Minutes of the Meeting held at the BYPA Hall on 17th October 2011


(Draft copy. Subject to approval at the next meeting)


PRESENT: Cllr Tony Prior (Chair), Cllr Michael Edmonds, Cllr Andrew Knowles, Cllr Alison Tomkins, Cllr Tamsin Witt, County Cllr Humphries and 9 members of the public.








The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 5th September 2011 were approved.


4. SUSPENSION OF THE MEETING FOR PUBLIC QUESTION TIME – The Fireworks group reported that they had to recently close the Cricket Field to additional material as unsuitable material is being dumped on the bonfire. The Fireworks group may reassess having a bonfire on the Cricket Field next year. They also reported that their wooden stakes had disappeared from the locked container and additional expense in replacing these will be incurred.




5.1        E/2011/1267/FUL - Erection of single dwelling with associated parking, new access and parking to serve No 1 Ermin Street, together with associated works, Ermin Street, Baydon. Cllr Witt reported that the Traffic Calming Working Group, (TCWG) had discussed this application and although they had no objection to the application, they proposed that the Parish Council highlighted the traffic calming measures planned in this area to the Planning Officer with their response. The Cllrs agreed to this proposal and agreed ‘no objection’ to the application.                                                                                                                                            Action: Clerk


5.2        Baydon 11 Footpath – To discuss a response to the current Baydon 11 Extinguishment request. The Chairman commented that there was no change in the distance of the alternative route and that to his knowledge this section of the footpath had not been available for at least four years. The Cllrs agreed in principle that they had no objection to the proposed extinguishment and asked the Clerk to respond to Mr Wood.                                                         Action: Clerk




6.1        The election of a new Chairman.  Cllr Knowles was elected as the new Chairman.                                                                                                                          

6.2               The TCWG report.  Cllr Witt attended the Community Area Transport Group, (CATG) on the 27th September 2011 where agenda items relevant to Baydon Traffic Calming were being discussed.   Subsequently, the TCWG met on the 7th October 2011 to discuss the outcome of the CATG meeting and in particular the recently received feasibility report for a mini roundabout at the junction of Ermin Street and Aldbourne Road. The TCWG are unhappy with the content of the report including several factual errors and proposed a written response to the Marlborough Area Board and the CATG members. The Cllrs agreed to the proposed response and the draft letter previously circulated by Cllr Witt.                                                                   Action: TW/Clerk 


6.3               The Marlborough Community Area Board, (MCAB) report and future attendance. Cllr Edmonds attended the last meeting on the 6th September and has circulated a report. There were no further questions from the Cllrs. The Cllrs agreed that Cllr Edmonds would attend future MCAB meetings.


6.4               Cricket Field Bins & Container removal. Wiltshire Council has been out to survey the litter bin site and assess the fixing requirements, they are expected back to install the bin imminently. Cllr Witt then reported that Berkshire Clearance no longer wanted the container removal contract.  The two alternative quotes for the work were C. Duck £600 and Ace Clearance £780. The Cllrs agreed to proceed with the next expensive quotation, (C. Duck) for the container removal.




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The Chairman read out the Baydon website posting regarding the recent vandalism and theft on the Cricket Field. The Chairman then asked the Clerk to put ‘re-imbursement of £130 to the Fireworks group for stolen stakes’ on the next agenda.                                        Action: Clerk


6.5         Report on the status of the Parish Field:


a.   Litter bin status.  The Clerk reported that she is having trouble making contact with the selected supplier. The Clerk was asked not to progress the order with the current supplier any further as Cllr Knowles may have access to a cheaper source.            Action: AK/Clerk


b.   2nd WC playground inspection and agreement status. The Chairman reported that the second inspection had highlighted graffiti on one of the new benches; this has now been overpainted.  Wiltshire Council have still not provided the requested inspection contract, (the Chairman started discussions with Wiltshire Council in May 2011) and the responsibility of chasing the contract was handed over to Cllr Knowles.                                    Action: AK


Cllr Tomkins and Cllr Prior offered to install the second bench in its permanent position.                                                                                                                              Action: AT/AP


6.6               Temporary advertising on the Parish entrance gates.  The Parish Council has received a request from the Friends of Baydon School to advertise the Christmas Fayre on the village entrance gates. The TCWG recommended to the Council that nothing be placed on the gates as this is a distraction from their intended purpose; the Cllrs agreed to this recommendation.


6.7               To review the BYPA Youth Worker & proposed documentation. The Cllrs have reviewed the documentation and agreed that the latest version (V3) is acceptable to the Parish Council. Cllr Edmonds confirmed that he had passed the original documentation back to Hazel Keen. The Cllrs agreed to pay in three instalments of £500 with the first payment being paid on receipt of the signed documentation.                                                                                            Action: Clerk


6.8               Parish Council Project Management responsibilities. The Cllrs agreed to the Chairman’s proposal that:  ‘’ When it is agreed that a project will be progressed by a Councillor he/she will be responsible for all stages from the first enquiry to supplier(s) through to the final purchase/installation of the item(s). The Councillor will present quotation(s) and recommendation(s) to the Council for selection and approval of the preferred supplier, unless formally handed over to another Councillor/ The Clerk.’’


6.9               Handover of the current Chairman’s responsibilities. The Cllrs discussed any outstanding handover of responsibilities and projects and agreed individual responsibilities. The Clerk is maintaining a matrix of Cllr responsibilities.                                                         Action: Clerk


6.10            Parish Council meeting dates for 2012/13 - The Cllrs agreed to the previously circulated list of Parish Council meeting dates for 2012/13.                                                          Action: Clerk


6.11            Village litter pick. The scheduled litter pick had not taken place due to Cllr unavailability. Cllr Witt offered to organise a new date including advertising the event.              Action: TW


6.12            2012 Jubilee Arrangements.  The first Jubilee meeting had taken place on the 16th September 2011 in the school hall.  Several villagers were interested in organising activities and a Jubilee group are planning to meet again in October to start the planning process. Cllr Humphries advised that MCAB may be able to offer grants upto £500 to each village for specific Jubilee activities. After discussion, the Parish Council agreed to donate upto £1000 towards the village Jubilee activities from the Parish Reserves. The Parish Council would like a Jubilee planning report at the January Parish Council meeting.


6.13            Downsmead Garages.  Cllr Witt reported that the unoccupied garages had been locked.



Cllr Humphries left the meeting at this point; he formally thanked the retiring Chairman for his co-operation and hard work over the last four years.







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7.1        Payments made between meetings. -   The following items were approved:


      Digley Associates, playground risk assessment               £90

      Baydon Fireworks Donation                                            £275

      TLC (Southern Ltd), Christmas Lights                              £293.88

      Smiths of Derby, Clock Service                                       £220.80


7.2        Future Payments. - The following sums were approved for payments:


MCAB Repayment                                                         £2,977


7.3        Bank funds reconciliation statement for September 2011. -  The Cllrs approved the bank funds statement for September 2011. The total in the RBS bank is currently £15,150.02 (£4941.75 in the current account, £10174.61 in the Savings account). The Petty Cash total is £33.66. The Clerk advised this does not reflect the recent S106 payment received from Wiltshire Council.


7.4               The second Quarterly Budget report. The Cllrs approved the previously circulated second quarterly budget report.  


7.5               The Asset Register. The Cllrs approved the updated asset register to include the Parish Field benches.                                                                                                        Action: Clerk


7.6               The 2012/13 Budget and set the Precept. The Cllrs discussed the draft budget for 2012/13 in particular the Jubilee budget, playground maintenance budget, Cllr expenses and possible village financial grants. The Council agreed to finalise the budget at the next meeting after the discussion regarding the Parish Council policy for future village financial grants.

                                                                                                                        Action: Clerk

The Precept will also be finalised at the next meeting.                                           Action: Clerk


7.7               Parish Field fencing quotations.  Cllr Knowles has received three quotations for the proposed fencing on the Parish Field:  Pittams (£5,760 - £4,200), Cripps (£3,360) and C Duck (£2,500.) The Cllrs agreed to proceed with the C Duck quotation.


7.8               Neighbourhood watch sign payment.  The Council agreed to pay £25 for the provision of neighbourhood watch signs for the Ermin Close Neighbourhood watch group. The name of the organiser and a copy of the completed group document          were requested.           Action: Clerk


7.9               The Baydon Cricket Club MCAB grant application.  The Baydon Cricket Club, (BCC) have approached the MCAB for a grant of £5524 to include a 50% matched fund element of £2762; this is a revised amount as the BCC reduced their application from £7188 to £5524. The BCC have asked the Parish Council to provide the matched fund element, (£2762) of this application. The Cllrs discussed the application, in particular: the size of the request, the Cricket Club’s current funds and the Village Plan’s desire to support youth activity within the village. The Cllrs approved the matched funding of £2762. Cllr Edmonds offered to inform the MCAB of the BPC decision.                                                                                                  Action: ME


7.10            The Clerk’s overtime - The Cllr’s approved the Clerk’s request of £76.73 for overtime for the period 27th June 2011 to the 25th September 2011. The Clerk informed the Council that her overtime limit was now reached and Cllr Witt asked to put the topic on the next agenda.      

                                                                                                            Action: Clerk


7.11            The village Christmas tree.  – The Cllrs agreed to spend up to a £100 inc VAT on the village Christmas tree. Cllr Knowles offered to organise the purchase and installation.

                                                                                                                        Action: AK




8.1        C Road Review –  The decision to review C Roads within the county has been formally received.


8.2        Newton’s Walk S106 agreement – The Clerk has received a positive reply from Wiltshire Council regarding the S106 constraints.


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8.3        Downs House Trees. A resident has complained regarding the safety of two trees close to the Church footpath. The Clerk was asked to write a letter to the owner requesting they cut their trees.                                                                                                      Action: Clerk                                                                                                                                        

8.4        Fireworks Risk Assessment – The Chairman has forwarded this to the Parish Council Insurance company.


8.5        New Councillor – Mr Kevin Howell has volunteered to join the Council, his co-option will be on the next agenda.


9. CO-OPTION OF NEW COUNCILLOR: Mr Philip Dore was co-opted to the Parish Council.




10.1      A Proposal for a fence along the northern boundary of the playground.


10.2      To agree Parish Council policy regarding financial grants in particular, S106 monies.


10.3      To approve the 2012/13 Budget


10.4      To set the 2012/13 Precept.


10.5      To review the Clerk’s overtime limit.


11. THE RETIRING CHAIRMAN – The retiring Chairman read a brief statement, despite the lack of Cllrs the Parish Council has achieved several large projects. He thanked the Cllrs for all their support during his time on the Council and wished the Council all the success in the future.


Cllr Knowles thanked the Chairman on behalf of the Council and the village and wished him well in the future. Cllr Tomkins also thanked him for all the effort and time he had put in on behalf of the village.


The meeting closed at 9.45 hr







Signed............................................                       Date..................................


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