Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 12th January 2015 held at the BYPA Hall

Draft copy subject to approval at the next meeting


PRESENT: Cllr Andrew Knowles, Chairman, Cllr John Cockcroft, Cllr Kevin Howell, Cllr Tony Prior,

Cllr Alison Tomkins, Cllr Tamsin Witt, Parish Clerk Luci Bruins, Parish Clerk, Wiltshire Cllr James Sheppard and 3 members of the public.









The minutes of the 1st December 2014 meeting were approved.



The meeting was suspended to allow the members of the public to speak to the Council. After this period the meeting was resumed. No questions were raised.



The Chairman said he had received a letter of resignation from Cllr Tomkins. He expressed thanks for her   work and contributions since November 2007 and wished her well for the future. He also thanked her and Rob Howes for their work dismantling the Christmas tree and for its disposal.



14/11435/FUL  Baydon House – demolition of existing glass house and the erection of ground floor and first floor extensions, the re-organisation of internal room layout and associated external alterations.  Mark Pettitt explained the details on behalf of Mr & Mrs Lloyd.   Councillors had no objections to the plans.  It was noted that the date for submission (2 January) of a reply from the Council did not take account of the Christmas – New Year period.  Nevertheless, Councillors agreed to send a late no objections reply.



                New Items


                7.1 Purchase of laptop & Printer

Councillors approved in principle the purchase of a computer and printer/ scanner/ copier. Cllrs Howell and Cockcroft agreed to head up project to source a laptop and printer. Cllr Prior proposed that a procedure for the operation of a Council owned computer facility be prepared for the next meeting. Councillors agreed to this proposal. A draft list of contents will be forwarded to them.                                                                                                                                                                            


                7.2 Broadband Speed

Cllr Sheppard advised that a Fibre Optic Broadband should be in place in 6 months.


                7.3 Second event tent

Cllr Cockcroft had circulated three quotations. Councillors agreed to accept the Marshall Leisure quotation for the tent with doors, sides totalling £287.90 and a connecting section from Campmania at a cost of £15.99 plus delivery. 


                7.4 Village Plan

Carried forward.                                                                                                                                              


7.4 Asbestos fly tipping

Cllr Prior had received an email from Rebecca Davies, Wiltshire Council on 25th November 2014 confirming that a letter had been sent to the landowner requesting safe clearance.  No update had been received.                                                                                                                                                                                 


7.5 Traffic Calming measures

Cllr Witt attended a CATG meeting on 8th January 2015.  Downsmead will be completely resurfaced in the near future.  A speed limit review on the Baydon-Aldbourne-Ogbourne St George road will be with completed by the end of January.  Martin Cook has the replacement pedestrian sign ready for installation.  CATG has agreed to support the Baydon application for funding from a central Government fund which is administered by Wiltshire Council for another traffic calming device.  Cllr Witt will meet Steve Hind on site to draw up plans and submit by the end of June.


                7.6 Playground Swings

Cllr Witt had spoken to Miracle who claim planning permission is not required. Cllr Witt has emailed Wiltshire Council to check on this and a reply is awaited.                                                                          


                7.7 Parish Steward Progress

                The Chairman is monitoring the progress. Carried forward.                                                         


                7.8 Footpath off Manor Lane- handrail

The Chairman is waiting for a third quotation. There have been talks with Wiltshire Council about the possibility of combining this project with work being planned for the footpath between Ermin Close and Manor Lane.                                                                                                                                                                


                7.9 Trees on the green

Cllr Witt has asked three contractors for quotations for getting the trees removed. A question about replacement will be asked at the Parish Assembly.                                                                                  


7.10 Letters to Residents re: private hedges    

Carried forward.                                                                                                                                              


                7.11 Pittams 2015 Contract          

                The Chairman has a meeting with Pittams on Saturday 7th February 2015.                             


                7.12 Youth Worker update

Cllr Witt reported that a notice about restarting the youth club had been placed in the Scene in Baydon magazine. The AGM is provisionally arranged for the 30th March 2015.


                7.13 ROW Planning Inspectorate meeting – BAYD 2 & 11

The Chairman reported that application for the diversion and closure of parts of BAYD 2 and 11 has been approved subject to some amendments which will be published and open to objection.



    8. FINANCE


                8.1 HMRC income tax

Cllr Prior explained the sequence of correspondence which commenced on 4 February 2014 until the latest letter dated 12 December 2014 regarding Mrs H. Knowles salary during her employment as Clerk.

Calculations had been submitted identifying that an income tax excess of £6.28 had been paid by the Parish Council in 2013-14. This was agreed by HMRC in a letter dated 18 August 2014 but checking may require further information. The possibility of a manual assessment following submission of bank statements had not been progressed by the date of the meeting. He pointed out that the 2012-13 and 2013-14 accounts had been approved and audited.

8.1 HMRC income tax (cont)

He suggested that the time taken and work undertaken on this case was now disproportionate to its value. He offered two choices for consideration by Councillors. (1) The Chairman could look through his records   and discuss the way forward over outstanding detail with HMRC. (2) The £6.28 be recorded as a non-reclaimed amount. He wished Councillors to consider Item 8.3 in conjunction with the foregoing.


8.2 Clerk payment

Mrs A. Grieve had agreed to refund the August 2014 payment and proposed paying half of it in January and February 2015. The Councillors endorsed Cllr Prior’s agreement to that method.


8.3 Income at 15 December 2014.

RBS Interest 0.23, Allotment rent 10.00

RBS Other.   A letter about the possibility of restricting access to Parish Council accounts if a response was not forthcoming had been received. A complaint letter was written informing RBS that the Parish Council had done nothing incorrectly. The outcome was that an offer of £150 compensation was made and accepted.

Cllr Prior then asked Councillors to consider this sum in relation to Item 8.1. It was agreed that £6.28 should be recorded as a non-reclaimed amount and, following the HMRC reply to the latest Parish Council letter, an appropriate response be  made.


8.4 Consideration of Internet Banking

In view of consideration of moving to a Parish Council computer system for documents (Item 7.1) Cllr Prior proposed that internet banking would be a natural development. Cllrs agreed with this proposal.

RBS do not have an account requiring two signatures. Barclays have been asked the same question and a reply is awaited. Other banks will be approached.


8.5 RBS statements at 15 December


Treasurers a/c                   31375.72

Reserve a/c                          2927.79

Petty cash                                 12.58  (6.48 Clerk stationery)



8.6 Payments made between meetings



Cllr Prior noted that these items, by definition, do not appear on an agenda for approval. Councillors sign for them and payment is made. They are recorded in the next meeting minutes and are necessarily for those approved in the budget.

Invoices that are received with payment conditions after the agenda is published are approved at the meeting ie in public, thereby meeting the need for maximum transparency.


8.7 Payments made at meeting


Brydgette Byron-Edmonds leaving gift                   30.00

Carols on the green refreshments                        145.00

Councillors thanked Debbie, Baydon Stores for the loan of heating equipment etc.

BYPA PC hall hire April – December 2014               80.00                                                                          





Baydon Village Bake Off to be held on 7th March 2015- weather permitting on the green otherwise at The Red Lion.

It was suggested that a date for a litter picking be fixed.

PC filing cabinet to be transferred from Rowan Cockcroft to the Clerk.




The meeting was closed at 9.20pm.   Signed……………………………..   Cllr Knowles, Chairman   Date……………………….



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