19th May 2008 (Subject to approval at the meeting on 9th June 2008)



PRESENT: Don Carmichael, Tony Prior, Alison Tomkins, Heather White

Also in attendance: Elizabeth Carmichael (Clerk) & 10 members of the public.



The Clerk advised the meeting that Mr Barnes had submitted his letter of resignation and consequently would not be attending the meeting. It was agreed that, until the new Chair was elected, the clerk should chair the meeting. The proposal that Don Carmichael be elected Chair was put forward by Heather White and seconded by Alison Tomkins. The Parish Council agreed to elect Mr Carmichael as Chairman. The Parish Council decided not to elect a Vice-Chairman.


Don Carmichael thanked Kevin Barnes for his 8 years dedicated work as both as a Councillor and Chairman and said that the Parish Council was indebted to him.


2.             APOLOGIES

Apologies received from Cllr Findlay & Cllr Humphries



Tony Prior declared a prejudicial interest, as an allotment holder, in minute item 6.1 (parts 4 & 5) and in minute items 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5 & 6.6.



Heather White’s name was removed from minute item 5.8. Subject to this amendment the minutes of the meeting on 7th April were approved and signed as a correct record.


5.             CLERK’S REPORT

The clerk advised the meeting that most of her time had been spent working with the Allotments Working Group.



The Parish Council agreed that public question time should be brought forward so that members of the public could speak to the Parish Council about matters on the agenda before they were considered. The meeting was suspended for 10 minutes. After this period the meeting was resumed.     



7.1         To consider the proposal for fund raising for the village

The Parish Council agreed to defer this agenda item to the next meeting.

7.2         To consider the report and recommendations from the Allotments Working Group, and the additional comments regarding fees, nuisance to neighbours, structures, size of compost heaps and the ownership of the lane

Heather White thanked everyone who had put in time and effort on the Allotments Working Group.



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The Parish Council considered the recommendations from the Allotments Working Group. It was agreed that

§         the Parish Council will have a form for residents to apply for an allotment

§         the Parish Council will maintain a list of tenants

§         the Parish Council will maintain a waiting list

§         all tenants will be required to sign the tenancy agreement and should be given copies of any additional rules laid down by the Parish Council 

§         each tenancy agreement should be signed by both the tenant & the clerk

§         rents will be kept low for the first couple of years in acknowledgement of the fact that tenants have had to work hard to get plots into a reasonable state for cultivation

§         pre-school and St Nicholas Primary School should not be charged for their plots

§         an agreement of the Allotment Associations responsibilities should be produced and should be signed by both the Allotment Association and the clerk (on behalf of the Parish Council)

§         the Allotment Association will be invoiced upon receipt of the bill from Thames Water

§          the Allotment Association will be required to administer the Council’s rules  

§         Tony Prior will act as Liaison Officer. He will have no powers to make decisions but instead will liaise between the Parish Council and the Allotments Association on matters regarding the allotments

§         the section of land at the top of the field is to be maintained as a wildlife area

§         if no other way can be found to protect the residents of Willow House from the activity on the allotments then a mixed hedge should be planted to provide a barrier


The new hedge would need to be planted in early autumn.

Obtain costings for mixed hedging                                                                             Action: Clerk


Document responsibilities of Allotment Association                                                   Action: Clerk


It was agreed that the following revisions be made to the tenancy agreement : i) compost heaps not to be wider than the plot ii) allotment holders not to cause a nuisance to neighbours iii) rents for half plots to be half a standard plot rent.

7.3         To discuss and agree the action plan for the installation of the water supply on the Parish field, to agree responsibility for individual tasks and to produce & agree the risk assessment

It was resolved that the clerk work with Bernie Gribble (who will liaise with Thames Water) on behalf of the Parish Council to order the water supply. A risk assessment will need to be carried out before work commences.   

7.4         To discuss and agree the action plan for the establishing of a rabbit proof fence around the allotments, to agree responsibility for individual tasks and to produce & agree the risk assessment

It was resolved that the Allotment Associate be sent a letter of agreement to order and erect the rabbit proof fencing. A risk assessment will need to be carried out before work commences.  

7.5         To receive an update on investigations into the ownership and maintenance of Willow lane and to agree the next steps

The NALC Solicitor had advised that the Parish Council would need to see the title deeds to properties near the lane in order to establish if anyone owned Willow lane. 


Write letters to owners of Willow House, The Croft, High Farm & Finches Farm     Action: Clerk


7.6         To consider writing replies to the letters of complaint regarding the allotments

It was noted that the NALC Legal Advisor had advised that letters of rely should be sent.  It was agreed that the clerk should reply to the letters, providing answers to any resolved issues.


Respond to letters of complaint                                                                                  Action: Clerk




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7.7         To discuss the cutting by Sodexho of grass verges which are the responsibility of Wiltshire County Council and the impact on the grass cutting contract

The Parish Council agreed that this year’s contract with Sodexho should be allowed to run and that the areas of grass to be cut should be reviewed and revised as necessary before the contract for 2009 is put out to tender.


7.8         To receive an update on the anti-dog fouling poster competition and to agree the next steps

Heather White advised the meeting that she had the entries for the poster competition and that a representative from the Parish Council was needed to present the prizes at the school assembly.

It was noted that if the posters are placed around the village this could result in low marks from

the Best Kept Village Competition judges. It was agreed that the Parish Council would review the posters after the meeting and pick the winners.  


8.              CORRESPONDENCE

8.1         Letter from Community First regarding the Review of Working with the Voluntary & Community sector – to be deferred until the next meeting

8.2         Consultation on the draft Wiltshire Alcohol Strategy – to be deferred until the next meeting

8.3         Kennet District Council consultation pamphlet Spatial Options for Future Development  - to be distributed

8.4         Invitation to the CPRE AGM & Supper – No-one wished to attend the CPRE AGM. 

8.5         Community First questionnaire on sport and activities in Baydon – It was agreed that the clerk should complete the questionnaire and return it on behalf of the Parish Council.       Action: Clerk


9.             PLANNING

Full planning permission had been granted for a lobby linking the sections of existing and approved garages at Dacre, Manor Lane (ref. K/58403/F). It was noted that the garage extension as approved by K/56453/F and the latest permission shall be used solely for purposes incidental to the enjoyment of the dwelling and shall not be sold off or used as a separate until of residential accommodation.


10.         FINANCE

10.1     The  Parish Council’s insurance cover was reviewed and it was agreed that additional cover was not required.The Parish Council resolved to renew the policy with Zurich Municipal.

10.2     The Parish Council agreed a budget of up to £50 for the removal of surface rubbish from the Parish field. It was noted that a scrap metal dealer may take away the metal sheets.

Arrange removal of rubbish from the field                                                                   Action: Clerk

10.3     The Parish Council agreed to defer this item discussion on renewing the clerk’s membership of the Society of Local Council Clerks until the next meeting.

10.4     It was noted that the Parish Council had not renewed its membership last year as the benefits of membership were considered to be limited. It was agreed not take up membership of Community First.

10.5     The Parish Council approved payment of the following invoices :

Smith of Derby invoice 30287 for clock maintenance                                         £ 202.10

 WALC invoice SUB08/5, annual subscription 2008/2009                                  £170.81



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11.1     It was agreed that a litter pick be organised for Saturday 31st May.

Put up notices for the litter pick                                                                                   Action: Clerk



To discuss the provision of a replacement bin for the area outside the school paddock.


It was noted that posters were required for the Best Kept Village competition.


The meeting ended at 10.20 pm





Signed :  ________________________________                      Date : _______________





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