Baydon Parish Council


Draft minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 16th May 2016 at the BYPA Hall, Manor Lane.


Present: Councillors: Andrew Knowles (Chairman), Kevin Howell, Tony Prior, Tamsin Witt, Clerk, Charlotte Booth and 10 residents.



Cllr John Cockcroft.



None declared.



This is the last meeting with Councillor Knowles as Chairman and as a councillor.

Chairman – Cllr Witt nominated by Cllr Prior, seconded Cllr Howell.

Vice Chairman – no nominations.

R.F.O – Charlotte Booth nominated by Cllr Prior, seconded Cllr Witt.

Councillor – Amy Bryan proposed by Cllr Witt, seconded Cllr Howell.

Councillor – Kevin Howell Co-opted by Cllr Witt, seconded by Cllr Knowles.

Cllr Cockcroft & Cllr Prior will be co-opted at the next meeting.

All posts accepted. Cllr Witt will take over as chairman at the next meeting.



The minutes dated 21 March 2016 were approved.



Nothing has been received.



Ms. Furber raised the issue of the grass verges on Downsmead as they haven’t been cut. Cllr Prior spoke to Pittams today regarding this and was told they would chase up the contractors.


Ms. Furber then raised the issue of the new proposed Virgin box in Downsmead. The Clerk had phoned Virgin to gather more information but was unsuccessful in the absence of account numbers. She will write to Virgin and request a green rather than a white box. Cllr Knowles added there was little that could probably be done as people in the village obviously require the Broadband service offered by Virgin.


Ms. Furber asked why the pond was not on the list of Parish Council sites on the notice board and Cllr Prior explained it was common land and not owned by the PC.


Ms. Moxom asked when the public meeting would be held regarding the chicanes which had been discussed in the 26 October 2015 meeting. Cllr Witt explained Highways have refused to attend the meeting and instead have issued plans. Any concerns need to go through the Parish Council. The PC can cancel the project but they cannot change the location.


Ms. Norman from Manor Farm raised some safety concerns regarding exiting her driveway with the new proposed chicane in place. Cars will be on the wrong side of the road and she does not have clear lines of sight. Ms. Blackwell suggested a mirror on the opposite side of the road and Cllr Witt suggested Ms. Norman cuts her hedge to improve her lines of sight. Ms Norman refused both suggestions and threatened legal action should the build-outs be constructed in the proposed position. Cllr Prior suggested a public meeting to be held to discuss the issue with the wider community and Cllr Knowles supported this idea. A date will be arranged.             Action: Cllr Witt



Adrian Hampton - Cllr Whitehead Email (31/3/2016) Local Highway Staff Changes (forwarded to all Cllrs).

Stephen Hind (30/3/2016) Reply regarding requested footway. Cllr Witt needs to raise this issue online.



None received.




9.1 Laptop and Printer

Cllr Prior had a few concerns regarding the wording so it will be discussed in the next meeting.    Action: All Cllrs


9.2 PC event and clerical items                                       

Most items have now been brought to the BYPA hall and the Clerk has the filing cabinet. Cllr Cockcroft to bring any outstanding items to the next meeting.


9.3 Playground                                                                                               

The playground equipment has been set up and paid for and the funding has been received. Initial feedback for the playground has been positive.


9.4 Allotments                                                                                    

Cllr Prior reported that half of plot 14, 10b, 7, and half of plot 5 are taken and plot 13 is in recovery mode.  Plot 5 has only been rented for 6 months.


9.5 Bench on the Green         

The bench will be bolted to the concrete plinth on Wednesday evening.           Action: Cllr Prior


9.6 Baydon Welcome Pack                                                                

No update. This will be removed from the agenda until further updates are received.


9.7 Speed Indicator Device (SID)

Cllr. Witt needs to pick up the device which she plans to do on Wednesday or Thursday this week.    Action: Cllr Witt


9.8 Risk assessments                                                                          

Cllr Knowles will complete the Litter Picking risk assessment this week and will circulate.

Clerk to add some detail to the internet banking risk assessment which was circulated.      Action: Cllr Knowles & Clerk


9.9  Grass cutting contract    

The contract with Pittams has been circulated to the Cllrs including the amendments regarding the box hedges on the Green. Cllr Knowles suggested they were waiting for confirmation before starting work.

Cllr Howell asked whether Pittams admitted knocking the electric box off the Green, Cllr Knowles had written to them but nothing had come from it so the PC are liable to get it fixed.        Action: Cllr Howell       


9.10 Trevor Dominy borrowing the event shelters on 24/27 June               

Request approved


9.11 Funding for the Church Paths as requested by Margaret Hill  

Ms. Blackwell, member of the Parochial Church Council, explained the paths from the gates to the road need working on and Mr Topp has started to spray the weeds. Cllr Prior suggested the council bought the gravel required in order to reclaim VAT. The cost would be £200 including VAT.

Ms. Blackwell/Ms. Hill to liaise with the Clerk. All Approved.          Action: Clerk


9.12 Dog Fouling                                                                                

Cllr Knowles stated this is becoming a problem in the village again and whilst one culprit is suspected, the Dog Warden would require photographic evidence. Cllr Witt suggested writing a letter to the individual reminding him of the legal requirement to clean up after his dog.         Action: Clerk


9:13 Insurance renewal (Quotes)                                                      

Cllr Prior had a preference for Hiscox as the cover was higher but other Cllrs preferred the cheaper option under Ecclesiastical as recommended by Came and Company. It was agreed to go with Ecclesiastical.         Action: Clerk


9:14 Parish Assembly Postponement                                                 

Cllr Knowles explained that the Parish Assembly was postponed due to no volunteer to chair the meeting. The Chair doesn’t need to be a Cllr and the meeting is about gaging public opinions on things like the chicanes.

Cllr Witt asked if there would be a budget for refreshments. This was approved.

A new chair and meeting needs to be arranged.                 Action: Cllr Witt & Clerk


10. FINANCE                                                                                      

10.1 Signatories for Bank authorisation        

Cllr Witt will be given all the forms for completion.


10.2 Income

RBS Treasurers a/c (interest)         0.76

BAA rent                                       195.00 

Cricket Fund (interest)                    1.31


10.3 Bank statements 

Barclays Community              20846.73

General reserve                        3672.13

Cricket Fund                              1200.92

Petty Cash                                     19.97                                                       

PC Total                                   25739.75


10.4 Payments approved between meetings

BYPA hall hire   INT14                      1253.25

Bench for Green INT15                      341.99

Cllr Cockcroft (boxes & bag)               42.74

Internal audit                                      114.00

WALC Subscription                             237.12

Notice Board INT-6                           1125.00  



10.5 Payments for approval

Clerk's travel expenses X2                            41.40

Cllr Prior – paint for the noticeboard           13.50                  

Clerk Stationery                                               8.00

Water Rates                                                    7.04

Clerk’s training – AR                                     12.00

Cllr Prior – Teak oil                                       14.50


All approved


10.6 Annual Return Audit

 (i) Section 2 Accounting Statement 2015-16 - Approved

(ii) >£100 expenditure list 2015-16 - Approved


The Inspection and notice period – 6 June to 15 July 2016



Cllr Witt mentioned that Julie at the Red Lion needs a volunteer to check the defibrillator. Mr Grove told us he did it normally so would speak to Julie.


Cllr Prior raised the Manor Lane/Ermin Street hedge cutting which was offered by the PC. Cllr Howell hasn’t done it yet but it is in hand. Cllr Prior suggested the job was perhaps bigger than an individual and Cllr Howell explained a professional had agreed to carry out the task. He needs to speak to the neighbours about the H & S risks.               Action: Cllrs Howell & Cockcroft


Cllr Prior commented that some meetings ago it was agreed that the amount for three quotations was £500 and the clerk needs to add this to the standing orders.


Cllr Howell raised the issue of the electric box on the Green. He will start the process as last time it cost £70 but took six months to fix.


Cllr Bryan thanked all involved with the beacon lighting as well as thanking Cllr Prior for the words spoken at the event.


Cllr Prior on behalf of the Cllrs thanked Cllr Knowles for his hard work in chairing the meetings and for being on the council for a number of years. He wished him well in his new home. Ms. Chidley reiterated this sentiment and thanked Cllr Knowles for his work on behalf of the village.


Cllr Knowles thanked everyone and in particular Cllr Prior for being his mentor when he joined and he hoped he could do the same for Cllr Witt in her new role as Chairman.




Public meeting regarding the chicanes.


The meeting was closed at 21:21. Signed …………………………….Cllr. Witt,  Chairman Date ……………………….


Date of next meeting Monday 4 July 2016.





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