Minutes of the Meeting held at the BYPA Hall on 5th September 2011


(Draft copy. Subject to approval at the next meeting)


PRESENT: Cllr Michael Edmonds, Cllr Andrew Knowles (Vice-Chair), Cllr Alison Tomkins, County Cllr Humphries and 12 members of the public. 


1. APOLOGIES – Cllr Tony Prior (on holiday), Cllr Tamsin Witt (ill).






The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 25th July 2011 were approved.


4. SUSPENSION OF THE MEETING FOR PUBLIC QUESTION TIME - There were no public questions additional to the agenda.




5.1        E/2011/0969/FUL - Erection of two storey extension. Baydon House Farm, Baydon.  Cllr Humphries has ‘called–in’ this application. The Cllrs agreed ‘No Objections’ as the application was not significantly different from the previous Baydon House Farm application.

                                                                                                                        Action: Clerk


5.2        E/2011/1033/FUL - Livestock accommodation and feeding building and below ground slurry lagoon. Gore Lane Farm, Baydon. The Cllrs agreed ‘No Objections’.            Action: Clerk


5.3        E/2011/1021/OUT – Application for outline planning permission for the erection of four houses. Foxfield and Estcots, Aldbourne Road, Baydon. The Cllrs listened to the comments of residents neighbouring the location and discussed the application. The Cllrs agreed that the village doesn’t need any more development, particularly larger houses and that three bedroom properties are in short supply in Baydon. The Cllrs agreed to ask Cllr Humphries to ‘Call-in’ the planning application to Wiltshire Council.


5.4        E/2011/1053/FUL – Single storey side extension. 4, Walronds Close, Baydon. The Cllrs agreed ‘No Objections’.                                                                                           Action: Clerk




6.1        The election of a new Chairman.  Cllr Edmonds proposed Cllr Knowles as the new Chairman. Cllr Knowles responded that due to full time work he wasn’t sure he was able to give the time required, particularly as the Parish Council is still short of Cllrs. After brief discussion Cllr Knowles agreed to think about the request further. A decision was deferred to the next meeting.                                                                                                                              Action: Clerk


6.2               The Traffic Calming Working Group, (TCWG) report.  Mr M Austen gave the TCWG report. The temporary Speed Indicator Device, (SID) is now working again as the battery has been replaced. Community Speed Watch is still continuing with an average of 25 cars being found speeding per hour. The Marlborough Board Issue to move the permanent SID in Ermin Street is still ongoing.


6.3               Future Marlborough Community Area Board, (MCAB) attendance. The Cllrs asked Cllr Edmonds to attend the next MCAB meeting on the 6th September on behalf of the Baydon Parish Council.


6.4               To review the BYPA Youth Worker & proposed documentation. Ms. Amy Wallis introduced herself to the Cllrs and spoke about her previous work background and current work with Aldbourne Youth Council; the Cllrs then asked her further questions.  Ms. Hazel Keen provided the Council with documentation regarding the current employment of Ms Wallis which the Clerk agreed to disseminate to Cllrs.                                                               Action: Clerk

Ms. Venice Marriot confirmed she had also received information from Aldbourne Youth Council which she would forward onto the Clerk for dissemination to the Cllrs.                     Action: BYPA           


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6.5        Cricket Field Bins & container removal. Cllr Witt has been in contact with both WC and Berkshire Clearance; both actions are ongoing.                  


6.6        Report on the status of the Parish Field.


a.       Communal Shed for Allotment holders.   This item was deferred.          Action: Clerk


b.       Litter Bin status. This item is ongoing.


c.        Bench Installation. .  Two benches have been delivered, one has been permanently installed and the second is semi-permanently installed.  The second bench will be moved to the mound area once the reseeding is complete.  A note of thanks was offered to all Cllrs and their families who helped to install the Parish Field benches.


d.       Northern boundary trees – These have been cut by the tree owner.


e.       Fencing along the northern boundary of the playground – This item was deferred until fencing quotes for the southern area have been received.                   Action: Clerk


6.7        Response to the Redcliffe letter regarding future use of S106 money.          The Clerk has previously circulated the response received from Redcliffe regarding the possible derestricted use of S106 money.  The Council agreed Cllr Edmond’s proposal to send a letter to Wiltshire Council asking them to agree to the derestricted use of S106 money.                           Action: Clerk


6.8        The Cricket Club S106 application.   The Council have received a request from the Cricket Club to support their application to Wiltshire Council for S106 money. In the meantime, the current constraints on the S106 money (time and funding options) have reduced.  The Council agreed that the Cricket Club should apply for a MCAB grant in the first instance and if this is unsuccessful the Council would reconsider the application for the S106 money. The Cllrs agreed to consider the required grant of £3594 to the Cricket Club at the next meeting.                                                                                                                                                     Action: Clerk


The Clerk was asked to forward the draft MCAB application form and letters to the Cricket Club.                                                                                                                               Action: Clerk


6.9        Manor Lane hedging at the junction with Aldbourne Road – The left-hand hedge has already been cut back by the residents but motorists are still reporting difficulties pulling out into Aldbourne Road safely, particularly if cars are parked in Aldbourne Road. The Cllr discussed the problem and asked the Clerk to raise an issue report with highways.                        Action: Clerk


6.10      Downsmead unoccupied garages. As Cllr Witt was absent this item was deferred.

                                                                                                                        Action: Clerk




7.1        Payments made between meetings. -   The following items were approved:


      Mazars, External Audit                           £162

      Pittams, Grass cutting (½ year)              £1353


 7.2       Future Payments. - The following sums were approved for payments:


T. Prior, Additional Rubbish removal        £7

T Prior 4 bags Postcrete for benches       £20.40 

            Parish Field Benches - Broxap                £1576.80

            HMRC (Quarter 2)                                  £174.55



7.3        Bank funds reconciliation statement for August 2011. -  The Cllrs approved the bank funds statement for August 2011. The total in the RBS bank is currently £18610.45 (£8396.66 in the current account, £10174.61 in the Savings account). The Petty Cash total is £39.18.



7.4        Parish Field fencing quotations. – Despite five tenders for the work only one quotation has been received. This item was deferred to the next meeting.                               Action: Clerk



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7.5        Expenses for the Clerk – The Clerk’s expense claim of £87.95 was approved.        


7.6        Expenses for Cllr Tomkins. – Cllr Tomkins’s expense claim of £22.99 was approved.


7.7        HRMC Quarter 2 payment. – The HMRC Quarter 2, 2011 payment of £174.55 was approved.


7.8        School Hall Hire – The payment for the School Hall hire on the 16th September of £50 was approved.


7.9        The annual Fireworks donation – The Cllrs briefly discussed the annual fireworks donation and agreed to donate £275 to the Fireworks Group. The Fireworks Group have applied to MCAB for a grant to cover the cost of a generator and additional lighting for the pedestrian entrance.


The Cricket field will be opening soon for the placing of non-toxic burnable waste on the bonfire; the Village shop will hold the key. The Cllrs were asked if they would help with Stewarding the event again this year.


7.10       New external Christmas lights and timer. – Cllr Tomkins presented two quotes and her detailed recommendation for purchasing new external Christmas lights and timer.  The Cllrs agreed to her recommendation to purchase the lights from TLC Direct in Swindon spending up to £250 + VAT.




8.1        Manor Lane Hedging – The sides of the Manor Lane hedge have been cut.


8.2        Queen’s Jubilee 2012 – Cllr Tomkins reported that leaflets will be distributed this week reminding residents of the meeting on the 16th September.


8.3        Additional Recycling lorry dates – 18th October, 15th November. The Clerk reported that she had secured two additional recycling lorry dates for Baydon.


8.4        Annual Return 2011/12 – The Clerk reported that this had been received from the external auditors with no comments. The Annual Return will be posted on the notice board and the Baydon website.


8.5        New Police number 101 – From the 19th September the Police telephone number for non-urgent calls will be 101.




9.1               Election of a new Chairman.


9.2        To receive a report on the Cricket Field bins and container removal.


9.3        To discuss the proposal for a fence along the northern boundary of the playground.


9.4        To discuss the Cricket Club grant request.          


9.5        To discuss the Downsmead unoccupied garages.


9.6        To approve the additional Parish Field fence quotations.


The meeting closed at 9.20 hr






Signed............................................                       Date..................................



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