Baydon Parish Council


Draft Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 30 November 2015 held at the BYPA Hall


PRESENT: Cllr John Cockcroft, Cllr Kevin Howell, Cllr Tony Prior, Cllr Tamsin Witt,  3 residents.

In the advised absence of the Cllr Knowles, Chairman, it was agreed that Cllr Cockcroft would be the Acting Chairman for the duration of the meeting.



Cllr A Knowles.



Cllr Howell re. planning allocation 15/11381/FUL.

Cllr T Prior re. Item 9.5 Plastic sheeting.



The Minutes of the meeting dated 26 October 2015 were approved.



Cllr Prior read out the report covering 1 Sept -27 Nov 2015 from PC Boardman.

In summary – 6 burglaries occurred of which 5 were in garages predominately left insecure. Cycles, a mobile and food items were removed. The other was a house entry, car keys removed and two cars taken from the garage. One car was involved in an accident in Swindon. The other was stopped in the Avon/Somerset Force area and 5 occupants arrested. The person from the Baydon area was charged with theft of a motorcycle from Baydon in June and will appear in court in mid-December.

There were 5 thefts/attempted thefts from cars which had also been left insecure and low value items were taken.

There were 4 incidents of criminal damage to motor vehicles, 2 of which had tyres cut: one had a smashed driver’s window: one had a scratched door.

Police enquiries are ongoing regarding  the 5 arrested following car thefts.



Mr J Grove reported the 30mph indicator lights near the shop were not working.

Mr T Dominy apologised about the dirty guy ropes on the event shelters after the firework display.



6/11/2015 Marlborough Our Community Matters: Problems with website.

6/11/2015 Parish Steward: Return of department with 18 stewards in April 2016

18/11/15 Email from Mr R Baylis, Manor Lane re 4 chestnut trees. Discussed under Item 8.7

24/11/2015 SLCC Nov. meeting. (a) Public Liability insurance for councillors and public on Council duties. Action Cllr Prior

(b)  WC Service Levels and involvement of Parish Councils in agreements for more service at extra      cost.   Action:-  Councillors to monitor future published information.



15/11381/FUL. No objections had been received by Wiltshire Council. Councillors agreed to support application.



8.1 Purchase of laptop &printer

 The draft policy document was circulated for consideration at next meeting.                                  Action All Cllrs


8.2 Second Event Tent

The trolley purchased has been purchased at a cost of £24.99 plus delivery and was endorsed in line with the approval at 26 Oct. 2015 meeting.


8.3 Footpath off Manor Lane - handrail                                

The work was now scheduled for w/c 30 Nov. 2015                                                                             Action Cllr Knowles


8.4 Purchase of litter pickers and additional Equipment      

Subsequent to the last meeting it was agreed to purchase 5 pickers and 10 sack rings at a cost of £154.46 plus delivery. The question of Councillor responsibility for stock keeping of pickers, rings, high-vis jackets and signs will be added to the next agenda.                                                                                                                                                                               Action  All Cllrs

The possibility of storage space for equipment in the BYPA hall is being investigated.                      Action Cllr Witt


8.5 Playground

The damaged area of the bench had been  re-sprayed with the same colour code paint.                                                                 


Cllr Witt reported that Wiltshire Council had seen the draft layout but required the final version before the planning application could proceed. A member of the Miracle staff had visited the playground to enable the final drawing plan to be prepared.                                                                                                                                                                    Action Cllr Witt                      



8.6 BAYD 2 & 11 part Diversion Order, Modification Order 2015

The Rights of Way meeting scheduled for 19 November had been postponed. No future date had been arranged to date.

                                                                                                                                                                Action Cllr Knowles/Prior

8.7 Trees and Hedges

(a)Manor Lane/Ermin Close.  Discussions had been held with Manor Cottage owner. He recognised the problem and offered to deal with the tree leaning over the footpath.  Cllr Prior, due to the circumstances existing, advised him that Councillors had offered to carry out the hedge/bush work.                                                                                                            Action Cllrs Cockcroft/Howell.

(b) Manor Lane/ Aldbourne Road north corner. Discussions had been held with Barn-Lec owner who had agreed to cut back the laurel hedge to improve visibility for drivers emerging from Manor Lane.

(c) Manor Lane/Track corner. Cllr Prior suggested that, for consistency in approach, the box hedges of Waldron Farm House  which have now  grown over the Lane,  have created  another  visibility problem. It was agreed to contact the owner for discussions. It was recognised that the solution would not be straightforward.                                                                   Action Cllr Prior

(d) Manor Lane 5 chestnut trees Discussions had been held with Chestnuts owner. A Land Registry map, costing £3, indicated that the Baydon Farm land extends to Manor Lane edge. Contact had been made with the owner to show him the map and to advise that he should contact Mr M Lloyd as the issue was primarily between the two parties. If a danger to pedestrians/drivers  using Manor Lane  exists then Wiltshire Council could get involved.                                                                  Action Cllr Prior


8.8 Painting maintenance

Two of three quotations, £870 and £595 excl VAT had been received.                                                Action Cllr Prior


8.9 PC Notice Board

Quotations were posted on 28 October. No replies had been received to date.                                  Action Cllr Prior


8.10 Bonfire night 7 November

On behalf of the Parish Council, the Chairman thanked and congratulated the firework team for their work  on the bonfire and the firework display. A record attendance of 786 people had attended. The income on the night  exceeded the costs by a small margin. A surplus of approximately £300 exists thanks to a donation.


8.11 Baydon Welcome Pack  

The Chairman reported the PCC were preparing a draft document for consideration.


8.1 Christmas Tree/Carols on the Green.             

Mr B Johnson had agreed to donate a tree again this year. Councillors recorded their thanks to him. It will be delivered on 3 December and erected on Saturday 5 December.

Cllr Witt advised that it was not possible to invite the same band as last year. She suggested the school be asked for advice about the possibility of the older children being involved. Another option could be to ask the Aldbourne band if they could play.

                                                                                                                                                                Action Cllr Witt


8.13 Speed Indicator Device (SID)

Cllr Witt reported Aldbourne are interested in a sharing arrangement. Councillors decided to await further information about costs

before deciding on viability.                                                                                                                   Action All Cllrs


9. FINANCE                                                                                                                                                                                            

9.1 Budget and Precept 2016-17

A Budget of £16,292 and a Precept of £13,390 (the same as 2014) were approved.

Cllr Prior advised that after taking the VAT reclaim into account the net reduction in the total PC reserve would be £1700 approx.

(Email dated 27 October 2015 to Councillors)


9.2 One quotation limit

Councillors agreed that the limit be increased from £300 to £500.


9.3 Income

RBS Reserve    Repayment and interest                25.19     

                        BAA water charge           21.02     


9.4 Bank  statements @ 13 October

RBS Treasurers a/c                 20932.96

Reserve a/c                              4580.53   (1200 ring fenced, excluded from PC total below)

Barclays                                  10493.60  

Petty cash                                   16.58 


9.5 Payments approved between meetings






9.6 Payments for approval

A N Prior Express paints (bench)            19.14

RBS transfer to Barclays                 10,000.00

S Electric                                                 21.61

Plastic sheeting (allotments)                 95.67

Cllrs approved these payments

9.7 Asset Register

The Asset Register increase to £37225 total , due to the addition of 4 frames and 4 sign overlays £290, was approved.

It was noted that there is no depreciation procedure built into the accounts.


10. Items to Note

(a) The wine and mince pies will be supplied by Julie, Red Lion. They will be served on the Green.

(b) Thanks were recorded for:-

 Mike, Manor Lane, Mark Austen, Martha Knowles and Eleanor Howell and Councillors for helping with the Litter Pick.

Cllrs Knowles, Cockcroft and Kevin Witt who cut back the fallen tree on Ermin Street.

(c) The next Ladies Night is on 11 December at 8pm in the Red Lion.

(d) Downsmead will be re-surfaced during 12-14 December: Manor Lane during 16-18 December.

(e) Dates for Parish Council meetings 2016:-

11 Jan, 22 Feb, 21 Mar*, 16 May (AGM), 4 July, 12 Sept, 17 Oct, 28 Nov.

(f) Date of Parish Assembly (possibly 13 May but to be confirmed)

(f) 155 Stella cans were collected along Aldbourne Road during the litter pick. An appeal went out for the main person to stop this unacceptable practice.


*Changed after meeting closed. 28 Mar is Easter Monday next year.


11. Items for next meeting



The meeting was closed at 9.12 pm.  Signed…………………............ Cllr Cockcroft, Acting Chairman    Date…………………………


Date of next meeting  Monday 11 January 2016



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