Minutes of Meeting held at the BYPA Hall on 16th February 2009

(Draft copy. Subject to approval at the next meeting)

PRESENT: Cllr Tony Prior (Chair), Cllr Ian Timms, Cllr Alison Tomkins, Cllr Tamsin Witt, Elizabeth Carmichael (Clerk) and 3 members of the public. County Cllr Chris Humphries joined the meeting at the end of the discussion on item 6.7.

Before the meeting commenced the Chair repeated his request for people to fill the vacancies on the Parish Council and said that the Council was desperately seeking new Councillors.

1.             APOLOGIES

District Cllr Susan Findlay.


Both Cllr Ian Timms and Cllr Tony Prior declared prejudicial interests in agenda item 6.2 as they have allotments. Cllr Witt declared a personal interest in agenda item 6.2.


The minutes of the meeting on 9th January approved and signed as a true record. 


The meeting was suspended so that members of the public could speak to the Parish Council.

5.             Clerk’s REPORT

The Parish Council noted receipt of the Clerk’s report. The Clerk advised the meeting that an action date had been added and that when more time allowed she would ensure that each agenda item was given a unique reference number that could be tied back to the first meeting where the subject was discussed. It was noted that Clerk was progressing the work associated with changing the saving account.  


6.1         Playground Project/S106 Money - It was noted that the Clerk had sent an email advising that the quotes and draft letter to Kennet District Council (KDC), that had been distributed to the Parish Council by a member, should have been done in sufficient time to allow them to be read before the meeting. All members acknowledged that they had read the relevant papers and were happy to continue with this agenda item. The Council considered the draft letter and the proposed budget for a playground. It was acknowledged that the main aim of the letter to KDC was secure the S106 money and did not commit the Parish Council to any expenditure. The Clerk advised the meeting that as the Parish Council have not yet decided what play equipment will be purchased, the letter should be amended to clarify that costings were for illustrative purposes only. The Parish Council agreed and, subject to this amendment, the letter to KDC was approved.

Send letter to KDC                                                                                                      Action: TP

6.2         Allotments on the Parish Field - As prejudicial interests had been declared by 2 Councillors, the Parish Council did not have a quorum and therefore could not consider the options presented by the solicitor with regard to the use of the Parish field for allotments.

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6.3         Parish Footpath Improvement Grants - It was agreed that the Parish Council had enough projects this year and consequently would not be applying for a grant.

6.4         Best Kept Village Competition – Due to current Council workloads the Parish Council decided not to enter the competition this year.

Information on the competition to be circulated to all Cllrs for future reference         Action: Clerk

6.5         Calor Wiltshire Village of the Year Competition - The Parish Council decided not to enter the competition this year due to current workloads.

Information on the competition to be circulated to all Cllrs for future reference         Action: Clerk

6.6         New Councillors Training Day - It was agreed that Cllr Timms and Cllr Prior should attend the training on 4th April and that the final reserved place and costs should be discussed and agreed at the end of the meeting after the Council had considered the co-option of Mr Routledge.

6.7         Marlborough Pilot Area Board - It was agreed that Cllr Timms should be the nominated representative who would attend future meetings. If Cllr Timms is unavailable to attend any meeting, Cllr Witt will go in his place. It was noted that the next meeting will be held at Ogbourne St George village hall on 3rd March.

Clerk to send previous minutes to Cllr Timms                                                          Action: Clerk

(After the meeting Cllr Humphries said that he would arrange for the previous minutes and documents to be sent to Cllr Timms).

County Councillor Chris Humphries joined the meeting prior to the start of agenda item 6.8.

6.8         Highways issues as a result of the snow - In addition to the concerns over the roads not being cleared or gritted, the pavement outside the school had not been cleared until Friday 6th February and a boy with a broken arm had to be taken to the ambulance as it could not drive into the village. It was noted that there was a grit box was required for the corner of Ermin Street/Manor Lane. Cllr Humphries advised the meeting that all grit boxes would be refilled as a matter of course before next winter. It was agreed that a letter be sent to Highways regarding the problems experienced during the recent snow fall and the required grit box.

Clerk to send letter to Highways                                                                                Action: Clerk

6.9         Land Maintained by Highways - The Clerk advised the meeting that Kennet District Council (KDC) only cut the grass on the corner of Ermin Close/Ermin Street. It was agreed that KDC be instructed not to cut the grass as it will be maintained by residents.   

Clerk to advise KDC not to cut grass until further notice given                                 Action: Clerk

6.10     Clerk’s Holiday Entitlement (Nov 2007 – Nov 2008) - It was noted that the Clerk had only taken 3 weeks holiday in 2007/08 and that 1 week of leave, not 2, had been taken over Christmas and New Year period. The Parish Council approved the Clerk’s request for the week taken at Christmas to be allocated against the unused holiday entitlement for the year November 2007 – November 2008. It was agreed that normally annual leave would be expected to be taken during the holiday year (Nov- Nov) and that, by exception and by agreement with the Parish Council, up to 1 week may be carried forward to the end of the first quarter of the following holiday year. The Parish Council agreed that the Clerk should advise the Chair when holiday is to be taken and he will keep a record of annual leave used.

6.11     Contract of Employment - The Chair advised the meeting that the only signed copy of the Clerk’s contract of employment was the Clerk’s personal copy, and that the start date of employment had not been recorded. It was noted that the Clerk considered the 29 November 2004 to be her

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employment start date as this is the date of the first meeting she attended as Clerk. It was agreed that a photocopy of the document, with an appended statement that “the period of continuous employment commenced on 29 November 2004 and this document is a photocopy of the Clerk’s original personal signed copy”, should be signed by the Chair and the Clerk.

Photocopy and sign contract of employment                                                            Action: Clerk/TP

6.12     Clerk’s Priority Tasks - The Parish Council acknowledged that by making a task a priority item did not guarantee that it was actioned by the following meeting as the Clerk would only focus on priority tasks once all other work that had to be done, such as producing minutes & agendas, preparing for meetings, handling mail etc, was completed. It was agreed that an agenda item be added to future meetings for the Council to consider priority tasks for the Clerk.


7.1         Vale of White Horse, Core Strategy Preferred Options Report – The Parish Council decided not to submit a response to the consultation.

7.2         Consultation on statement of licensing policy for Wiltshire Council - The Parish Council decided not to submit a response to the consultation.

7.3         Consultation on Gambling Act 2005 Statement of Principles for Wiltshire Council - The Parish Council decided not to submit a response to the consultation.

7.4         Consultation on Statement of Sex Establishment Policy and Regulations for Wiltshire Council - The Parish Council decided not to submit a response to the consultation.

7.5         Communities in Control: Real people, real power, Consultation on Code of recommended practice on local authority publicity - The Parish Council decided not to submit a response to the consultation.

7.6         Wiltshire Council Road Shows - The Clerk advised the meeting of the dates of the new Wiltshire Council Road shows. It was noted that the road show would be at Marlborough on February 18th.


8.1         The Parish Council noted the list of correspondence for information that had been prepared by the Clerk. The Clerk confirmed that a letter requesting an allotment had been received from Shaun Liddiard and his name would be added to a waiting list. 

9.             PLANNING

9.1         The Parish Council noted application K/59774/F for 2 on-site residential units at The Downs Equestrian Centre, Russley Road had been refused planning permission.

10.         Finance

10.1     Sodexho Invoice – The Parish Council agreed to accept the credit against the Sodexho invoice.

10.2     Clerk’s Expenses – The Parish Council approved payment of £21 for the Clerk’s expenses for travel to the SLCC Conference. 

10.3     Clerk’s Remuneration – The Parish Council approved payment of £288.33 for the Clerk’s remuneration for 12th January to 15 February 2009.


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10.4     Quarterly Budgeting Report – The Parish Council noted the detailed quarterly budgeting report for January 2009 that had been prepared by the Clerk. A member asked for more time to consider the report.  It was agreed that the review of the quarterly budgeting report and its recommendations be deferred to the March meeting. 

10.5     Lane by the Parish field - The Clerk drew the Council’s attention to the statement by Adrian Moore of Withy King that he could not guarantee that the identity of the owner of the lane would ever be found. The Parish Council considered that as long as due diligence was done this was acceptable and the allocation of £300 + VAT for Withy King to carry out legal research into the ownership of the lane was approved. The Clerk stated that at the end of the investigation the conclusion reached by the solicitor regarding ownership of the lane would need to be clearly documented in the minutes as any associated correspondence may not be kept indefinitely.  

10.6     Petty Cash – The Council noted that any expenditure out of petty cash was written in a petty cash book and that the cash book referred to in previous minutes was a spreadsheet containing details of payments & receipts for the bank accounts. It was agreed that the Council would review the petty cash book annually.


It was noted that a member of the public had raised issues with both the drains in Aldbourne road and the condition of the road surface. The Clerk will report these issues and the broken street light on Ermin Street to Highways.

Cllr Humphries advised the meeting that PC Batchelor had sent his apologies as he was unable to attend the meeting.

Items for next meeting:

To consider alternative venues for Parish Council meetings

To consider putting a detailed financial breakdown on the website


12.1     The Parish Council decided unanimously to co-opt Mr Anthony Routledge. It was agreed that Mr Routledge attend the new Councillor training course on 25th April. The Parish Council approved the payment of £103.50 for 3 Councillors to attend the new Councillor training course.  


The meeting closed at 9.45 pm

  Signed:  ________________________________                      Date: _______________


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