Minutes of Meeting held at the BYPA Hall on 4th April 2011
(Draft copy. Subject to approval at the next meeting)
The Chairman welcomed Cllr Witt back and congratulated her and Kevin on the birth of their son.
1. APOLOGIES – None.
The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 21st February 2011 were approved.
The Standing Orders were suspended so members of the public could speak to the Parish Council. A resident raised the issue of the Church clock servicing as the clock is not currently keeping accurate time. The Clock was serviced in November and the Clerk was asked to investigate the problem. Action: Clerk
The Church gates were also reported as not working properly and the Clerk offered to advise the Parochial Church Council. Action: Clerk
The issue of dog fouling on the Parish Field was raised. Allotment owners are keeping their dogs on leads; no dogs are allowed in the Play Area.
5.1 E/11/0285/FUL –
Top Field Farm,
E/11/0278/106 –
The Cllrs discussed this application and agreed ‘No objections.’ Action: Clerk
5.3 E/11/0292/FUL – Hazelbury Farm,
5.4 E/11/0347/FUL –
Baydon House Farm,
· House Extensions – The Cllrs agreed ‘No objections.’
· Horse Ménage – The Menage fencing was in position. There were no objections to that in principle but access and egress to bridleway Baydon11 through the area is not possible. The land owner Mr B Johnson is in negotiations on this subject.with Wiltshire Council ROW department. Cllrs agreed that the whole subject should be considered by Planning/ROW departments as one issue and the reply would cover the foregoing details. Action: Clerk
5.5 E/11/0362/FUL –
High Farm House,
6.1 Parish Council membership, change of Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) duties and vacancies. – Following his decision at the last meeting not to participate in future major projects, partly on health grounds, the Chairman asked Cllrs to consider whether they considered that to be commensurate with the Chairman’s responsibilities.
The Parish Council has been running with an average vacancy of 2.6 (effectively 3 people) since November 2007 and this had had an effect on the Parish Council in terms of possible work sharing. Currently there are still two vacancies.
Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) - The Clerk is taking on the position of RFO for the 2011/2012 accounts onwards. The Chairman, on behalf of the Parish Council, thanked Cllr Edmonds for his hard work and in particular for his accurate spread sheets which enable reports to be promptly issued through the year.
6.2 Traffic Calming Working Group, (TCWG) report: Mr M Austen spoke on behalf of the TCWG.
a. Baydon Community Speed Watch, (CSW.) Eleven residents were trained on the 23rd February and six more were awaiting training. Nine CSW sessions have taken place; a maximum of 17 speeders in one hour had been recorded, with the highest at 55 mph. The speed device has recently been returned for calibration but is due back into the village by the 8th April. The issue of CSW signage was raised and was passed to the TCWG to discuss. Action: TCWG
TCWG meeting with Baydon St. Nicholas Governors regarding the Taking
Action On School Journeys, (TAOSJ) Mouchel
report. The TCWG met with the school Governors to discuss the
recommendations in the TAOSJ report. The TCWG and the school were in agreement
about all of the recommendations except the widening of the footpath at the
junction of
Baydon Road Signs – These are currently in the process of being
replaced and new ‘Welcome to Baydon’ signs being placed at the village entrance
6.3 Response to
Wiltshire Council, Department of Neighbourhood and Planning regarding the TAOSJ
Mouchel report. – The Cllrs
discussed the response to the TAOSJ report and the letter the Clerk had
drafted; they agreed to changes which reflected their ‘support’ to the footpath
widening and the no-parking zone at the junction with
6.4 The Parish Field:
a. Play area - Project status. – The play equipment is now installed. There is a slight adjustment required for the Cantilever swing which will be fitted by the 8th April.
The Chairman reported that the Mound removal had not proceeded as planned because the agreed contractor method of disposal was no longer possible. Consequently a lorry was required to remove the spoil to another disposal site. This method would incur additional cost to the original contractor quotation which the Cllrs discussed. Cllr Edmonds stated that there is currently project money in Reserve which could be used for the additional cost. The Cllrs agreed to pay the original quote and discuss the additional expense at the next Parish Council meeting when a detailed invoice becomes available. Action: AP/Clerk
b. Formal Playground Opening - The Cllrs agreed to a formal playground opening and suggested and agreed that the Chairman should be the person to open it as he was largely responsible for the success of the project. There is a Playbuilder celebration in Devizes on the 16th May but as yet no attendee has been identified. The Cllrs will agree the date of the formal Baydon playground opening at the next meeting.
Action: Clerk
c. Manure deliveries to the Parish Field. - Access for manure deliveries is now restricted due to the installation of the play area. It was suggested that the BAA form a working party to wheel barrow future deliveries to the allotment area from a trailer.
d. Rabbit proof fence. - The rabbit fence could now proceed. It was agreed that the invoice should go directly to the Parish Council and the BAA would make a donation to the Parish Council. Action: TP/BAA
The outward opening gate in the allotment fence will be positioned to the right of the standpipe.
e. Options for overhanging branches on the Parish Field. - The overhanging branches between the Parish Field and the neighbouring house are very low. The Clerk offered to write to the resident to ask them to cut them back to a seven foot clearance.
Action: Clerk
It was agreed that the tree at the Northern end of the field could be trimmed as it was causing a risk to allotment users.
6.5 Parish Assembly arrangements. – 6th May 2011. The Cllrs discussed the arrangements and agreed the following:
· Invite groups, prepare notices and advertise. Action: Clerk
· Leaflet drop village. Action: TW
· Arrange refreshments on sale of return with the village stores Action: AP
in the ratio (60:30:10, RW:WW:OJ)
The Cllrs discussed and agreed to write to Newtons Walk residents to welcome them to the village and invite them specifically to forthcoming village events. Action: AP
6.6 BYPA Committee invitation. – Cllr Witt volunteered to become a member of the BYPA committee to represent the Baydon Parish Council, as one of the user groups. The Cllrs approved the membership. Action: Clerk
6.7 Arrangements for the Baydon Royal Wedding Celebrations. – Cllr Knowles offered to liaise with the Red Lion Public House regarding celebrations. Action: AK
6.8 Beating the Bounds – May 2nd 2011 - Mrs Barbara Furber agreed to lead the walk this year; the Clerk will advertise the arrangements and contact the necessary landowners.
Action: Clerk
6.9 The Best Kept Village Competition 2011. – The Cllrs agreed not to enter the competition this year.
6.10 Visibility at the
junction of
7.1 Payments made between meetings. - The following payments were approved:
Southern Electric £11.56 incl VAT
St Nicholas sign £434.70 (ex VAT cost)
7.2 Future Payments. - The following sums were approved for payments:
Miracle D&P Ltd Phase 2 balance £3374.95 incl VAT
Miracle D&P Ltd sign £294.41 incl VAT
CSW speed device batteries. £6 (up to) incl VAT
The Cllrs briefly discussed the requirement for individual ‘age usage’ signs on the play equipment and agreed to put it on the next agenda for further discussion. Action: Clerk
The Cllrs also discussed the security charge for phase three of the play ground as the actual security equipment used was not as per quotation. The Cllrs asked the Chairman to review the security cost with Miracle D&P Ltd and thus did not approve the phase three payment.
Action: AP
7.3 Parish Assembly Refreshments - 6th May. The Cllrs agreed spending up to £60 incl VAT on the Parish Assembly refreshments.
7.4 The bank funds reconciliation statement for March 2011. The Cllrs approved the bank funds statement for March 2011. The total in the RBS bank is currently £21,687.96, (£16,717.94 in the current account, £887.36 in the Allotment account, £4082.66 in the Recreation Account). The Petty Cash total is £14.48.
7.5 Proposed Bank Account changes. Cllr Edmonds as retiring RFO proposed the following changes to the Royal Bank of Scotland bank accounts:
· Surplus funds in the ‘Main Account’ are transferred to a single ‘Reserve Savings Account’ to a balance of £9000.
· Rename the ‘Allotment Account’ to ‘Reserve Savings’ (but internally ring-fence the allotment income and expenditure)
· Close the ‘Recreation Account’ once the final invoices for the play area have been received and total monies spent.
The Cllrs discussed the option which would simplify the accounts now the ring fenced Recreation money had been spent on the play area. The Parish Council would still benefit from the interest and bonus payable on the ‘Reserve Savings” account.Cllrs agreed to the proposal. Action: AP
7.6 The Clerk’s Salary for 2011/2012 – The Clerk left the room whilst the Cllrs discussed the
Clerk’s salary scale for 2011/2012. Cllrs agreed to the annual increment and an increase to SCP 20 as the Clerk is taking on extra RFO responsibility. Action: AP
8.1 Aldbourne Library - The Clerk and the Chairman had both helped with the Aldbourne referendum on the 27th March 2011 which had returned a 2/3rds majority in favour of increasing the Aldbourne precept.
8.2 Baydon Recycling dates – 2011 - Dates for 2011 have been received and publicised by the Clerk.
8.3 Litter Picking – The Chairman thanked all those who had helped with the 5th March litter pick.
8.4 Baydon Parish Steward Visits – Cllr Humphries has received the spring Parish Steward schedule which shows that Baydon should have a Parish Steward visit at the beginning of every month.
8.6 Localism
meeting – The Chairman attended the Localism briefing in
9.1 To discuss the purchase of new external Christmas lights and timer.
9.2 To discuss the Queen Elizabeth II fields project.
9.3 To discuss possible Parish Councillor photographs.
9.4 To discuss the possibility of a Cricket Field Bin.
9.5 To agree additional costs for the Mound removal work on the Parish Field.
9.6 To discuss additional signage on the Baydon play equipment.
9.7 To approve phase three payment to Miracle D&P Ltd.
9.6 To consider purchase of a roundabout for the play area. (deferred to a June meeting to allow feedback from the playground.)
The meeting closed at 21.57hr
Signed............................................ Date..................................
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