Acting Clerk’s Report for Meeting on 30 November 2009 Appendix A
Parish Field track hedge trimmed: dead tree removed
Meeting with Mr Lloyd re footpath diversion and play area.
New Clerk contract of employment and job description prepared.
Nationwide account closed; money transferred to RBS account.
Manor Lane hedge inspection carried out.
Signatories updated on RBS and Lloyds TSB accounts.
Hawser wire removal suspended.
Light replacement opposite
Common land information obtained re pond area.
Approval obtained from WC for 30mph Please drive carefully signage
Allotment Tenancy Agreement (18 Feb ’08) – Document to be redrafted based on model tenancy agreement provided by NALC. Awaiting approval by Parish Council.
Allotment Rules (18 Feb ’08) – Rules will need to be reviewed after tenancy agreement has been revised to remove any duplication. Rules for fruit frames, raised beds, ground covering material (e.g. plastic sheeting) and power tools need to be confirmed. Revised draft document produced.
Removal of Mound on Parish Field (10 Mar ’08) – to be considered as part of Parish Filed development.
Definition of Liaison Officer Role (29 May ’08) – This matter has been merged with handling of queries between meetings for agenda item.
Water Supply for Parish Field (19 May ’08) – Letter to be sent to residents regarding closure of the lane prior to any work commencing. New connection quotation received. Pipe laying quotation with B. Gribble.
New Hedging for Parish Field (9 Jun ’08) – Decision to proceed with hedge required.
Revised Standing Orders (7 Jul ’08) – Development to be progressed.
Parish Calendar (11 May ’09) - Calendar to be populated & reviewed for completeness Action: All (29 June ’09)
Parish Improvement Grants Scheme (29 June ‘09) - Review improvement grant information and attend workshop as necessary Action: Cllr Witt
Manor Lane/
Footpath signage Checks and recommendations to be made Action ANP
Blocked drains in
Request for salt box at
Allotment Matters (29 Sept ’08) - To consider joining NSALG.
Parish Field – To discuss the fence repair.
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