Minutes of Meeting held at the BYPA Hall on 15 February 2010


(Draft copy. Subject to approval at the next meeting)



PRESENT: Cllr Tony Prior (Chair), Cllr Michael Edmonds, Cllr Alison Tomkins, County Cllr Chris Humphries and 8 members of the public.


1. APOLOGIES –  Cllr Tamsin Witt


The Chairman opened the meeting at 8.04 pm.




Cllr Tomkins declared a prejudicial interest in item 7.3



The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 11th January 2010 were approved.



The meeting was suspended so members of the public could speak to the Parish Council. Two street lights were reported as malfunctioning, these need reporting to Wiltshire Council.

                                                                                                                        Action: Clerk


The Items were reported in Appendix A.




The Clerk had circulated the report to Cllrs as Appendix B.




7.1  Baydon House – To approve extinguishment of BAYDON 1    


The Cllrs approved the extinguishment of the part of BAYD1 between BAYD11 and BAYD30 which had been dedicated as a replacement diversion in August 2009.

The Clerk was asked to formally notify Sally Madgwick, the Rights of Way Officer, regarding the Parish Council decision.                                                                                          Action: Clerk


7.2 Baydon House – To consider the PC response to application for part of BAYD11 extinguishment and diversion.


The Chairman explained the facts regarding the proposal to divert part of BAYD11.  In 2007 the Parish Council had received 12 letters opposing the diversion, some of which stated the requirement to walk in front of Baydon House as a reason. There were 4 in favour. The 2007 village leaflet response was 51% opposed and 41% in favour.

Councillor Edmonds stated that the diverted path is well maintained and affords good views of the countryside. The Chairman stated that the public would be able to walk to Baydon House as the route is an unclassified public highway. He also referred to the original comments made by WC Rights Of Way Department, namely, “It did not wish to object”, “It would seem appropriate to divert both bridleways under the Highway Act in the interest of the owner” and “it could be argued not substantially less convenient”.

After discussion, the Cllrs approved the proposal to extinguish the part of BAYD11 from the five-bar gate to the start of BAYD30 and nominate the existing alternative route outside Baydon House buildings as a continuation of BAYD11 bridleway.

The Clerk was asked to formally notify Sally Madgwick, the Rights of Way Officer, regarding the Parish Council decision.                                                                                          Action: Clerk 




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7.3        E/09 1422/FUL  Redcliffe Homes Ltd - To consider letters from residents regarding play/garden area in Newton’s Walk development and associated lighting.


Play Area – The current developers are advertising the area as ‘Private’ which is not the current understanding of the village residents who had requested further clarification. The Chairman asked the Clerk to seek clarification from the Planning Officer regarding the agreed conditions for the development.                                                                                             Action Clerk


The Chairman has approached Redcliffe Homes Ltd regarding the use of some of the S106 money for the village play area.


Street Lighting -   Cllr Tomkins was present as Cllr Humphries advised that her interest was non prejudicial.


The Cllrs agreed to object to the current street lighting plan, particularly as they are still awaiting more detailed street lighting information from Wiltshire Council. The Cllrs felt that the level of lighting was too high and not in keeping with the scale and density of that currently in the village. The Cllrs approved the proposal to report the following recommendations to Mark Wiltshire, Development Control Officer, Wiltshire Council.


·         Reduce the total number of street lights in Newton’s Walk from 7 to 4, one of which should be as located as planned at the entrance to Newton Walk.

·         Remove the 3 street lights on Aldbourne Road as unnecessary.

·        Provide more detailed information  regarding the street lights eg sodium, height etc in Newton’s Walk

Action Clerk


E/10/0141  Redcliffe Homes Ltd – Latest planning application


Cllr Humphries confirmed that there are currently two active planning applications regarding the Redcliffe Homes development:


·         E/09 1422 This is already called in to be heard at committee, (requested after the 30th November Parish Council Meeting.) This is likely to be heard at the WC Planning Meeting on the 18th March.

·        E/10/0141 The Parish Council agreed not to call-in this application as there were no specific planning objections to this plan


Cllr Tomkins pointed out that the schedule of dwellings regarding York houses is incorrect as they are listed as 3 bedroom houses but the lay-out shows 4 bedrooms.


Due to the concerns of residents and the confusion over some of the current planning applications details the Parish Council approved the proposal to request the Enforcement Officer to attend the site.                                                                                                                  Action Clerk




8.1        The Traffic Calming Working Group, (TCWG) speeding issue lodged with Marlborough Area Board, (MAB)


The Parish Council approved the speeding issue which has been forwarded by the TCWG to the MAB.  The MAB have asked that the PC also raise the issue. The Cllrs approved this request.                                                                                                                                 Action: Clerk


8.2        To receive a report on the purchase of 30mph stickers. – Deferred to the next meeting.


8.3        TCWG report. – The Chairman reported that the Community Speed Watch, (CSW) arrangements were discussed at the MAB meeting on the 8th February. The Chairman proposed that the Parish Council apply for a CSW assessment. This was approved.          Action: Clerk





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8.4        Report on progress towards the weatherproofing for the Downsmead notice board. The Clerk reported that Councillor Edmonds has found an alternative source but that it was not a bespoke size and would require painting black.  The Cllrs approved the proposal to purchase the notice board; the painting and installation will be done by volunteers.                Action: Clerk                

8.5        Report on PlayBuilder progress.  The Clerk and the Chairman attended the WC PlayBuilder meeting on the 25th January. Ella Coghlan has been appointed as our liaison officer and has visited the Parish Field which she described as a very suitable site with lots of potential.  


There are several conditions regarding the £10,000 grant eg. consultation with the children in the 8 -13 year group.  The Play Area Working Group is scheduled to meet on the 22nd February and Mr Chambers, (St Nicholas School Head Master) has been approached regarding a consultation exercise. There may be scope for an open village consultation (possibly a Saturday) once plans are more mature.


The Chairman is pursuing other grant sources for the under 8s.


8.6        Report on the cost of hedge planting on the Parish Field.  The Chairman has received advice not to plant the hedge close to and beneath the existing large trees.  The Chairman proposed buying hedging for the east boundary section only (at this time). This proposal was approved.  Councillor Edmonds offered to install the hedge if it was procured for installation between the 14th to the end of March.                                                                       Action:  ANP/ME


8.7        Report on the Parish Field fence and the removal of hedge debris.  The fence rails have been purchased and are due to be installed on the 20th February by a group of volunteers led by the Chairman.           


8.8        The condition of the track leading up to the Parish Field.  The Cllrs have visited the track site to review the condition.  The Parish Council did not accept that the very limited traffic to the Parish Field has caused the damage claimed. The Chairman commented on a letter that the Parish Council had received and stated that he did not accept that the Parish Council had behaved with arrogance or were ‘playing politics’.


The Parish Council approved the proposal not to make repairs to the track.


8.9        The PC Risk Assessment – This has been circulated to Cllrs and was unanimously approved.


8.10      MAVCAP request for PC opinion about a MAVCAP website – The Cllrs did not want to duplicate Baydon web data on any future MAVCAP site.  They agreed to a proposal to link the current Baydon website from any future MAVCAP site.                                             Action: Clerk


8.11      Response to waste collection options - Deferred to the next meeting.


8.12      To consider mounting of Best Kept Medium Village plaques 1987, 1989, 1991 – The Cllrs approved the proposal not to mount these plaques as they were over twenty years old.  The Clerk will store them with the Parish Council documents         .                                    Action: Clerk    


8.13      The Cleaning Allowance  - The Cllrs approved a proposal to use the Cleaning Allowance towards clearing the area at the junction between Manor Lane and Ermin Street.


8.14      Contacting the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust regarding the pond area – The Cllrs approved a proposal to contact the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust to survey the pond area.                  Action: ME/Clerk



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9.1        Payment made between meetings:


Two payments were approved:





MBS – Fencing Rails




Audit Mazars


9.2        Payment to Withy King.  (113)  Payment of £275 ex VAT to Withy King, for legal advice and letter regarding emails, was approved.


9.3        Report on grant applications


Village Gates  - The gate grant application for £582 has been approved by the Marlborough Community Area Board (MCAB). The gate project is £974 ex VAT.  The Chairman offered a vote of thanks to the TCWG for the work they are doing, particularly now the new 30mph signs into the village have been installed.


Water Supply - The water supply grant application for £619 has been approved by the MCAB board, the total cost of the project is £1239 ex VAT. The Cllrs approved the Contractors, Land Management Services, at a cost of £571.11 ex VAT to carry out the water supply work. There is a possibility that there may be a cost over-run


The Chairman recorded the Parish Council’s thanks to MCAB for the grants.


9.4        Bank funds reconciliation statement for January 2010. - The statement was approved by Cllrs. The total in the bank is currently £23,193.57, (£14,139.85 in the current account, £699.16 in the Allotment account, £ 8354.56 in the Recreation Account) and £45.69 in the Petty Cash.


9.5        Monthly standing order for the Clerk’s salary.   Held in private after the conclusion of the public meeting.  The review of performance was carried out and Cllrs agreed it was more than satisfactory. An increment step was approved as per contract. Cllrs also approved a monthly standing order of £216.43 to start on the 5th May 2010.


9.6        Payment of Clerk’s salary for the period 30 November 2009 to 28 February 2010. The Cllrs approved a payment of £636.79 to the Clerk.  The total cost to the Parish Council is £795.98.




10.1      2010 Beating the Bounds -  The Cllrs agreed the  ‘Beating  the Bounds’ date as Monday 3rd May 2010.


10.2      Meeting with Thames Water to discuss track condition -  The Chairman has not yet had a response from Stuart Burnley, Thames Water. The Chairman will follow it up.


10.3      Allotment Payments – The Chairman and Clerk have received letters from the Baydon Allotment Association requesting a review of the £20 rent. Unfortunately these letters had not been received in time to be included on the agenda.  The request will be considered for the next meeting.


10.4      Horse Warning Signs – A letter has been received from Wiltshire Council, Mark Stansby, regarding Horse Warning Signs. This has been passed to the TCWG for consideration.


10.5      Grass Cutting -  The contract for grass cutting will now include the entrance to Ermin Close.   The good quality of service experienced in 2009 and comparative cost will be factors in the final decision.




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11.1      To receive a report on the purchase of 30mph stickers


11.2      Response to waste collection options  


The meeting closed at 10.04pm







Signed............................................                       Date..................................




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