Minutes of the Annual General Meeting (AGM parish council Meeting)

held at the BYPA Hall on Monday 19th May 2014

 PRESENT: Cllr Andrew Knowles (Chair), Cllr Kevin Howell, Cllr Alison Tomkins, Cllr Tamsin Witt, Cllr Tony Prior, Cllr John Cockcroft,  Angelina Grieve (Clerk), Cllr James Sheppard Wiltshire CC (Late)

Including: 4 members of the public

Apologies - Mark Austen

1.                  ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN

Cllr Knowles voted in

Vice Chair – To be carried forward

RFO – Cllr Prior


2.                  DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Cllr Prior – Allotments

To record any declarations of interest to matters on the Agenda - None


To approve minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 7th April 2014 – amendment 8.6 Clr Prior to be paid £6.99 and 8.61 Beefy Bins Skip Hire for Plot 14 Approved

4.1 A commitment was made to produce first draft minutes within 7 days of meetings having taken place and Agenda approved 7 days before PC meeting

5.   Council to ask Grass Cutters if the main area near the water tanks (on the east side of the allotment plots) can be cut.  Action AK

5.1 Chicanes – Pavement on footpath side is overgrown Action TP

Highways Agency visiting on the 22nd May 2014.  An email will be sent to them to look at the overgrown area. Action TW

5.2  Finches Lane has a sign saying No Vehicular Access – Residents Only.  It is believed this sign is temporary

5.3 Right of Way off Manor Lane which goes into a field.  A hand rail is needed as the area entering the field is slippery and unsafe.  Quotes are needed.  Action Not allocated


Emails and phone messages have been received regarding increased traffic on Manor Lane.  It was noted by some of the Councillors and members of the public that traffic speeding does not appear to be a problem.  It was also noted that no residents from Manor Lane attended this meeting to put their views forward in person.  It was also noted that ‘Residents Only’ signs were taken from Finches Lane and put in Manor Lane.  Reports have also been received from Waldrons Close, Pre-School on Manor Lane and a resident from Finches Lane stating more signage would be welcome.  Residents are at liberty to request a 20mph limit, and/or a one way system but it was observed that Manor Lane is a public highway and can therefore be used by any member of the public.  In general, it was felt that whilst the traffic flow has increased along Manor Lane since the road works, speeding has not been a major issue.  The chicanes are nearly in place and awaiting lighting.

7.      PLANNING

7.1   An email was received today 19/05/14.  Planning Application 14/03688/FUL.  The Parish Council was unable to pass comment on this as they had not seen the Application in time for the meeting.  The Application stated 3 bedroom houses were to be built but it was noted that the application outlines 4.  An email to be sent to person concerned stating the Parish Plan states 3 bedroom houses are required and there is also concern about access for working machinery should the application be processed successfully Action AG


8.1 Allotments.  A 1 ton Beefy Bag will cost £64.00 including VAT and one more will be needed.

It was agreed that Cllr Prior will provide the location for the full bags to be collected.

The BAA has no interest in a Skip for Allotment waste and allotment holders will deal with any waste individually.

No payment has been received for half of Allotment 14 and it was decided that the Allotment should, therefore be marketed again for rental.


8.2  Three quotes have been received for Grass Cutting. 

AW Services - £2,300

S Furber - £3,250 and

Pittams - £1,875.

It was agreed that the preferred supplier is Pittams.

8.3  The Church Clock has been serviced by Smith of Derby Ltd on a yearly basis

Other quotes are to be looked into  Action AG


8.4  Banking. It was agreed that RBS in Newbury is too far to travel with queries.

A change of bank and internet banking to be looked into Action TP


8.5 Mobile Phone for Clerk. It was agreed that a mobile phone was not necessary for the clerk but that any phone calls made should be monitored over the next 6 months. 


9.      FINANCE

9.1    Bank Reconciliation. £27,590.34 in Treasurers Account and

£2,904.04 in the Bonus Reserve Account increase – due to Allotment rents


9.2    RFO Report on Accounts

The internal Audit has now been done but the VAT has not been submitted as yet.  This is due to the fact that there has not been a Clerk for some time.

9.2.1        The 2013-14 Annual Return Section 1 was approved and signed.

9.2.2        The 2013-14 Annual Return Section 2 was approved and signed.

9.2.3        The 2014-15 Budget is unchanged and the total of £14,101 was retrospectively approved.

9.2.4        The 2013-14 quarterly Expenditure against Budget was approved and will be published on the website and the Notice Board. 

9.2.5        The Internal Auditor has signed off the 2013-14 Annual Return Section 4 and the whole Annual Return can be sent to Grant Thornton. Action TP

9.2.6        An overpayment of £79.08 was made to the previous Clerk and will be paid back to the PC. Action AK.

9.2.7        A potential overpayment of income tax to HMRC is being investigated.   Action TP

9.2.8        Pains Fireworks received a payment of £432 inc VAT from the PC. An invoice for £360 inc VAT is outstanding on the account.  It was agreed that a letter of explanation should be sought from Pains.  Action  TP

9.2.9        BAA (Baydon Allotment Association).  A figure of £45.19 to be paid for two summers water usage.  Approved

9.2.10    Church/School Fete.  It was agreed a donation of  £50 would be made by the PC for this event.


9.3    Receipts and Precept Grant

Half Precept    £7,227.07

Allotment rental                                  £270.00


9.4    PAYMENTS FOR APPOVAL:  The following payments were approved at the meeting.


-     Wilshire Association of Local Councils                         229.80

-     Came Insurance                                                          475.78

-     Baydon Stores (Parish Assembly)                                 36.10

-     Expenses for Cllr Prior (Files etc)                                 20.56

-     Stamps for Clerk (Beating the Bounds Letters)               3.72 (petty cash at next meeting)

      -     Baydon Young Peoples Association                             80.00

      -     Beefy Skips -                                                               64.00

      -     Meter Box -                                                                 74.39



A cost of £130 was paid for the Event Tent.  It was agreed that this item should be added to the Asset Register. The new total is £36,645.



10.1 Cricket Club. Unfortunately no one has come forward to support the Cricket Club and it has now ceased to exist.  The Club is selling off some of its assets and an amount of £2,200 has already been raised.  This amount and any future monies will be put aside for any sports activity within the village. There will have to be a time limit.  It was also noted that the building in the Cricket field will deteriorate in the future and should it need to be removed, it will be the funds from the Cricket Club that will be used to pay for this.

The money raised will be put into the Treasurers Account.  This decision was agreed by the PC.  The question of the time of ring fencing the deposit will be considered at a later meeting. Action AK


10.2  Baydon Scene Magazine.  There are no funds to pay for the next hard copy of  the Baydon Scene Magazine.  It was decided that a Flyer should be sent out to each house in Baydon (along with Raffle tickets) stating the Scene would not be able to continue unless someone came forward to take over its production.  The last ‘Scene’ will be sent out electronically.  It was agreed that £40 approximately will be paid to Brydgette to cover the shortfall of printing costs. 



NALC.  There are new financial regulations currently in Draft form.  Some of the content will need to be updated.  Cllr Prior will look at this.  Action TP

 The meeting was closed at 9.55pm by the Chairman.

Next Parish Council meeting to be held at 7.30 pm on 30th  June 2014 in the BYPA Hall


Signed............................................                                                       Date…...............................Chairman   (Mr A Knowles)


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