Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 27 October 2014 held at the BYPA Hall

Draft copy subject to approval at the next meeting


PRESENT: Cllr Andrew Knowles (part), Cllr John Cockcroft, Cllr Kevin Howell, Cllr Tony Prior, Cllr Alison Tomkins,

Cllr Tamsin Witt and   3 members of the public.


Councillors agreed that Cllr Cockcroft would chair the meeting.



Cllr Knowles delayed at work. Mr M Austen (submitted but omitted at meeting)






The minutes of the 22 September 2014 meeting were approved.



The meeting was suspended to allow the members of the public to speak to the Council. After this period the meeting was resumed.


A question was asked about decisions taken on items when not on the agenda. A Petty Cash approval was quoted.

Cllr Prior agreed it had occurred. He pointed out that, in general, these usually arose when invoices were received after the agenda had been posted. An example of that would be in the Finance section for approval.


Mr T Dominy pointed out a rumour was circulating that there would be no fireworks next year because the field had been sold. This was totally false on both counts.



Email from Alison Banyard re dog fouling. The Cllrs felt they could do nothing without observational evidence. It was agreed that an entry would be made on the website,              Action Cllr Prior



                 14/03688/FUL   2 three bed houses Land next to Becketts, Aldbourne Road – at appeal

                 14/05472/FUL   Agricultural worker house plus buildings for Baydon Farm – withdrawn

                 14/09924/TCA  Two trees for felling, Downsmead. The Council were awaiting documents from Wiltshire Council.



                 (numbering slightly different to agenda due to duplication)

                New items

                7.1 Asbestos fly tipping

      Cllr Prior had been advised that some corrugated sheet had been tipped in a field on the lane to Baydon Hole farm.

      He had written to the field owners on 1 October 2014 but had not received a reply. He would be contacting

      Wiltshire Council for further advice.                                                                                                         Action Cllr Prior


                7.2 Ambulance response time

     The Ramsbury Chair was concerned about response times in the area and First Responder training and had circulated

      local Councils for support. The Councillors agreed in principle to support her project and awaited further details..


                7.3 Resident query about boundary fence

                      Mr T Norman had been invited to address the Council. In his absence Cllr Prior explained the case. Councillors

      agreed they could not contribute to the issue and recommended that he contact the Housing Association if there

      was no resolution.                                                                                                                                         Action Cllr Prior


7.4 Future traffic calming measures

      Cllr Prior proposed that in the light of comments about the existing chicane an open meeting should be held for

      residents to express their views and that a decision be taken from the meeting. He also made the observation that

      speeding still occurred between the chicane and the school and that a chicane at the west end of   the village would

      not affect that. Councillors did not agree with the proposition and suggested a questionnaire to all residents could

      be a possibility.              


7.4 Future traffic calming measures (cont)

      Cllr Witt assured him that Government grants were still available. However that might not be the case with local

      grants etc.                                                                                                                                                Action Next agenda.


                Items from 2 Sept 2014 meeting

                7.5 Defibrillator update

                     There was no information available about the optimum training cost or the offer from the Chairman, due to his

     absence at that time.  Cllr Prior asked a question about the familiarisation/training proposal in the Scene in Baydon.

     No training had taken place. He asked a question about the names of the guardians. They are on a list inside the

     defib box.  Mr J Grove also said other boxes did not have a box number on them. The need for the instruction on the

     box was queried.  There is a register for scheduled checks on the defibrillator in the Red Lion.

     A challenge was made as to Cllr Prior’s opinion about the project. On request, the challenge was withdrawn.

     The Chairman suggested and it was agreed that a separate meeting should be arranged between the Defib Group

     and Councillors.                                                                                                                                          Action Cllr Cockcroft

                                                                                                                                                                                         Mr J Grove  

     The possibility of another defibrillator for the BYPA hall area could be part of a separate review.

            Action Next agenda

                7.6 Electrical box on Green

                      Arrangements for connection were progressing and would be finalised for the Christmas tree lights.                          Action Cllr Howell  

                7.7 Allotments

                      (i) Tenancy Agreement changes carried forward.                                                                                 Action Cllr Tomkins

                      (ii) Plot 13 & 14. In keeping with a previous comment about allotment management by the Council, Cllr Prior

                      proposed that an advisory letter be sent pointing out that a warning procedure would follow, under tenancy

      conditions,  if no work on the plots was carried out. He also mentioned that plots 7 and 8 required some attention.                      Councillors agreed with this proposal.         Action Cllr Tomkins


7.8 MAB grant for additional playground equipment

      Cllr Witt reported that grants for play grounds were still available. The Council had to decide on the

      supplier of the swings. The choice is between Miracle (£4130 – supplied the existing equipment) and Greenfields

     (£3582). Various negotiating options with Miracle were discussed.                                                     Action Cllr Witt


                7.9 Footpath between Ermin Close and Manor Lane (Cllr Knowles joined the meeting)

                     Cllr Knowles advised he would be seeing the Parish Steward on 30 October for a village wide discussion and would

                     include this location,                                                                                                                                      Action Cllr Knowles


                7.10 Footpath off Manor Lane – handrail

                        Two quotations for a handrail were available. A third was awaited.                                                   Action Cllr Knowles


                7.11 Carols on the Green

                         Cllr Witt had contacted Mrs Austen who would try a form a small band for the event.


                7.12 Clerk update

                        Cllr Knowles felt that a part-time Clerk would not really be suitable in the Council situation and proposed that the

                        post is re-advertised. Councillors agreed.                                                                                               Action Cllr Knowles


                7.13 Baydon road hedges

                        Carried forward. Will be discussed under 7.9                                                                                        Action Cllr Knowles


                7.14 Trees on the Green

                         The suggestion that the trees were planted in memory of soldiers who died in WW1 would be pursued.

 .Action All Cllrs

                         Discussion revolved around (a) trees/no replacements (b) soil testing (c) a picket fence but no decision was taken.


                7.15 November 8th fireworks

                         Cllr Prior reported that a meeting had been held with the Firework Committee. The risk assessment was

         being amended for 2014 changes, event control was finalised and the selected fireworks for the Council

         contribution had been changed to a Triple Finale set at a cost of £396 incl VAT.






Items brought forward (cont)

7.16 BAYD 2 & 11 December meeting

                         Cllr Prior updated information about the Planning Inspectorate meeting at 10.00 am on 4 December in the

         Lambourn Memorial Hall. Cllr Knowles would be leading the Parish Council support and Cllr Prior would be

         representing support as a regular long distance walker. He suggested that, under cross examination, it might be


   useful for him to say the Council also supported the content. This was not accepted by the Councillors.


                7.17 Pedestrian sign Ermin Street

                         Carried forward. A replacement sign would be progressed.                                                              Action Cllr Witt


7.18 BAYD 2 bridleway grass cut

                        The cut has been completed between the farm buildings and the bottom track.. Thanks to Mr Johnson were



                7.19 Annual playground inspection

                        Cllr Knowles reported the annual inspection had been carried out by ROSPA and the report circulated. Payment

                        could now be arranged.                                                                                                                             Action Cllr Prior


                7.20 Blocked drains

                        These would be discussed under Item 7.9 with a view to co-ordinating the work with the appropriate Wiltshire

        Council department.


                7.21 Letters to residents re private hedges

                         Carried forward.                                                                                                                                         Action Cllr Knowles


                7.22 Letters to Wilts Council and landowner re knotweed

                         Carried forward.                                                                                                                                         Action Cllr Cockcroft


                7.23 Pittams grass contract, nettles, pruning enquiry

                         Carried forward.                                                                                                                                         Action Cllr Knowles


                7.24 Youth worker update

                         Cllr Witt reported that a qualified youth worker had been found, that a core group of helpers had been formed

                         and recently two more parents had offered to take part in a club. A new questionnaire had been prepared, in

         conjunction with Mr P Chambers for circulation amongst parents.


                7.25 Christmas tree order

                         Cllr Prior had been asked to select a tree following the generous offer from Mr B Johnson. A vote of thanks to

         Mr Johnson  was recorded. Arrangements for delivery would be made. It was agreed that erection will take place

         on Sunday 30 November.      .                                                                                                               Action Cllr Knowles


7.27 Metro count Manor Lane

                        The results, post chicane, for Ermin Street are available. Those for Manor Lane are awaited.     Action Cllr Witt


                7.28 Litter pick 11 October

                         Cllr Prior wished to record thanks to the one resident who volunteered to join the litter pick group. He mentioned

                         again the hope that residents could adopt their street for litter collection as and when necessary.


                8. FINANCE

                8.1 2015-16 Budget and Precept

                      After several queries the draft budget of £13390 was approved. There was no comment about the Precept.


                8.2 Existing chicane payments

                      Cllr Prior queried if the £3000 payment had been scheduled. Cllr Witt said that nothing had emerged from Wiltshire

                      Council. Cllr Knowles said he would advise Mr B Johnson accordingly.                                               Action Cllr Knowles







8. FINANCE (cont)

8.3 HMRC/Parish Council income tax 2013-14

                      Cllr Prior reported on the communications, which started on 18 August, between himself and HMRC. RBS

       statements had been sent with a request for a manual assessment to be carried out to verify an earlier letter confirming

       an overpayment. His calculation is £6.28. He said he did not know what else he could do to advance the

       case to a conclusion. To him the options, if no resolution was possible, seemed to be write off the amount or

       engage professional help, the latter not being attractive for the obvious reason.                           Action Cllr Prior


                8.4 Pittams queries

                      Pittams accepted they had received the payment they had queried. The £6 overpayment was still under

      consideration as to the repayment method.                                                                                            Action Cllr Prior



8. FINANCE (cont)

8.5 Income

                Income at quarter end:-

Precept 7050.50, Precept Grant 176.58, Clerk refund 79.08, 72 Pains refund, 11.19 Interest. Total 7389.35


8.6 RBS statements at 15 Oct

Treasurers a/c      34304.55

Reserve                  2917.56

Petty cash                       2.86


Cllr Prior re-iterated his opinion that the total was high in relation to the 2014-15 budget.


8.7 Payments approved between meetings



8.8 Payments for approval at meting

Pains Fireworks  396.00 incl VAT

Thames Water  15.14

These payments were approved.




          There is a Ladies Night in the Red Lion on12 December. All are welcome.

           The budget for Carols on the Green refreshments will be discussed at the 1 December meeting           Action Next agenda

            Cllr Knowles mentioned a review of the Village Plan.                                                                                     Action Next agenda





          None raised.



The meeting was closed at 9.36pm by the Chairman



Signed……………………………………..        Cllr J Cockcroft, Chairman                  Date



Date of next meeting 1 December 2014



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