Minutes of Meeting held at the BYPA Hall on 21st February 2011


(Draft copy. Subject to approval at the next meeting)


PRESENT: Cllr Tony Prior (Chair), Cllr Michael Edmonds, Cllr Andrew Knowles, Cllr Alison Tomkins, County Cllr Humphries and 7 members of the public. 


1. APOLOGIES –   Apologies were received from County Cllr Humphries who joined the meeting part-way through.


2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Cllr Prior declared a personal interest in item 7.7f and a prejudicial interest in Allotment rents.



The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 17th January 2011 were approved.



The Standing Orders were suspended so members of the public could speak to the Parish Council.  A resident raised the issue of the footpath sign in Manor Lane; it is unlikely that highways will fix this and the Chairman asked for a village volunteer. The current contractors on the Parish Field are reportedly leaving litter, the Chairman offered to speak with them. It was noted that overhanging tree branches into the Parish Field are causing a problem, the Cllrs agreed to discuss this at a later meeting.                                                                 Action: Clerk



The Items were reported in Appendix A. No comments were forthcoming. The Cllrs agreed to a trial period during which the Clerk no longer produces a Clerk’s report.




6.1        E/11/0088/FULHazelbury Farm, Gore Lane, Baydon. Erection of triple garage with playroom over –alternative roofing material to that approved by E/10/1522/FUL. The Cllrs agreed ‘No comment’.                                                                                  Action: Clerk


6.2        E/11/0130/FULHazelbury Farm, Gore Lane, Baydon. Extensions and alterations – Alternative roofing materials to that approved by E/10/1511/FUL. The Cllrs agreed ‘No comment’.                                                                                             Action: Clerk




7.1        Traffic Calming Working Group, (TCWG) report:  Mr M Austen spoke on behalf of the TCWG.


a.                   Baydon Community Speed Watch, (CSW) The TCWG reported that CSW training would be taking place on Wednesday the 23rd February, although not all of the 15 volunteers were available for that session. The CSW co-ordinator has visited Baydon and identified several areas in Ermin Street and Aldbourne Road for the CSW to take place.


b.                   Mouchel ‘Taking Action on School Journeys’ report.  The TCWG are waiting for dates to meet with the School to discuss the Mouchel report.


c.                   Yellow Speeding Stickers – These have been returned to PC Mills.


7.2        The Marlborough Community Area Board, (MCAB) –   The MCAB met on the 25th January 2011. The Chairman reported that the following were major topics of discussion: parking charges in Marlborough, Wiltshire Police redundancies, transport for young people and area board improvements. The first Parish Forum for Parish Council Chairmen is scheduled for the 30th March 2011.


7.3        The Marlborough and Villages Community Area Partnership, (MAVCAP) –    The MAVCAP is currently in suspension due to the establishment of the Parish Council Forum. 



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7.4        Baydon Royal Wedding Celebrations (29th April 2011) – Mrs Brydgette Bryon-Edmond has volunteered to co-ordinate Baydon celebrations. The Red Lion Public house is also keen to be involved. The Cllrs discussed the possibility of combining the celebration with the formal opening of the play area but decided to keep the two events separate. The Cllrs advised that the celebration should be kept simple in order to concentrate on the Queen’s Jubilee in 2012.


7.5        Village recycling arrangements:


a.                   Resident’s complaints - The Cllrs discussed two recent complaints from Downsmead residents regarding the cardboard and plastic recycling deposits. The Cllrs agreed that in order to reduce the pile of recycling left out prior to collection the recycling should only be left out on the morning of the lorry collection. The Clerk was asked to advertise this request. 

                                                                                                                        Action: Clerk                            

b.                   Future Wiltshire Council arrangements. The Clerk is in discussion with Wiltshire Council regarding future recycling collection dates ahead of new arrangements scheduled for September. In the meantime collections will hopefully continue as monthly collections.


7.6        Anti-social skate-boarding behaviour within the village.  There have been two resident concerns regarding unsafe skate-boarding practice in the village, in particular fast exiting onto roads. The Cllrs discussed the issue and possible levels of action, although it recognises that not all skate-boarding is a problem. Cllr Edmonds said that the Youth Development Services were trying to make provision for skate-boarders.


7.7        To receive a report on the status of the Parish Field.


a.                   Play area - Phase one & two of the play equipment had begun installation on the 15th March. Phase three is currently scheduled to be installed by the end of March 2011.


The Awards for All grant for £10,000 has been formally approved by the Lottery Fund and the Phase 3 junior twin tower ordered.


b.                   Planning Permission – Future equipment. - Originally the play-area was laid out for three toddler and three junior items of equipment but lack of funds had prevented a toddler roundabout from being included. An opportunity now existed due to the availability of s106 money. Wiltshire Council planning department have advised that further planning permission would be required for this item.  After some discussion the Cllrs agreed to reconsider this subject at a June meeting by which time experience of children   playing on the current equipment will have been gained.

Action: Clerk


c.                   Signage - The Cllrs agreed to the current circulated draft of the signage. The Chairman offered to progress the sign with Miracle Play Ltd.                                                Action: ANP


d.                   ROSPA risk assessment/ future inspection visits.   The Chairman reported he had been advised that a post installation inspection is required immediately after installation. It was agreed that Miracle Play Ltd should carry this out provided its employee is accredited with the necessary professional qualification. An alternative company could assist if required.  Future annual inspections would be necessary together with weekly checks by Cllrs.                    Action: ANP


The Cllrs agreed a formal Risk Assessment of the site, costing £75, was required once the equipment had been installed and the health and safety work carried out.

                                                                                                                        Action: ANP


e.                   Final specification for fencing, gate, picnic benches, mound options and consider/select contractor from quotations - The quotations have been previously circulated to Cllrs.  The Cllrs agreed to select C. Duck, Aldbourne as the Contractor subject to ensuring he has third party liability insurance and a waste transfer license. Cllr Edmonds requested that a site meeting be arranged to confirm the final requirement, this was agreed. The Cllrs agreed that Mr Mike Collis could oversee the work during the Chairman’s forthcoming absence.


The Marlborough Area Board has approved a grant of £2977 towards the health and safety improvements on the Parish Field.






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f.                     Amendments to tenancy/allotment rules – The Chairman left the meeting while the rental for 2011 was discussed. The Cllrs agreed an allotment rent of £20 for 2011 with a 50% reduction for those in receipt of a means tested government benefit. With these amendments the 2011 tenancy agreement was approved. The amendments to the allotment rules relating to vacant plots were approved.


g.                   Security measures for the Parish Field - The Cllrs agreed that currently there should be no additional security measures on the field. They asked the Clerk to put security measures on the next agenda for discussion.                                                                                Action: Clerk    


h.                   BAA proposals for fencing – Mrs April Jukes, BAA Chairman presented designs and a location plan for the rabbit-proof fence which were approved by the Parish Council.  The Cllrs asked to defer a decision on the positioning of the manure site.                          Action: Clerk


7.8        S106 money  The Chairman reported that the Wiltshire Council S106 money from the Gleeson/Redcliffe development had been identified. He outlined the main difference between the Area Board grant and an s106 award and asked Cllrs if they wished to proceed with an application to fund more play equipment.  The Cllrs discussed the specific constraints applying to the Wiltshire Council S106 money and decided to defer the question, being related to Item 7.7(b).


The Chairman proposed that as this was a 100% award an application should be made for the Parish Field Health & Safety improvements. All the items were also included in the Area Board grant because it had to be submitted for approval before the s106 outcome was known. Thus, there was still the option of using the grant for items excluded by s106 constraints. After a lengthy discussion the Cllrs agreed to the Chairman’s proposal by a majority vote.


It had been stated at the Area Board meeting that any remaining balances from either source would be repaid.                                                                                              Action: ANP


The Cllrs agreed to pursue the purchase of metal seats/benches for the Parish Field. These may be an example of an allocation to the Area Board grant.                                    Action: ANP


7.9        The Baydon Young Peoples Association, (BYPA) Hall – Mrs Venice Marriott, BYPA Chairman sent apologies for not being able to attend for this item. The Chairman read out a statement from her after some discussion.

 Cllr Edmonds reminded the Council that improvements to the BYPA hall were a priority in the village plan and that the BYPA were proposing to hold a public AGM in March. The Cllrs discussed assistance to the BYPA and agreed that they were prepared to offer possible assistance should it be requested directly from the BYPA.

 The Chairman cautioned that the Parish Council ought to fully understand the implications of any request regarding such things as title custody and trusteeship so that informed decisions could be made in Council or by a councillor considering becoming a trustee.

He further stated that on a personal level, due to his health status, he would  not wish to be intimately involved in future major village projects and that, if invited to become a trustee, he would have to decline.


The Clerk was asked to carry the item forward to the next agenda              Action: Clerk


At 21.50 the Chairman adjourned standing orders to allow the meeting to carry on past 22.00 hrs.


7.10      To discuss the Queen Elizabeth II fields project.  – This item was deferred to the next agenda.                                                                                                         Action: Clerk


7.11      To discuss visibility at the junction of Manor Lane and Aldbourne Road. This item was deferred to the next agenda.                                                                           Action: Clerk


7.12      Youth Development Services meeting. – The Marlborough Youth Development Services are trying to organise a meeting with Baydon residents regarding youth development. The co-ordinator has now approached Venice Marriott to organise a meeting.


7.13      To discuss possible Parish Councillor photographs. This item was deferred to the next agenda.                                                                                                        Action: Clerk


7.14      Village litter picking. The Cllrs agreed to the 5th March 2011 at 1000hrs for the next village litter pick. The Clerk was asked to advertise the date.                                          Action: Clerk



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8.1        Payments made between meetings: The following payments were approved:


            Thames Water – Parish Field                                                      £51.50

            Miracle Design & Play Ltd - Phase 3                                           £7898.76

            Chairman Petty Cash – Stationery items                                      £7.23

            Pittams - Additional grass strim & removal of cut brushwood          £240


8.2         St. Nicholas School sign. – The Cllrs agreed to the payment for the new school sign of £521.64.


8.3        Play equipment insurance premium. – The Cllrs approved the play equipment and fencing insurance premium of £ 191.42 annually with Came Insurance Ltd.          Action: ANP                                                                                                                             

8.4        2011 Village grass cutting supplier. – The Cllrs discussed the five received quotes and agreed to approve Pittams as the grass cutting supplier. 


8.5        The bank funds reconciliation statement for January 2011.  The Cllrs approved the bank funds statement for January 2011.


8.6        The third Quarterly Budget Monitoring Report.       The Cllrs approved the third quarterly budget report.


8.7       To discuss the purchase of new external Christmas lights and timer. The Cllrs agreed to investigate white lights for the Christmas tree. Further discussion was deferred until the next meeting.                                                                                                      Action: Clerk




9.1        Aldbourne Library -  Notes of the meeting will be circulated to councillors and posted on the notice board.                                                                                         Action ANP      


9.2        Parish Assembly date – 6th May 2011.  The Cllrs agreed the date and venue as St. Nicholas Baydon.


9.3        Beating the Bounds 2011 – The Cllrs agreed the date as 2nd May 2011. A volunteer is required to lead the walk.


9.4        Response to the Public Open Spaces questionnaire. – The Clerk reported that this has been sent.


Cllr Tomkins welcomed Cllr Prior back and thanked Cllr Knowles for his Chairmanship since December.


The meeting closed at 22.30hr



10. ITEMS FOR THE NEXT MEETING – 4th April 2011


10.1      To discuss overhanging branches on the Parish Field.


10.2      To consider purchase of a roundabout for the play area. (deferred to a June meeting to allow feedback from the playground.)


10.3      To discuss possible security measures for the Parish Field.


10.4      To discuss manure deliveries to the Parish Field.


10.5      To discuss the BYPA Hall.


10.6      To discuss the Queen Elizabeth II fields project


10.7      To discuss visibility at the junction of Manor Lane and Aldbourne Road.


10.8      To discuss possible Parish Councillor photographs


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10.9      To discuss the purchase of new external Christmas lights and timer








Signed............................................                       Date..................................





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