Minutes of Meeting held at the BYPA Hall on 29 March 2010


(Draft copy. Subject to approval at the next meeting)



PRESENT: Cllr Tony Prior (Chair), Cllr Michael Edmonds, Cllr Alison Tomkins, Cllr Tamsin Witt and 4 members of the public.


1. APOLOGIES  None received


The Chairman opened the meeting at 8.02 pm with the following statement:


“I’d like to open by strengthening my previous comments regarding the need for more Councillors. Now I would like to call it a serious appeal to residents to consider joining the Parish Council.


 I say this for two main reasons

(1) By changing the Council to become more actively responsive to consultations the work load has therefore increased.

(2) Continuity in the Council is important to ensure that experience of being a councillor - and chairman for that matter – and knowledge of the past and present issues is not affected so significantly when changes do occur.


We have been running for 3 years with at least 2 vacancies, currently 3. The amount of councillor time available has become more limited recently – due to very practical reasons – and therefore progress may be affected in some cases. With more councillors, obviously projects and communications can be shared more widely.


Continuity is important and looking into the future I would not like to see quorum difficulties arise. So far we have been fortunate on that score. The consequences in the short term can be accommodated - they usually just mean delay in approving decisions - but mid to long term problems could be far more serious. One can see results of lack of support for other local groups in the village right now.

The bottom line is that current councillors will not be here forever. There is no implication in that sentence just a statement of fact.


Clearly it is a prerequisite that residents must feel they want to help in the community on a voluntary basis and be able to see they have some spare time to participate in Council duties.

So my appeal is for some of those residents – who always exist in a community – to join us”




Cllr Tomkins declared a personal interest in item 7.2

Cllr Prior declared a prejudicial interest in item 8.6



The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 15th February 2010 were approved.



The meeting was suspended so members of the public could speak to the Parish Council. The ditch in the lane towards the water-treatment plant was reported as blocked, Cllr Prior offered to investigate. Members of the public offered their thanks to the Parish Council for getting the faulty Manor Lane streetlight repaired and the additional recycling skip dates. A member of the public asked if the Parish Council had prior notice of the road works in Aldbourne Road, the Cllrs replied that they had not received notice.



The Items were reported in Appendix A. No comments were forthcoming.






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The Clerk had circulated the report to Cllrs as Appendix B.

Cllr Edmonds questioned the number of emails listed in Appendix B. After discussion it was agreed to try and reduce the communications, not directly related to the Parish, forwarded to Cllrs.

                                                                                                                        Action: Clerk




7.1          Baydon House – The section of BAYDON 1 through Baydon House garden is now formally extinguished.


7.2          E/09 1422/FUL  Redcliffe Homes Ltd – The Chairman attended a full WC planning meeting on 18th March 2010 and reported that planning permission has been granted.  The position of the lay-by has been checked and is reported as being in the correct place.  The Chairman reported that the planning meeting refused to discuss the issue of the play area and parking places for plot 23& 24.  After discussion, the Cllrs asked the Clerk to write to the planning officer and request the following:


·          feedback from their previous letter regarding the status of the play area and the parking spaces.

·          a report from the Enforcement Officer regarding the position of the lay-by.

·          detailed street lighting plans for Newton’s walk.

                                                                                                                                                                Action: Clerk


7.3          Baydon House Farm Gates – The Chairman attended a meeting on 11 March 2010 at Baydon House Farm with Mr B Johnson , the new owner, County Cllr Chris Humphries, the Rights of Way Head of Department and Ester Daley, Case Officer, regarding the recently erected gates.  Mr Johnson agreed to remove the gates on the bridleways and find an alternative solution to his security concerns regarding the barns and his house.


7.4        E/10/0312/FUL – Single storey side extension and extension of double garage, Barrowdale, Aldbourne Road. The Cllrs raised no objections.                              Action: Clerk





8.1        Traffic Calming Working Group report. (TCWG)  Cllr Witt reported the following:


a.      The purchase of 30mph stickers – Cllr Witt will purchase 25 stickers at a cost of £2 each, non-inclusive VAT and postage.                                         Action: TW


b.      The village gates –  The TCWG is meeting with the Betta group on Wednesday 31st March to discuss the purchase of the gates.


c.      The current Marlborough Areas Board issues – Two MAB issues regarding speeding and raised by the Parish Council and TCWG are currently open.


d.      The Community Speed Watch – The Parish Council have requested that Baydon is assessed against the required acceptance criteria. The Clerk was asked to confirm the location of the assessment with Richard Rogers.                           Action: Clerk


8.2        Downsmead notice board – The Weatherproof board has been ordered at a cost of £259.56 inc VAT. the Village Plan funding is contributing £200 towards this. Cllr Edmonds was asked to organise the implementation.                                      Action: ME


8.3        PlayBuilder progress -  The Chairman read the following statement: 


“A change of direction had become necessary in that the Parish Field status was not as thought. On 14 Dec WC Planning Department was emailed about the way forward for obtaining planning permission for the play structures. Suppliers had indicated that structures up to 4m do not need permission.  A standard reply indicating a 15 day response was received. On 26 January an email was sent asking about the specifics of K/35050 (the change from agricultural to recreational/amenity use). The reply was received on 15 March stating the change of use had expired in 2003. This was not known by current Councillors. On the other hand, the need for planning permission for allotment structures (sheds) had been confirmed within Council. The letter also described that a condition in the original approval stated that the Council could not benefit from Schedule 2, Part 12 of the Town and Country Order 1995.




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The Order defines the benefit that certain structures can be built without further permission. Rebecca Hughes, the case officer, telephoned the Chairman on 17 March helpfully describing the way forward via a pre-application. It was explained that the condition was applied because there might be buried historical remains requiring investigation by the WC Archaeological Department, at the Parish Council cost. It was pointed out that the precept is only about £10,000 in total.”


The Chairman expressed the view that the consequence should only be a time delay. The Playbuilder project has to be completed by April 2011. The outcome of the foregoing was a proposal that the Parish Council go ahead with a pre-application, obtain guidance before submitting a full application. It was approved unanimously.                         Action: TP


The Chairman then made the following statement:


“Whilst on this subject I would like to re-state some basic points about the Parish Field.

(1) No Councillor was responsible for the choice of location as a play area. It was the most popular one as expressed by residents during the Parish Assembly and Village Plan consultations.

(2) That decision was taken in the full light of the traffic issue on Ermin Street. The 3 options all required crossing/walking along that road.

(3) The track is not the responsibility of the Parish Council. The extra traffic since the allotments consists of 4-5 deliveries of manure per year.

(4) The original 1998 plan, before the pavement was extended to Manor Lane, included an access into the western end of the Parish Field off Ermin Street.

(5) The following is not a general comment but arises from recent specific events.

Constructive criticism is always listened to by the Parish Council but abusive and personal comment in either verbal or written form does not advance any discussion of a subject.”


This statement was supported unanimously by the Cllrs.


8.4        A report on the cost & progress of hedge planting on the Parish Field.  The hedge has now been planted. A vote of thanks from the Cllrs was forwarded to Cllr Edmonds for all his hard work in planting the hedge.  There is a small amount of hedging material left over and the Cllrs agreed the proposal to continue the current hedge northwards.                                   Action: ME


8.5        A report on the Parish Field fence repair. – The fence has been repaired. The Cllrs offered a vote of thanks to the Chairman and John Cockcroft for their help in repairing the fence.


8.6        Response to the received allotment letters.  Cllr Prior left the room.


In accordance with the Parish Council standing orders, this item had been agreed at the 30th November meeting.  The Cllrs noted the points made in the letter and the relative size of the Baydon allotments and agreed to review the rental agreements at the annual review.


8.7        The Best Kept Medium Village 2010 – The Cllrs agreed not to enter the competition this year.


8.8        Arrangements for Beating the Bounds -  The Beating of the Bounds will take place on Monday 3rd May 2010 starting at 10 O’clock am.  The Chairman will visit those land owners affected and distribute more details nearer the time.                                      Action: TP


8.9        The Annual Parish Assembly meeting – The Chairman asked the Clerk to write to the Village groups requesting their annual reports.                                                   Action: Clerk


The Cllrs agreed to the proposal to spend up to £50 on ‘sale or return’ refreshments for the meeting from Baydon Stores. The Chairman agreed to contact Peter Chambers to enquire if the school hall would be available this year.

Action: TP


Post Meeting Note: The Annual Parish Assembly meeting will be held at the BYPA hall on the 30th April.


8.10      A report regarding the pond area. – Cllr Edmonds reported the response from Wiltshire Wildlife. They had passed the Parish Council request to a consultant, (Chalkhill Environmental Consultants) who was willing to review the area but this would cost over £200. The Parish Council agreed not to pursue this action.


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8.11      To consider planting a tree on the Green. The Cllrs discussed the possibility of planting a tree on the Green which could be decorated at Christmas time.  The Cllrs agreed to add this to the agenda for the Parish Assembly meeting.                                                          Action: Clerk


8.12      To consider a response to the Berkshire Core Strategy document. After discussion, the Cllrs agreed not to forward comments on this document.




9.1        Payment made between meetings:


Six payments, incl VAT, were approved:


            114       £52.88                          WALC Training

            115       £12.34                          Southern Electric          

            116       £142.5                          BYPA Rental

            117       £158.98                        Hopes Grove Hedging

118       £50                               Petty Cash

            124       £259.56                        Notice Board





9.2        Bank funds reconciliation statement for March 2010. - The statement was approved by Cllrs. The total in the RBS bank is currently £22,552.61, (£13,498.89 in the current account, £699.16 in the Allotment account, £ 8354.56 in the Recreation Account) and £53.05 in the Petty Cash.


9.3        To approve the Grass Cutting contract  -  The Chairman reported he had written to five contractors but that only two had replied. After discussion the Cllrs agreed to adopt the current contractor Pittams at a cost of £2175 ex VAT


9.4        To approve the quotes for Manor Lane bramble removal & Parish Field fence work   -  The Chairman has received three quotes for the work. After discussion, the Cllrs agreed to accept the quote for clearing the brambles from Peter Bray, at a cost of £340 ex VAT.  The Cllrs agreed that this cost will be partly offset by the annual cleaning allowance. The Chairman proposed requesting a WC grant for future fence and access work to the Parish field, (after planning permission is granted,) the Cllrs agreed the proposal.


9.5        To approve the final Water pipe quotation  -  not submitted, deferred to the next meeting.


9.6        To approve Chairman’s expenses of £40 -


a.   25 January 2010, visit to Devizes for Playbuilder meeting ( 50 miles @ 40p)

b.    18 March 2010, visit to Devizes for Planning Committee meeting ( 50 miles @ 40p)


The Cllrs approved the Chairman’s expenses of £40. Cllr Witt commented that the Chairman incurred additional expenses for Marlborough Area Board meetings, the Chairman declined to claim these expenses.


9.7        To approve payment of Clerk’s salary for the period 1 March 2010 to 5 April 2010.  – The Clerk’s salary of £306.15 was approved.


9.8        To approve Clerk’s overtime for the period 30 November to 1 March 2010.  – The Chairman stated that the Clerk is completing a weekly timesheet. The Clerk’s overtime request of £174.94 for the period 30 November to 1 March 2010 was approved.




10.1      Wiltshire Council Waste collection options have been suspended. – Due to the forthcoming National Election, Wiltshire Council has postponed the consultation.


10.2      Bus timetable changes. -  The Clerk has received notification of the new proposed bus timetable which is closely aligned to Option D of the consultation.






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11.1      To approve the final water pipe quotation


11.2      To discuss the use and possible location of the water trough on the Parish Field



The meeting closed at 21.30pm








Signed............................................                       Date..................................




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