21st July 2008 (Subject to approval at the meeting on 18th August 2008)

PRESENT: Cllr Tony Prior, Cllr Alison Tomkins, Cllr Tamsin Witt. Also present were Elizabeth Carmichael (Clerk) & 9 members of the public.

1.             CHAIR OF MEETING

Cllr Tomkins proposed that Cllr Prior chair the meeting. This was seconded by Cllr Witt.

2.             APOLOGIES

Apologies received from Cllr C Humphries (Wiltshire County Council) and Cllr S Findlay (Kennet District Council). All Parish Councillors were present.


Cllr Alison Tomkins declared a prejudicial interest in agenda item 6.1 (1) as her property abuts the land in question. Cllr Tony Prior declared a personal interest in agenda items 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4 8.5 & 9.1 as he is an allotment holder. Cllr Tamsin Witt declared a personal interest in agenda items 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4 8.5 & 9.1 as she has an allotment.


The minutes of the meeting on 7th July were approved subject to the following amendments:  

i) The sentence “Concern was expressed that the financial documents had not been sent out prior to the meeting” was added to 6.1

ii)  An action for the Clerk to arrange for the declaration of acceptance of office to be signed by Ian Timms was added to 7.2

iii) The header “Statements from residents” was added to the two paragraphs following 7.2. The wording “and whether the BRG could assist with the plans going forward” was appended to the end of the last sentence of the first paragraph. The following sentence was also added to the end of the first paragraph “In answer to a question Mr Webb advised that a revised quote had not been obtained following the move of the BMX track to a new area of the field.” The name “Bridget Walker” was inserted into the second sentence of the second paragraph before the words “one of the School Governors”.  

iv) The sentence “It was noted that application K58748 is believed to have been withdrawn” was added to section 11 Items to Note/Items for Next Meeting

The minutes were subsequently signed by the Chair as a correct record.


The meeting was suspended to give members of the public the opportunity to speak to the Parish Council about matters on the agenda before they were considered.


6.             PLANNING

6.1         (1) Due to a prejudicial interest the Parish Council was not quorate and consequently was unable to discuss planning application K/58950/F which proposes the substitution of plots 16-19 of the approved planning layout of application K/53477/F (ref. Land between Fortune Field & Baydon Cote).

(2) The Parish Council had no objections to application K/59080/TR2 to fell 3 small trees at 3 Ash Terrace.

(3) The clerk advised the meeting that when the application had previously been considered, the Parish Council had acknowledged that the wind turbine would be highly visible to anyone living on the Newbury side of the village and had agreed that the clerk liaise with the local CPRE representative to put forward objections to the wind turbine. It was agreed that the clerk re-iterate the objections and send these to the Planning Inspectorate.

Write to Planning Inspectorate re-iterating objections to the wind turbine                 Action: Clerk


The Clerk advised the meeting that a reply had been received from the BYPA Hall committee and that they had stated that they were not experiencing any funding issues. All the necessary insurances etc were in place; however there had been a small delay in getting them put on the notice board. The Clerk has contacted the National Association of Local Councils Legal Advisor and asked for further clarification regarding the classification of the Parish field as “open space land”. It was noted that it would be useful if the Legal Advisor could commit to a completion date for her investigations into the allotment issues so that the Parish Council had a timeframe for any decisions that needed to be made in relation to the allotments. The Clerk has advised the Legal Advisor that issues relating to the allotments were of a greater priority than those relating to the ownership of the lane. The Parish Council endorsed this action.


8.1         To discuss and agree the remit of the Allotments Liaison Officer

The Parish Council agreed that this agenda item should be discussed in conjunction with agenda item 8.2 and that both matters be deferred to the next meeting.

8.2         To agree how to manage allotment queries between meetings

The Parish Council agreed that this agenda item should be discussed in conjunction with agenda item 8.1 and that both matters be deferred to the next meeting.

8.3         To review and consider the list of tasks for the installation of the water & fencing that the Allotment Association are willing to undertake

The clerk advised the meeting that as there seemed to be some confusion over which tasks the members of the Allotment Association were willing to undertake, it had been necessary to request that the Allotment Association provide a full list of all activities, highlighting those that they would be prepared to do. The Parish Council reviewed the list of tasks for the water and fencing projects which Cllr Prior, as Allotments Liaison Officer, had obtained. It was agreed that a site meeting be arranged, between members of the Parish Council and representatives of the Allotment Association, to consider proposals for the location of the fencing etc

 Arrange site meeting                                                                                             Action: Cllr Prior


8.4         To agree the risk assessments for the installation of the water supply and the rabbit proof fencing

The Parish Council agreed to defer this agenda item to another meeting.

8.5         To consider whether the recommendations from the Working Party, that have already been agreed by the Parish Council, need to be endorsed by the Allotment Association

It was noted that a valid consultation process had been carried out through the formation of the Working Party and that this group had included representatives from the Allotment Association, a representative from the residents living near the Parish field and a representative of the villagers who were not part of either of the other 2 groups. The Clerk advised the Parish Council that if it agreed to the proposal without also seeking the endorsement of all members of the other groups, it could be considered to be showing an unfair bias towards one party. Cllr Prior stated that it was only the decision that “the Allotment Association administered the Parish Council’s rules” that was causing concern. It was agreed that the Working Party report would not be shown to the Allotment Association. It was noted that the Allotment Association could ask if the Parish Council would reconsider specific decisions and that any such requests may be added to the agenda of a future meeting.   

8.6         To approve the administration procedure

The Parish Council agreed that it would defer this matter to the next meeting.

8.7         To review and update the Parish Council’s Risk Assessment

The Parish Council agreed to defer this agenda item to the next meeting.

8.8         To consider amendments or changes to Standing Orders

The Clerk advised the meeting that there are many things such as a co-option procedure or time limits for public question time, which could be added to Standing Orders. It was agreed that the Clerk should make amendments at her discretion and that the revised draft document be sent to all Councillors for review. The revised Standing Orders will be agreed at the next meeting.

8.9         To consider assigning the Traffic Calming Working Group to another Councillor

It was agreed that the forming of the Traffic Calming Working Group should be deferred until after the Parish Plan report had been issued. Cllr Witt volunteered to spend some time getting familiar with traffic regulations.

Get up to speed with traffic regulations                                                                  Action: Cllr Witt


The Parish Council agreed to the proposal from the Chair that the meeting continue for a further 15 minutes so that the remaining agenda items could be considered.

9.              CORRESPONDENCE

9.1         Various letters from residents regarding the allotments

It was agreed that a holding letter be sent. Content to include clarification regarding legal fees and the property devaluation issue, the response from KDC regarding planning change of use, the Parish Council’s duty regarding legal advice, and, if possible, timescales from NALC for completion of their investigations/advice.

Send holding letter                                                                                                      Action: Clerk


9.2         Letters from St Nicholas School regarding the paddock

It was agreed that a holding letter be sent and that this matter be discussed at the next meeting.

Send letter to St Nicholas School                                                                               Action: Clerk


It was noted that Don Carmichael had tended his resignation as Chair of the Parish Council. Mr Carmichael was given a vote of thanks for his time and input when he had served as both Chair and a Councillor, and also for carrying out the traffic survey.


The meeting closed at 10.15 pm




Signed :  ________________________________                      Date : _______________

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