18th August 2008 (Subject to approval at the meeting on 1st September 2008)

PRESENT: Cllr Tony Prior, Cllr Ian Timms, Cllr Alison Tomkins, Cllr Tamsin Witt. Also present were Elizabeth Carmichael (Clerk) & 5 members of the public.


Cllr Prior stated that he was willing to stand as Chairman. There were no other nominations. It was agreed that Cllr Prior be appointed Chair for the Council for the year 2008/2009.

2.             APOLOGIES

All Parish Councillors were present.


Cllr Ian Timms, Cllr Tony Prior and Cllr Tamsin Witt all individually declared a personal interest in agenda items 7.2 & 7.3 as they are all allotment holders.


The minutes of the meeting on 21sth July were approved subject to the following amendment:  

“It was noted that matters from the minutes were not available for the second meeting. The Chair requested that they be prepared for the meeting on 1st September.”

The minutes were subsequently signed by the Chair as a correct record.


The meeting was suspended to give members of the public the opportunity to speak to the Parish Council about matters on the agenda before they were considered.


The Clerk has responded to the planning appeal for the wind turbines at Baydon Meadow. It was noted that, in addition to producing the minutes for the previous meeting and preparing for the current meeting, the majority of the Clerk’s time has been spent on producing the draft documents for review at this meeting i.e. Standing Orders, Administration Procedure, Co-option Procedure, Co-option Form and Chairmanship. The Clerk advised the meeting that she had established that the NALC’s solicitor was working to a 21day SLA to respond to any queries. It was noted that another letter be sent requesting a finality to the issue and the draft copied to Councillors.


7.1         Traffic accident on Ermin Street on 24 July and resolution 2008-001

Resolved: that in the light of the recent traffic accident, the previous resolution, to defer the establishing the Traffic Calming Working Group until after the Parish Plan had been published, be rescinded and instead the working group be set up with immediate effect.

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Cllr Witt agreed to chair the Working Group. It was noted that Brian Harber and Mark Houghton had offered to get involved with the Traffic Calming Working Group. Mark Austen also agreed to join the working group. It was agreed that the target date for submission of the report be changed to 24 November and that the draft School Travel Plan, along with the results of the Parish Plan Questionnaire be used as input to the discussions.

Contact Brian Harber & Mark Houghton regarding Working Group                       Action: Cllr Witt

7.2         To discuss and plan the actions required to install the water supply on the Parish field to ensure all Councillors are aware of what’s required to achieve this project and to consider any consequences of these actions

It was agreed that the contractor who takes the pipe from the meter to the location of the tap and trough will be responsible for the survey to detect services and will be expected to assure the Parish Council of their competence and experience of carrying out such a survey. It will also be a condition of the contract that they have adequate insurance and that the Parish Council should see a copy of the relevant insurance documents. The meter point will be on the north i.e. right hand side of the field entrance. The pipe should follow the line of the tree canopy. It was agreed that in addition to any notification of road closure sent by Thames Water, the Clerk will send a letter to the residents of the lane regarding the closure of the lane. 

Prior to work starting, send letter to residents regarding the closure of the lane Action: Clerk

7.3         To consider and approve the Risk Assessment for the Water Supply

The Parish Council discussed the risk assessment. It was agreed that a revised draft be submitted for approval at the next meeting.

Revise risk assessment for water supply                                                              Action: Clerk

7.4         To review the following draft documents :

-     Revised Standing Orders

-     Chairmanship

-     Administration Procedure

-     Co-option Procedure & Validity Form

The Parish Council discussed the draft documents and agreed that further revisions be made to the documents.

It was agreed that the Co-option Procedure include the following changes :

i) copies of Standing Orders and the Code of Conduct to be given to all candidates. Unsuccessful candidates will be expected to return these documents to the Clerk.

ii) all candidates will be expected to attend at least one Parish Council meeting as a member of the public before being co-opted. This could be the meeting at which their co-option is considered.

iii) No candidate will be expected to make a speech.

iv) Co-option will take place at the end of the meeting.

It was agreed that Standing Order 22(b) be changed from “taken as read” to “taken as having been read” and that the word “register” be used instead of “book”.

Confirm if declaration of office could be signed in the presence of another Councillor rather than the Clerk                                                                                                                                Action: Clerk

Reword standing order 22(c) so that it is clearer                                                  Action: Clerk


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8.             Finance

Cllr Prior and Cllr Tomkins both declared a personal interest in agenda item 8.1 as they are members of the Village Plan Steering Group.

This sum comprises of £900 for design & graphics, £75 for photos and £1100 for printing. It was noted that although this is the budgeted amount, it is not anticipated that that all this money will be required. Any unspent grant money will have to be returned to Community First. The Parish Council approved payment of a cheque for £2075 to transfer funds to the Village Plan Steering Group for the report design, draft & final copy printing.

The Parish Council agreed that the meeting continue for a further 15 minutes so that the remaining agenda items could be considered.


It was noted that Sodexho had cut down some trees when cutting the grass on the Parish field. This matter is to be added to the agenda for the next meeting.

It was noted that Gleeson Homes had updated their website with details of the outcome of their operational review and that this could have an impact on the proposed development of houses on the land at Aldbourne road. The clerk to try and obtain an update on what’s happening to the land on Aldbourne road.

At vote of thanks was given to Guy Watson for removing the rubbish on the Parish field.

Election of a vice chairman to be added to the agenda for the next meeting

It was noted that it would be useful to have a record of the dates for the minutes which are missing.

The meeting closed at 10.15 pm





Signed :  ________________________________                      Date : _______________



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