Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 22 September 2014 held at the BYPA Hall
Draft copy subject to approval at the next meeting
PRESENT: Cllr Andrew Knowles (Chairman), Cllr John Cockcroft,
Cllr Kevin Howell, Cllr Tony Prior, Cllr Alison Tomkins, and 8
members of the public.
Tamsin Witt, Wiltshire Cllr James Sheppard
Minutes of the 11 August 2014 were approved.
The meeting was suspended to allow the members of the public to speak to the Council. After this period the meeting was resumed.
A drain at the entrance to BYPA Hall is blocked. Cllr Sheppard had said at the last meeting he would follow the general issue of blocked drains with WC Highways. Contact will be made with him and also the Parish Steward. Action Cllr Knowles
Questions about hedges and trees would be dealt with under Item 7.9
The hand rail request would be dealt with under Item 7.6
None. The Chairman said he was arranging for Wiltshire
Council departments to send correspondence to him until a Clerk was appointed.
To date it was being posted to the previous Clerk’s personal email
14/03688/FUL This application has gone to
appeal. The Council position is unchanged ie does not support the application
and awaits appeal paperwork from Wiltshire Council.
7.1 Donation towards the defibrillator
Mr Grove apologised for the absence of Mr Farrell and
outlined the status of the installed defibrillator at the Red Lion. He wished
to record thanks to Mr S Sutton for his help in arranging the procurement from
Ms J Doel, NHS, on a loan basis for an indeterminate period. The power is
supplied from the Red Lion circuit. Some ongoing costs were described eg
the chest pads are changed after about two years and cost £50.
The defibrillator is operational and the security box is not locked. Cllr Prior asked about the instructions on the box door. Mr. Grove said he would check them and amend if necessary.
Mr. Grove advised the training of volunteers would cost £200 approximately. The optimum quotation was being sought. The Chairman said he could assist with this matter from previous experience. Action Cllr Knowles
Mr. Grove said an advertisement would be prepared asking for volunteers prepared to spend 2 – 3 hours on a training course. He asked the Council to consider making a donation towards that cost.
The Chairman said the Council was pleased to have a defibrillator in the village and thanked, on behalf of all the Councillors, those involved with the whole project. It was agreed that the item be deferred to the next meeting when the training details and cost would be known.
7.2 Electrical box on the Green
Final connections were required and would be completed as soon as possible. Action Cllr Howell
7.3 Allotment Tenancy Agreement changes
The £30 deposit proposal was discussed. Councillors thought it was a reasonable method for attempting to control the standards of plot upkeep at the point of tenancy change. Initially the Agreement would be amended and apply to new tenants. The Chairman proposed that a meeting should be arranged with the Allotment Association committee to discuss extending the deposit to include existing tenants. That was agreed.
7.3 Allotment Tenancy Agreement changes (cont)
It was noted by a plot holder that a firmer administration of plots was expected. A three letter warning procedure was a
possibility. Action Cllrs Tomkins and Knowles
7.4 MAB grant for additional playground equipment
Deferred in the absence of Cllr Witt
7.5 Footpath
between Ermin Close and
The condition of the footpath as a whole ie. weeds, tree canopy, surface, lighting will be discussed with the Parish Steward on 30 October. Action Cllr Knowles
7.6 Footpath off Manor Lane
The hand rail request will be progressed by enquiring about a grant from the Path Implementation Grant Scheme (PIGS). Action Cllr Knowles
7.7 Budget for refreshments at the Carols around the Tree evening
The Chairman explained about the Council policy of sharing support for the Village shop and the Red Lion. On the rotational basis Mrs Moxon will be asked to provide wine and mince pies this year for residents on the Green, using the event tent as the venue. An expenditure of up to £200 was agreed on a sale or return basis for the wine. Action Cllr Witt
7.8 Clerk update
The Chairman advised that an email had been sent to other Parish councils to enquire if their Clerks would wish to take on more duties. An advertisement has been placed on the Baydon website.
The Chairman asked that, in the absence of a Clerk, all Councillors make a definite reply to any query emails sent out by any Councillor. Action All Councillors
7.9 Baydon Footpaths – definitive plan and cost implications
The Chairman proposed that a small Councillor working party be set up to identify work to be done on all hedges/trees which need some professional work on pruning etc throughout the village. It was agreed that this work would inevitably generate a cost. This project will be kept on the agenda. Action Cllr Knowles
7.10 Trees on the Green
Quotations have been received. Questions as to why the tree had died and whether the soil was suspect nearby were raised. The need for answers was posed. Also a question was asked whether the trees should be replaced. No replanting could open up space on the Green. Councillors will consider that question and visit the Green for that purpose. Action All Councillors
7.11 November 8th Fireworks
Mr Dominy asked the Council to consider making a donation as in previous years. It was agreed that a pack of Shot Stroke fireworks be purchased by Mr Dominy, on behalf of the Council, the cost being £388.80 incl VAT. A Pains invoice will be made out to Baydon Parish Council. He requested a copy of the Insurance for Pains Fireworks relating to the event and advised that the Risk Assessment was ready for sending to Came Insurance. A meeting was arranged for 7 October to discuss the event and Cllrs Knowles and Prior will attend.
7.12 Items carried forward from previous meetings.
The Chairman explained the intention to include such items in future agendas. Cllr Prior listed the items below under three categories.
7.12.1 Completed items
From 30 June meeting
(i) Way marks have been fitted to identified places on BAYD 8 & 24. Cllr Prior holds a stock.
Gas man hole cover in
From 11 August meeting
Mr Johnson, Baydon House Farm has
agreed to cut/mow
(iv) The quarterly Council income has been posted.
(v) The finger post in
(vi) The pedestrian sign in
and its proximity to the road edge were raised. Cllr Witt will be sending an email to Ringway, the contractor. Action Cllr Witt
7.12.2 For comment at meeting
(i) Downs House and village hedges – covered under 7.9
(ii) Annual playground inspection – ordered.
(iii) Blocked drains Action Cllr Sheppard
(iv) Letters to residents re hedges Action Cllr Knowles
(v) Letters to WC and landowner re knotweed Action Cllr Cockcroft
(vi) Pittams grass contract, nettles inclusion and tree pruning enquiry Action Cllr Knowles
(vii)Youth worker update Action Cllr Witt
(viii)Christmas tree order It was agreed to purchase a 20ft tree costing up to £200. Cllr Tomkins urged an early order placement. Action Cllr Knowles
(ix)Carol music group. Cllr Tomkins advised that Kim Austen group could not play. Aldbourne to be contacted via Kim
Austen. Action Cllr Tomkins
(x)It was agreed that Parish Steward work list could be prepared from Cllr
Prior’s best village competition list.
Action Cllr Witt
7.12.3 Deferred until Clerk appointed
(i) BYPA custodian trustee
(ii) PC formal documents review
8.1 HMRC/Parish Council income tax 2013/14
A letter, dated 18 Aug 2014, had been received confirming an excess payment was made by the Council. No further communication has been received to date and a follow-up letter, dated 19 Sept 2014, has been sent.
8.2 RBS Bank Account
This item was raised due to the possibility of Scottish independence. It was agreed no action was required.
8.3 RBS Account Statements
15 August Treasurers a/c £27349.00
Reserve a/c £2909.86
Petty cash £4.54
8.4 Payments approved between meetings
Heart Internet via Mr M Austen £38.26
Southern Electric £20.18
Cheque re-issue Mrs A Grieve £54.00 (full name rejected by COOP bank)
8.5 Payments for approval
Pittams 2254/13 £240.00
2463/13 £72.00
2464/13 £36.00 (2384/13 £72.00 already paid but queried by Pittams. Another query will be
raised about a typo in a previous invoice.)
Cllr Prior, Post
Petty cash £30.00
The above payments were approved.
The meeting closed at 9.20 pm.
Cllr A Knowles, Chairman
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