cockcroft will complete the work.

10.12 Parish Steward Scheme

The Parish Steward attended for three days and trimmed the hedges alongside the Ermin Street pavement by the playground and cleared the pavements of weeds and leaf debris as well as the areas near the village gates with the 30mph signs.

They made it very clear they were unable to trim anything that was on private land and this therefore will remain the responsibility of the landowner.

10.13 Clerk Training

To consider the possibility of sending the clerk on the Certificate in Local Council Administration (Cilca) course. The cost is £250 and takes a maximum of 12 months after registration.

To consider membership of the Society of Local Council Clerks at a rate of £96 (£88 annual subscription and £8 joining fee).

10.14 Setting meeting dates 2017

Council to agree the dates for the 2017 BPC meetings.

10.15 Items for the Baydon Scene                                                                   

To agree items for the November Baydon Scene Publication. Suggested items are:

Advertisements for cllr vacancies (Cllr Witt to complete the copy)

Traffic Calming Update (copy provided by Cllr Witt).


11. FINANCE                                                                                                                      

11.1 Signatories for Bank Authorisation                                                             

BPC still only have two signatories (Charlotte Booth and Cllr Witt). To agree another signatory.

11.2 Income                                                                                                                                                                                                              

            WC Precept (Community)           6718.20      

            Cricket Fund (interest)      0.51          

                        11.3 Bank statements                                                                                                             

Barclays Community               £36985.81

General reserve                       £3672.13                      

Cricket Fund                             £1203.44        

Petty Cash                                £18.51                                                                           

PC Total                                    £41879.89


            11.4 Payments approved between meetings                                                                                   

            Church Clock Maintenance                     £249.60

            Grant Thornton (Annual Return)           £120

            Green Square Developments Ltd (SID Training) £210

11.5 Payments for approval                                                                                                                

            Clerk, Electricity Box for the green (£54.99 +4.75 P+P)     £59.74

            Clerk, Christmas Tree Lights (£27.99 x3)                     £83.97

            Clerk, Land Registry document (£29.99 + VAT)                    £35.98

            Cllr Bryan, new councillor training                                £108

            Cllr Witt, Streetworks Training expenses (83.6 miles x 0.45)        £37.62

            Cllr Witt CATG Meeting Expenses (19.6 miles x 0.45)          £8.82

            Cllr Cockcroft MAB meeting expenses (20.6 miles x0.45)  £9.27

11.6 Budget

a) A full report on Q1 & Q2 expenditure

b) To agree the budget categories and amounts for 2016/2017.        



            12.1 CATG Meeting

The next meeting is on the 15th December 2016.

            12.2 MAB (Marlborough Area Board) Meeting

            12.3 Hedge Cutting

There has been an increase in discussions regarding cutting hedges. These are the responsibility of the land owner and not the council.

Where hedges are causing an obstruction the Council will write to the home owners, and if there is no action, Wiltshire Council will carry out the work and bill the homeowner.

12.3 Aldbourne Road

A number of items have been reported to Wiltshire Council: Drains & Gullies need clearing along the length of Aldbourne Road, Developing Pothole broken road surface, Pothole and damaged manhole cover frame, Pothole and exposed manhole frame, 30mph sign obscured, Pothole on carriageway.



13.1 Council Tax setting 2017/2018



Signed    Charlotte Booth, Clerk           Date  10/10/2016



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