Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at the BYPA Hall on 25th February 2013

(Draft copy. Subject to approval at the next meeting)


PRESENT: Cllr Andrew Knowles (Chair), Cllr Philip Dore, Cllr Kevin Howell, Cllr Tomkins, Cllr Tamsin Witt, County Cllr Humphries and 15 members of the public.



1.                   APOLOGIES – None


2.                   DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST  - None


3.                   MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS PARISH COUNCIL MEETING – The minutes of the meetings held on the 26th Nov 2012 were approved subject to the addition of traffic calming on Ermin Street would need to be lit.



Cllrs were questioned as to why they were serving. With certain members of the public thinking they were not serving in the interests of the village. Cllr Knowles responded and reiterated that every Cllr did have the interest of the village, though stated sometimes decisions are hard but necessary. Cllr Dore, Cllr Howells, Cllr Tomkins, Cllr Witt contributed with responses.

Baydon 11/pub car park planning discussed

Condition of the roads adjacent to the newly laid roads discussed, referring to Downsmead/Aldbourne Road.

Playground in Newtons Walk discussed – village use or not: action



5.                   CORRESPONDENCE – 3 applicants are interested in the Parish Council vacancies:

J Cockcroft, M. Weeks, D Simmons. Nomination forms need to be filled out by 2nd May then after the local election on the 18th May the application process can proceed.  Interested parties to be made aware. 

Action: Chair




6.1 – Outcomes:

            Pub car park dwelling – approved subject to conditions

            Baydon 11 – s130 order


6.2 – E/2013/0170/FULL: Baydon House Farm – Extension of Agricultural Buildings.

            Decision – Support with conditions - Quality of surface of paths and paths to be done

            before building works commence/completed.


6.3 – E/2013/0138/FUL: Keepers Cottage – Erection of garage with log store.

Decision – Support with conditions. Footpaths to be done before built, though not essential as n direct implication.


6.4 – E/2013/0136/FUL: The Finches – Demolition of existing building and erection of new.

            Decision - Support


6.5 – 2013/00211 – 30 Downsmead – ref (E/10/0378/FUL) Flat roof extension.

            Decision – Approved in May 2010 so work completed, removed from decision process.




7.1               Playground Proposals. Cllr Knowles opened the remarks and invited Mr A Prior to speak, who the Cllrs had invited to help with the proposal. 3 options were discussed and Mr Prior requested the Cllrs to decide on what course of action to take. Cllrs voted in favour of one additional play item with the option of a second, subject to the outcome following discussions with WC planning. Cllr’s Knowles and Witt to liaise with Mr Prior on the application process for grant funding.

Action Cllr Witt/Knowles


7.2               The Traffic Calming Working Group, (TCWG) report. CSW still carrying on and has been successfully running for 2 years now. Discussed importance of keeping going in order to collate relevant data. It was noted that during the meeting that Police follow-up letters were not being processed due to shortages in available people to process. Cllr Witt made reference to a lack of clarity on the funding amount for the chicane option on the east entry side to the village. To be followed up and actioned.

Action - Cllr Witt


7.3               Parking within Baydon - School Run/Pick Up + Teachers. Cllr Knowles addressed the meeting and outlined the issues, as raised in the meeting on the 4th February.  Discussed double yellow lines on the corner to Finches Lane. Looking at parking within school grounds and the playground – due to safety reasons, this would not be an option. Possible suggestion on the east side of the school grounds.  Parents to be advised about parking so close to school and those living in Baydon to try and not drive to school.


Action – Cllr Knowles


7.4        Trees on the Green. Certain trees will need replacing. Cllr Dore discussed the email circulation and the tree’s in question, no immediate rush. E-mail to be re-circulated.


Action – Cllr Dore


7.5               BYPA Update. Huge improvements have been made with great work by all parties involved, with reference made to Cllr Witt and BYPA committee members Mrs Austen and Mr Walker. Flooring was completed in the February half term. Kitchen done, roof insulated, ceiling done. Awarded grant for the disabled toilet will allow the work to be done over the Easter Holidays. Cllr Witt proposed three options and Cllrs opted to approach Wiltshire Council and the Marlborough area for appropriate staff to work and get the youth club up and running again.


Action - Cllr Witt           


7.6               Baydon Big Breakfast. New date to be suggested after Easter, not in conjunction with the BYPA hall, though they will look to donate the hall space whilst the PC raises money for the Church roof fund.


Action Cllr Dore



7.7               Parish Field Allotment lettings (see attached minutes of AGM). Public liability to be checked. Council to pay & bill water rates accordingly. Cllr Tomkins offered to be Allotment liaison.

Action – Cllr Knowles and Cllr Tomkins




8.1        3rd Quarter budget - approved



8.2        Bank reconciliation statement to Dec 2012 and Jan 2013 approved (see attached)



8.3               Water rates for the allotment – payment amount deferred by Cllr Knowles.



8.4               Approve payments between meetings:


a) Thames Water £19.24 - approved


8.5               HMRC refund – amount of £147 noted in the meeting


8.6               Feasibility study payment approval - Deferred to next meeting





9.1        Welcome to the new Clerk H Knowles


9.2        Baydon water tower reference to report leaks Action      Action: Clerk


9.3        Thanks extended to Cllr Knowles for doing the Clerks role for the last few months






10.1      Playground on Newton Walk


10.2      Feasibility study payment approval





The meeting closed at 9.30pm by the Chairman










Signed............................................                                                       Date…...............................


Chairman Mr A Knowles




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