Minutes of Annual General Meeting held at the BYPA Hall on 16th May 2011


(Draft copy. Subject to approval at the next meeting)


PRESENT: Cllr Tony Prior (Chair), Cllr Michael Edmonds, Cllr Andrew Knowles, Cllr Alison Tomkins, Cllr Tamsin Witt, County Cllr Humphries and 2 members of the public. 


1. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN AND VICE-CHAIRMAN – Cllr Prior was unanimously re-elected as Chairman and Cllr Knowles was unanimously re-elected as Vice-Chairman.


2. APOLOGIES – None.




4. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS PARISH COUNCIL MEETING – Cllr Edmonds raised an issue regarding item 7.5 of the minutes for the 4th April 2011. It was agreed to further discuss the issue under item 8.7 of the current agenda. The remaining minutes of 4th April 2011 were approved as a true and accurate record.


5. SUSPENSION OF THE MEETING FOR PUBLIC QUESTION TIME - A resident brought up the issue of children using the bank adjacent to Ermin Street as a shortcut in and out of the Parish Field. The Cllr’s agreed to put warning notices up on the Parish Noticeboard, into the Scene and onto the website, as this is an extremely dangerous practice and the only proper entrance is via the track and gate. The Cllr’s agreed to investigate the possibility of additional fencing between the Parish Field and Ermin Street.                                                                        Action: AK


A gate has been closed across Bridleway 11. It is not possible for a rider on horseback to open it. The Clerk was asked to write to the Landowner reminding him of the requirement for rider friendly gates. The Clerk was also asked to contact the Wiltshire Council, Rights of Way Officer requesting ‘Way Markers’.                                                                                 Action: Clerk


6. PLANNING – None




7.1        Traffic Calming Working Group (TCWG) report:   Cllr Witt reported the following:


a.             Baydon Community Speed Watch, (CSW.)   The CSW is going well. Cars have been tracked at up to 58 mph in Ermin Street and over 37 cars were tracked as speeding in one hour during a CSW session. The main CSW issue is the availability of additional training for those volunteers not yet trained.  The Clerk was asked to write to Wiltshire Police regarding the provision of extra training.                                        Action: Clerk


b.             Community Area Transport Group, (CATG) - The CATG are still looking into the feasibility of a mini– roundabout at the junction of Ermin Street and Aldbourne road. The CATG is due to report their findings on the 21st June 2011.  Cllr Witt plans to attend the meeting.


Two issues have been raised by members of the public: a 20mph limit on Manor Lane and a pathway to the Cricket field.  The PC agreed that the TCWG should investigate these issues further.                                                                                                                  Action:TCWG   


7.2        The Marlborough Community Area Board, (MCAB.)  There have been two meetings since the last Parish Council Meeting.  Topics included the Localism Bill and the Marlborough Emergency Plan Campaign.


7.3        The Parish Forum -   The Chairman reported that he had attended the newly formed Parish Forum on the 5th April 2011. The meeting is of a form similar to that of MAVCAP. The procedure used by MCAB and speeding in villages were discussed and the former will be raised with that body. It is currently unclear if there will be a long term requirement for the Forum.


7.4        The Parish Field:


a.                         Play area - Project status – The Play equipment is now fully installed on the Parish Field. Positive feedback has been received from residents on the choice and layout of equipment. The current S106 grant application is progressing.


b.         Mound removal cost  - The Chairman explained the sequence of events which led up to the additional cost of the mound removal. The Parish Council had previously accepted the quote from Mr Duck on the understanding that the soil could be disposed onto a farm, thereby reducing the soil disposal cost. Due to the poor quality of the soil removed this had not been possible and additional costs, (similar to other quotes), had been incurred. Eight loads of soil had been removed at a total cost of £1728 inc VAT, which was being billed directly to the Parish Council to enable VAT recovery. Cllr Edmonds confirmed that there were funds in the Reserve Account to cover the additional cost.  After discussion, the Cllr’s approved this payment.


            Cllr Edmonds agreed to spray the weeds around the edge of the ex-mound area.    

                                                                                                                                    Action: ME

c.         Play equipment Insurance - The Cllrs agreed to pay the insurance premium of £ 186.88 to insure the Playground equipment, fences and gates for a sum of £41,000.


d.            Formal Playground Opening – The Cllrs discussed and agreed to a formal opening on the 25th June at 11 O’clock. The Clerk was asked to notify the Scene and invite the following groups: Playbuilder representative (Ella Coghlan), Wiltshire Council (Chris Humphries), Newbury News, Wiltshire Gazette & Herald, The Big Lottery, Wiltshire Council S106 Representative, Miracle Play Ltd, Baydon St. Nicholas School, (Staff & Governors). The Cllrs agreed to light refreshments, for invited guests, immediately after the formal opening.                                                                                            Action: Clerk


e.            Parish Field signage requirements. – The Cllrs approved the gate signage previously circulated by the Chairman, from Newbury Signs, at a total cost of £125 inc VAT for two signs. The Cllrs agreed not to provide individual age-related signs on each piece of equipment.


f.              Equipment inspection procedure – The Chairman had circulated the ROSPA documentation package. Cllr Edmonds also provided checksheets used by Aldbourne Parish Council which the Clerk offered to circulate electronically to Cllrs.            Action: Clerk


Cllr Tomkins and Cllr Edmonds agreed to carry out weekly equipment inspections and provide log sheets back to the Clerk.                                                    Action: AT/ME


g.             A communal shed for allotment holders.  – Mrs April Jukes gave a report to the Council requesting the erection of a single communal shed for allotment holders, possibly on hard standing.  This would require a planning application from the PC as landowner. The Cllrs discussed the issue and agreed to defer the issue to the next meeting.                                                                                                                                           Action: Clerk


h.             Security Measures for the Parish Field.  – The Cllrs agreed not to pursue this matter.


i.              Allotment Rentals. -  The Cllrs agreed that outgoing allotment tenants would not get a refund if they stopped part way through their allotment tenancy. However, incoming allotment tenants would be charged a proportional rate.


7.6        Litter bin requirements:


a.              Parish Field – The Chairman stated that currently litter is not a problem on the Parish Field with most residents taking their litter home. Moreover, Wiltshire Council would not empty a litter bin on the Parish Field as the track is narrow and unclassified. After discussion the Council agreed to investigate the purchase of standalone bins that could be easily emptied by councillors.                                                               Action: ME


b.             Cricket Field. -  The Cllrs discussed the possibility of putting a litter bin at the entrance to the Cricket Field. Cllr Witt was asked to investigate with Wiltshire Council the possibility of getting a bin emptied at this location and to check with the field landowner and report back to the next Council meeting.                                                          Action: TW


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7.7        S106 conditions request. The Cllrs discussed the current constraints on the allocation of S106 money and agreed they were too restrictive. The Cllrs agreed that they should be queried with Wiltshire Council. The Chairman explained that the decision on the application for £12,000 of the S106 Gleeson/Redcliffe money was pending under the current rules and that it might be better to await that decision. The Cllrs asked the Cllr Edmonds to draft a letter to Wiltshire Council for the Clerk to distribute for agreement.                                                        Action: ME/Clerk


7.8        Parish Field Track. – Cllr Witt raised the difficulty of getting pushchairs and similar wheeled equipment up the track to the Parish Field. Cllr Edmonds suggested a hardcore path but there is no room along the track.  The Chairman said he would clear the large stones on the surface. This item was deferred to the next meeting.                                               Action: Clerk


7.9        The Queen Elizabeth II Fields Project -  Cllr Witt offered to investigate this project and report back to the next Parish Council meeting.                                                            Action: TW


7.10      The Heating Oil Community Project - The Chairman offered to raise this amongst Parish Forum members who were involved with the scheme.                                               Action: AP


7.11      Updates to the Asset Register -  The May 2011 updates, previously circulated by the Chairman, were adopted. The current Register lists Parish assets to the total of £31, 966.


7.12      Parish Councillor photographs - The Cllrs agreed to post their face photos onto the Parish website alongside a brief description about themselves.                             Action: Clerk




8.1        Payments made between meetings. -  The following payments were approved:


            A4 Hire Ltd – Hole borer                         £60 (180) incl VAT

            Collet & Co – Internal Audit                     £56 (182)

            C Duck – Mound removal                        £4090 (179)

            Miracle D&P Ltd - Phase 3 payment        £4661.84 (183)


8.2        Future Payments. - The following sums were approved for payments:


            Thames Water- April Statement              £13.65

            Chairman’s expenses ( Mar-Apr 2010)     £27.52

            BYPA Hall hire (Jan – April)                    £38.00

            Parish Assembly refreshments                £40.94

            Petty Cash Withdrawal (for Parish

             Assembly refreshments)                        £50.00

            School Hall hire (Parish Assembly)         £50.00                         


8.3        The annual Insurance quote – The Cllrs approved the annual Parish Council insurance quote of £278.87. This is the second year of the three year deal with Came & Company.


8.4        Scene in Baydon, colour edition. The Cllrs agreed to contribute the cost of £91, for a colour cover for the next edition of Scene in Baydon, to feature the new playground.


8.5        The Wiltshire Association of Local Council subscription.  – The Council approved the subscription of £187.09.


8.6        HMRC payment – The Council approved the HRMC payment of £162.33 (175)


8.7        The bank funds reconciliation statement for April 2011. The Council discussed the Parish funds statement and the Chairman explained the current status in relation to Item 4 of these minutes. The remaining balance in the ring fenced Recreation account had been transferred to the Treasurers account, consistent with previous movements. The Recreation account will be closed and the Allotment Account re-named as the Savings Reserve account.  £8000 from the Treasurers Account will be moved to the Savings Reserve in order to gain interest.


The Chairman adjourned Standing Orders.


8.8        The 2010/2011 Annual Return. – The Parish Council approved the 2010/2011 Annual Return in its entirety. The outgoing RFO will sign the document.





8.9        Changes to the bank account signatories. The Cllrs agreed the Clerk should be added to the bank account signatory list.                                                                                    Action AP



8.10      New external Christmas lights and timer.  This was deferred to the next meeting.

                                                                                                                        Action: Clerk



9.1        New Wiltshire recycling scheme and Downsmead recycling procedure.  Wiltshire Council East will begin doorstep collections of cardboard and plastic in November 2011.  Residents will continue to pay for green garden waste bin collections until February 2012 when the charge will cease.


9.2        Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) changes. The RBS Newbury branch has become part of Santander.


9.3        Parish Improvement Grant Scheme 2011.  Cllr Witt offered to investigate the details of the scheme.                                                                                                  Action: TW


9.4        Baydon Youth Provision – Hazel Keen has contacted the Parish Council to give a presentation on Wiltshire Youth Services. The Clerk was asked to reply positively to her request to present at the June 27th Parish Council Meeting.                                       Action: Clerk




10.1      To discuss a Communal Shed for Allotment holders.


10.2      To discuss the possibility of a Cricket Field Bin.


10.3      To discuss the possibility of a Parish Field Bin.


10.4      To agree the draft S106 letter to Wiltshire Council.


10.5      Discuss the Parish Field Track access.


10.6      Discuss the QEII Fields Project


10.7      To discuss the purchase of new external Christmas lights and timer.


10.8      To consider purchase of a roundabout for the play area. (deferred to a June meeting to allow feedback from the playground.)




The meeting closed at 10.02hr







Signed............................................                       Date..................................




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