Minutes of Meeting held at the BYPA Hall on 26th July 2010


(Draft copy. Subject to approval at the next meeting)



PRESENT: Cllr Tony Prior (Chair), Cllr Michael Edmonds, Cllr Alison Tomkins, County Cllr Humphries and 5 members of the public. 


1. APOLOGIES –   Cllr Tamsin Witt,





The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 28th June 2010 were approved.



The meeting was suspended so members of the public could speak to the Parish Council.  Barbara Furber identified two footpath signs that need reporting to Clarence.      Action: Clerk



The Items were reported in Appendix A. No comments were forthcoming.




The Clerk had circulated the report to Cllrs as Appendix B. No comments were forthcoming.




7.1        Newton’s Walk Play Area –  The Cllrs agreed to respond to the Redcliffe letter concerning the Newton’s Walk Play Area, enquiring into the reasons for it being a private facility and objecting to it on the basis of creating an “us and them” situation in what is a small village. The Clerk was asked to draft a letter and send it to the Cllrs for review.

                                                                                                                        Action: Clerk




8.1        Traffic Calming Working Group,(TCWG) report: As Cllr Witt was absent the Clerk read her report.


a.         Options for Planting in front of the new entrance gates. The Cllrs discussed the TCWG recommendation not to plant bulbs but to plant low level shrubs in front of the new gates.  The Cllrs raised concerns about losing the visual impact of the gates.  The Parish Council will discuss it further at the next meeting when quotes for the shrubs have been obtained.            Action: TW


b.         Community Speed Watch (CSW) in Aldbourne Road.  The TCWG reported that it is under the very strong impression, after all its investigations, that Baydon will not be allowed to have a CSW programme operating on Aldbourne Road in addition to the Police Camera Van visits on Ermin Street. Therefore, the TCWG recommended that Baydon keeps its Community Concern status which ensures   police speed checks on Ermin Street continue. The Parish Council agreed to the proposal to keep the Community Concern status.                                            Action: Clerk


The Cllrs agreed to the TCWG proposal to write to Swindon Borough Council requesting spare metal Camera Speed signs.                                                                            Action: Clerk


c.         School ‘Park & Stride‘ sign. The TCWG reported that the landlords of the Red Lion Pub would like to discuss different drafts of a possible sign and its wording, before agreeing to a sign being put up. The TCWG will consider some options for wording and design and will report back to the Parish Council with the conclusions.                                                 Action:TCWG



 d.        Recalibration of 30mph flashing sign. This was deferred to the next meeting.



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e.         Membury Business Park – The TCWG proposed writing to local businesses in Membury Business Park, asking them to adhere to the speed limit in the village. The Cllrs agreed to the proposal.                                                                                                     Action: TCWG


8.2        The Marlborough Community Area Board, (MCAB) – The Chairman gave a brief report from the last meeting on the 22nd June 2010.  Topics included: the Young People’s Dreams & Wishes transport aspirations, Waste disposal and Libraries review. Baydon Cricket Club had been awarded a grant of £515 from the Board, for new equipment. The new Community Area Manager is Julia Densham. Cllr Edmonds noted that the MCAB issues list is not current. The Board Secretary will be advised.


8.3        The Marlborough and Villages Community Area Partnership, (MAVCAP) -  Cllr Edmonds gave a brief report from the last meeting on the 13th July 2010. The Chairman re-iterated that as Cllr Edmonds is now the Vice –Chair of MAVCAP it is important that he makes clear who he is representing ie MAVCAP, Baydon PC or personal interests at any particular time.


8.4        Parish Field Play Area


a.                   The Information Meeting 10 July 2010 – The Information meeting, suggested by the Play Area Working Group,  held on the 10th July was not well  attended by village parents. After viewing drawings and quotations and a general discussion, a consensus emerged and three suppliers: Miracle, Produlic and Timberplay were selected for second quotations to include preferred items of equipment.


b.                   Play equipment quotes - The Chairman reported that the Parish Council requires formal planning permission before  progress with a chosen supplier can be made. His suggestion that an extra meeting in August may be useful to discuss the three quotations was agreed by the Cllrs.


c.                   PlayBuilder Funding – This is currently on hold by the Government for a review in the light of the national situation. In the meantime no further funds will be released and existing contracts will be re-visited. The Chairman has written to the head of the Playbuilder scheme in Wiltshire Council restating Baydon’s case ought to be  a priority in the absence of any play area.

The Chairman is investigating additional grants from Awards for All, Reaching Communities and the Marlborough Area Board which all have planning permission as a condition.  The Chairman felt there may be additional money available from Parish Council reserves accumulated from previous unspent project budgets. He asked Cllrs to consider this option in detail for future discussion.


d.                   Planning application timetable. – The Cllrs approved £167.50, the fee required to submit a planning application for the play area. The current second quotation and information pack from Miracle would be submitted as a typical example of equipment rather than a final choice and design.  Wiltshire Council have indicated the  planning process could take eight weeks.

                                                                                                                        Action TP

 Cllr Tomkins and Cllr Edmonds gave a vote of thanks to the Chairman for all his  work to date on the play area project.


8.5        Allotments: The Chairman explained particular allotments are being targeted for damage and theft. He described the details and publically asked the person or persons involved to stop the unacceptable behaviour.


8.6        The Aldbourne Parish Council letter regarding MAVCAP and Marlborough Area Boards. – The Cllrs discussed the letter from Aldbourne Parish Council and disagreed with its content. It was noted that Aldbourne Parish Council had not been attending  MCAB and MAVCAP on a  regular basis. The Parish Council agreed not to respond.


8.7        Community Resilience and a possible Community Emergency Volunteer. The Chairman asked for a volunteer from the Cllrs for a Community Emergency Volunteer. As no one volunteered the Cllrs agreed not to respond to the document.


8.8        Input to the Local Transport Plan draft parking Strategy.  The Parish Council agreed not to respond as a group on the basis that towns/villages with parking facilities should determine their own policies. 


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8.9        The Local Transport Plan (LTP) Scheme Selection Process. (CBN No.41)  - Wiltshire Council has been awarded £250,000 for small county-wide for minor transport/highways improvements, the Marlborough Board area being allocated £13,615.




9.1        Payments made between meetings: The following three payments were approved:


            Strimming and mowing of unused allotment plot.   £50

            Payment to HMRC                                             £203.36

            Land Registry Fee                                              £16


9.2        Bank funds reconciliation statement for July 2010. - The statement was approved by Cllrs. The total in the RBS bank is currently £28,120.43, (£18,803.30 in the current account, £957.57 in the Allotment account, £8359.56 in the Recreation Account).


9.3        The Quarterly Budget Monitoring Report.  The Cllrs approved the first 2010-2011 Quarterly Budget Monitoring Report.


9.4        Proposal to change Internal Auditors.  Cllr Edmonds proposed a change of the  Internal Auditor to  Collett and Co. Mildenhall due to a potentially much lower cost. The Chairman was against the proposal but the Parish Council agreed  with a majority decision.


9.5        Updated  Asset Register – The Cllrs approved the updated Asset Register, July 2010, to include the Parish Field Water Supply.




10.1      Council for Advancement and Support for Education fund. -  The national fund is £6.5m. The Chairman had sent details to Venice Mariott, BYPA.


10.2      Wiltshire Young Peoples Opportunity Fund, (WYPOF).- A recent letter had been copied to Venice Marriott.


10.3      Churchyard path maintenance. The Baydon Parochial Church Council has cleared the west church path after a request from a resident.


10.4      Councillor Witt – planned absence. Cllr Witt will be absent after the 6th September Parish Council meeting until the 28th March meeting on a maternity break. The Cllrs wished Cllr Witt well.


10.5      Dog Mess – The Chairmen reported there is still a problem with bagged dog mess being left in Ermin Street and asked the person to cease the practice.


10.6      Aldbourne Road Footpath – The Wiltshire Council Highways Department met with the Redcliffe Developers, Cllr C Humphries,  the Chairman and local residents to confirm the exact location of the Aldbourne Road footpath alongside the Redcliffe development.


10.7      St John’s Ambulance – The Clerk has received a request for a donation. The Cllrs agreed not to donate funds at this time.


11. ITEMS FOR THE NEXT MEETING – 6th September 2010


11.1      To consider quotations for vegetation at the village entrance gates


11.2      To consider purchasing a ‘Park & Stride’ sign


11.2      To consider recalibrating the village VAS sign




12.1      Mr Andrew Knowles was unanimously co-opted to the Parish Council. The Chairman welcomed him onto the Parish Council for the next meeting.




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The meeting closed at 21.32pm






Signed............................................                       Date..................................


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Click here for Appendix A

Click here for Appendix B

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