Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held at the BYPA Hall on 30th April 2012

(Draft copy. Subject to approval at the next meeting)


PRESENT: Cllr Andrew Knowles (Chair), Cllr Philip Dore, Cllr Kevin Howell, Cllr Tomkins, Cllr Tamsin Witt, County Cllr Humphries and 5 members of the public.


1.             ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN – Cllr Knowles was unanimously elected to continue as Chairman of the Parish Council.


2.             APOLOGIES – Cllr Edmonds.


3.             DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST  - None


4.             MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS PARISH COUNCIL MEETING – The minutes of the meetings held on the 19th & 26th March 2012 were approved.


5.             SUSPENSION OF THE MEETING FOR PUBLIC QUESTION TIME – The Baydon Young Persons Association AGM will take place on Friday the 4th May 2012.  Cllr Witt and the Chairman plan to attend.




6.1        E/2012/0471/FUL - High Farm House, Back Lane - Side extension and alterations (amendments to E/2011/0897/FUL). The Council agreed ‘no objections’ to the planning application.                                                                                                       Action: Clerk




7.1          Parish Clerk - The Chairman informed the meeting that he had received a written resignation from the Clerk, effective from the 10th June 2012.  The Cllrs agreed to advertise the post and thanked the Clerk for all her sterling work.


7.2          The Marlborough Community Area Board report. – The Chairman reported that the Baydon Jubilee grant of £500 and the BYPA Hall grant had been approved by the Marlborough Community Area Board. Baydon Traffic Calming working group had also been praised in the meeting for their efforts.


7.3          The Traffic Calming Working Group, (TCWG) report. – Cllr Witt attended the Community Transport Working Group on the 17th April 2012. Cllr Witt reported several traffic successes for Baydon: Ermin Street has successfully bid to be one of two C-roads for review in Wiltshire this year, the Baydon Taking Actions on School Journeys plan is on the shortlist for funding recommendation, Wiltshire highways have agreed to a full feasibility study of traffic calming possibilities at the East end of the village.


The Community Speed watch is still ongoing with a recent session recording 31 speeders in one hour with the fastest speeder recorded at 71 miles per/hr.


7.4        Jubilee activities. -


a.             The Jubilee/Boundary Stone – The Jubilee/boundary stone marks the boundary of the village but better access is required to access the stone as it is currently fenced off. The Chairman agreed to further investigate this with the landowner.                                                                                                                                             Action: Chairman


b.             Beacon Lighting date – The Clerk noted that the Official Beacon lighting was on the 4th June and not the 3rd June as per the Baydon Jubilee celebrations. The Cllrs agreed to defer a decision until confirmation that Baydon was an official Beacon lighting site.


Post meeting note – It was agreed to light the Beacon on both dates as Baydon was included in the Official sites.

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A gazebo and chairs have been donated for village use & the village ‘bin’ will be available for the event.


7.5          Fence along the northern boundary of the playground. – Cllr Witt is in favour of the fence but agreed with Cllrs that the Council would need to budget ahead for this project.  It was agreed to investigate the boundary with the land registry and the neighbouring properties.                                                              Action: Chairman


7.6          The Parish Improvement Grant Scheme 2012. – The scheme was discussed; any applications need to be completed by the 13th July 2012.  The scheme will be advertised at the forthcoming Parish Assembly, County Cllr Humphries hoped to get the Rights of Way Officer to attend the Assembly.




8.1        Payments made between meetings. -  The following payments between meetings were approved:


            BYPA Grant                                                      £1,900.00

            Thames Water (Jan- April)                                  £7.43

            Jubilee Mugs                                                     £538.86



8.2        Future payments - The following payments were approved:


      Baydon PCC donation                                        £1,000.00

      Petty Cash                                                        £30.00


8.3          Bank funds reconciliation statement for April 2012. The Cllrs approved the bank funds statement for April 2012. The total in the RBS bank is currently £13,041.86 (£2,762.74 in the current account, £10,261.96 in the Savings account). The Petty Cash total is £17.16.


This does not include the Jubilee Grant (£500) and the first half of the Precept (£5,952.50) both of which have been received.


8.4          The fourth quarterly financial report. – The fourth quarterly financial report, previously circulated to the Cllrs was approved.


8.5          The Parish Council Insurance – The Parish Council Insurance quote of £470.27 from Came & Company was approved for payment.                                               Action: Clerk    


8.6          The Parish Assembly – The Cllrs approved a payment of up to £50 for refreshments at the Parish Assembly on Friday the 18th May 2012. Cllr Witt and Dore offered to provide a flyer for distribution and the Chairman agreed to order the refreshments.                                                                                                Action: TW/PD

                                                                                                Action: Chairman


8.7          Responsible Financial Officer – Rather than handing over the RFO to Cllr Edmonds, the Clerk offered to retain the RFO role until her resignation came into effect at which time the new Clerk would assume the role. The Cllrs agreed to the proposal.




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9.1        BYPA Chairman – Cllr Witt noted that the BYPA Chairman was standing down at the BYPA AGM on Friday the 4th May 2012.




9.1        To discuss a requirement for a Baydon Automatic External Defibrillator – After village consultation.


9.2        To agree village storage requirements.


9.3        To discuss Community First membership.


The meeting closed at 8.45 hr





Signed............................................                       Date..................................


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