10th March 2008 (Subject to approval at the meeting on 7th April 2008)



PRESENT: Kevin Barnes (Chair), Tony Prior, Alison Tomkins, Heather White

Also in attendance: Elizabeth Carmichael (Clerk), Cllr Humphries & 19 members of the public.

1.             APOLOGIES

Apologies received from Don Carmichael



Tony Prior declared an interest in agenda items 5.1 to 5.6 as he is an allotment holder and a member of the Allotment Association. Mr Prior declared an interest in minute 5.8 as he is a member of the Parish Plan Committee. Alison Tomkins declared an interest in agenda item 5.8 as she is a member of the Parish Plan Committee.



The minutes of the meeting on 18th February were agreed to be a correct record and were signed at the end of the meeting.


4.             CLERK’S REPORT

Maintenance of Willow lane – Letters were sent to the 3 households with a boundary on the lane. As at 3rd March only one response had been received.


Tenancy Agreement –The Parish Council needs to be formal in many things it does and consequently the tenancy agreement has not been over simplified. Only a small number of changes have been made to the draft tenancy agreement.


Replacement of the Millennium Trees – Jonathan Smith has confirmed that he would be quite happy to have 15 new whips in his field, and has suggested they are put along the far side of the field, adjacent to the extended gardens of Downsmead.


Trees in the embankment on Manor Lane – Letter sent to Mr Lloyd and copied to Wiltshire County Council. As at 3rd March, no response has been received from either party. It should, however, be noted that Mr Lloyd left the country on the day that the letter was delivered or shortly thereafter. The clerk advised the meeting that the responsibility to maintain the public highway is a duty to maintain the surface of the road and arises independently of ownership of the land / subsoil. WCC as Highway Authority have a duty to maintain the road surface but do not own Manor Lane. 


Training day for new Councillors – The training course has been booked up for ages. Due to demand, there is likely to be another course organised. The clerk has asked for Tony Prior to be added to the waiting list. It was noted that other Councillors may also wish to be added to the waiting list for the next training course. To be discussed and approved at the next meeting.


The following actions were taken between meetings:

i) Inspection of the Parish Field – An inspection carried out by the clerk on 27th February revealed several potential hazards to users of the field. A quote for the removal of the rubbish and hazardous materials is being obtained from the Clean Green Dirty Job Company.


ii) Notice board – The notice board was updated with a revised schedule of meetings for 2008, minutes of the meeting on 18th February and a poster for the Bluez ‘n’ Zuz Easter disco.





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5.1         To consider adopting the Working Group Policy

The Parish Council resolved to adopt the draft Working Group Policy.

5.2         To discuss setting up an Allotments Working Group and to approve the membership, terms of reference and timescales

The Parish Council resolved to set up an Allotments Working Group and agreed the draft terms of reference subject to the following changes : i) the target date for the report will be 12th May with 7th July as the fall back position ii) the Allotments Working Group will comprise up to 2 Councillors. It was agreed that Alison Tomkins and Heather White should be the representatives from the Parish Council.


Produce notices inviting members of the public to join the working party                  Action: Clerk

5.3         To discuss the relationship between the Parish Council & Baydon Allotment Association

This agenda item was not discussed at the meeting as it is within the scope of the Allotments Working Group.

5.4         To discuss and agree the tenancy agreement & the charge for the allotments/land

This agenda item was not discussed as it is within the scope of the Allotments Working Group.

5.5         To discuss funding for the allotments

This agenda item was not discussed at the meeting as it is within the scope of the Allotments Working Group.

5.6         To consider the ownership and responsibility for installing and maintaining the rabbit proof fencing on the allotments

This agenda item was not discussed as it is within the scope of the Allotments Working Group.

5.7         To consider the proposal to set up a Traffic Calming Working Group and to approve its membership, terms of reference and timescales

The Parish Council resolved to set up a Traffic Calming Working Group and agreed the draft terms of reference subject to the following change: the target date for the report will be 1st September. It was agreed that Don Carmichael would be the representative from the Parish Council. Two members of the public, Mr Harber and Mr Houghton, expressed an interest in joining the working party. It was agreed that, if possible, a representative from the School  Governors should also be a member of the working party.


Produce notices inviting members of the public to join the working party                  Action: Clerk

5.8         To consider the management of the funding for the Parish Plan and to determine who should complete the proof of expenditure forms for the grant

The Clerk advised the meeting that as the grant had been issued to Baydon Parish Council, Community First would be holding the Council responsible for spending the grant correctly and will expect the Parish Council to complete the proof of expenditure report at the end of the project. It was agreed that the Village Plan group should submit a report with copies of the receipts to the clerk after each Village Plan meeting. At the end of the project, the Village plan group should completed the proof of expenditure form and submit it to the clerk along with the original receipts.

5.9         To consider writing letters in support of the Ramblers’ Association’s campaign for more funding for paths in 2008/09

The Parish Council resolved to write letters in support of the Ramblers’ Association’s campaign for more funding for paths in 2008/09.


Produce draft letter and send to the clerk                                                                   Action: HW


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5.10     To consider undertaking a Parish Path Survey

The Parish Council resolved to undertake a Parish Path Survey. It was agreed that Heather White should organise the collection of information via the Baydon village website.


Organise Parish Path Survey                                                                                     Action: HW

5.11     To consider what can be done about dog fouling & dogs wandering loose in the village

The clerk advised the meeting that more signs could be erected along dog walking routes to remind dog owners/walkers of their responsibilities (and the penalties for not clean up after a dog) and that the Parish Council could ask the Dog Warden to make more frequent visits to the village. It was agreed that, in addition to these measures, the Dog Warden would be invited to the Parish Assembly and Heather White would speak to Mr Chambers about getting the school involved in a tidy up after your dog campaign.


Speak to Peter Chambers about involving the school                                                Action: HW


Organise more signs & visits from the dog warden. Invite dog warden to the Parish Assembly.       Action: Clerk

5.12     To discuss issues with parking around the village green

It was noted that there were issues with cars parking around the green and obstructing pedestrian access. As part of the problem was parents dropping children off or picking children up from school, it was agreed that this matter should be reconsidered following the results of the school travel plan.

5.13     To discuss & agree who will undertake the inspection of Parish Council land in the Clerk’s absence

It was agreed that Alison Tomkins should inspect the Parish Council’s land whilst the clerk was on holiday.

5.14     To consider the invitation to the Aldbourne & Baydon Link Scheme AGM on 13th March

No-one was able to attend the Aldbourne & Baydon Link Scheme AGM on 13th March.

5.15     To consider changing the start time of Parish Council meetings

It was agreed that this agenda item be deferred until the next meeting

5.16     To consider electing a Vice-Chairman

It was agreed that this agenda item be deferred until the Annual General meeting in May.

5.17     To consider purchasing 2 additional sets of outdoor Christmas tree lights

It was agreed that this agenda item be deferred until later in the year.


6.              CORRESPONDENCE

6.1         Letters from Mr Beveridge regarding the allotments – The Parish Council noted the letter from Mr Beveridge. Issues raised are to be considered by the Allotments Working Group.

6.2         Letter from Mrs Betteridge regarding the allotments - The Parish Council noted the letter from Mrs Betteridge. Issues raised are to be considered by the Allotments Working Group.

6.3         Letter from Mrs Furber regarding the allotments - The Parish Council noted the letter from Mrs Furber. Comments raised are to be considered by the Allotments Working Group.

6.4         Email from Mr & Mrs Beveridge regarding Willow lane - The Parish Council noted the letter from Mr & Mrs Beveridge regarding the maintenance of Willow lane. It was agreed that as the Parish Council could not include the maintenance of the hedge on the boundary of the field with the lane in this year’s grass cutting contract, the Allotment Association would be asked if they could cut back the over hanging branches and brambles.


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6.5         Letter from Mrs Grove regarding statements made in the meeting on 18th February – Mr Barnes advised the meeting that no Parish Councillor was named nor was it intended to suggest that any single Councillor was responsible for the non-signing of cheques.

6.6         Enjoy England Celebrate St George’s Day booklet – No action to be taken.

6.7         Wiltshire County Council, Rights of Way Improvement Plan Consultation Draft – No response.

6.8         Wiltshire County Council, various items relating to the Electoral Boundary Review – It was noted that the projected number of electors did not take into account the new development of 24 residences on the land on Aldbourne road.

Advise WCC of additional electors from Aldbourne road development                     Action: Clerk

6.9         Wiltshire County Council, Amendment orders to reflect changes to the Traffic Regulation Orders as required by Part 6 of the Traffic Management Act 2004 – Noted.

Wiltshire Independent Travel Support scheme, Letter & leaflets – Place on notice board

                                                                                                                                    Action: Clerk

6.10     Up! On the North Wessex Downs magazine – Noted.


7.             PLANNING

7.1         No planning decisions have been received since the last meeting.



The meeting was suspended to allow members of the public spoke to the Council. After this period the meeting was resumed.   


9.             FINANCE

9.1         The Parish Council noted the following payments made since the last meeting

Southern Electric, meter on the village green, £51.21

9.2         To consider purchasing hazard / barrier tape and fencing pins

The clerk advised the meeting that it would be beneficial to have barrier tape and fencing pins in order to mark out any areas with potential hazards on Parish Council managed land. The Parish Council agreed that the clerk should purchase barrier tape and fencing pins from petty cash.  


Purchase barrier tape and fencing pins                                                                      Action: Clerk




It was noted that the Parish Council did not want to loose the S106 money from Fiveways and may need to be request the money from KDC before the unitary authority takes over.


Play areas for the village to be discussed at the next meeting.


BYPA Hall to be discussed at the next meeting. 



The meeting ended at 10.30 pm




Signed :  ________________________________                      Date : _______________




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