Baydon Parish Council


Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 18th May 2015 held at the BYPA Hall



PRESENT: Cllr Andrew Knowles, Chairman, Cllr Tony Prior, Cllr Kevin Howell, Parish Clerk Luci Bruins and 1 member of the public



Cllr Knowles voted in as Chairman.  There were no nominations for Vice Chairman so the position is still vacant.  Cllr Prior was elected Responsible Finance Officer.



Apologies from Cllr Cockcroft, Cllr Witt and County Councillor James Sheppard.  Also a noted apology from Cllr Howell for running late.






Amendments made to the minutes of 30th March 2015 Parish Council meeting.



There were no questions.



A letter of resignation has been received from Parish Clerk Luci Bruins due to relocating to Salisbury, has been received,  Cllr Knowles wishes her well for the future.



6.1       15/02851/FUL Hazelbury Farm, Goor Lane, Baydon – Change of use and conversion of two agricultural buildings to a single dwellinghouse with a glazed link between.


No Objections from the Council.




                8.1 Purchase of laptop &printer

Cllr Cockcroft writing the policy and will be ready for the next meeting.  Cllr Howell will give all invoices to the RFO.                                                                                                                                                                                     


                8.2 Fete-raffle printing

                This was approved at meeting 30th March 2015 and will be removed from the Agenda.                                                                  

                8.3 Second Event Tent



                8.4 Asbestos fly tipping                                                                                                

Cllr Prior has received another email from Rebecca Davies explaining there has been contractual issues with Balfour Beatty and she apologies on their behalf.  However she is trying to get it cleared out of contract with Wiltshire Waste.  Cllr Prior noted that on 17th May 2015 the waste was still there.                                                                                             



                8.5 Traffic calming measures                                                                                                      

Cllr Witt attended the CATG meeting.  CATG looking at a percentage increase as to what Baydon Parish Council can contribute.  It was agreed that the Parish Council would contribute £6,000 towards pinchpoint areas, one in the middle of the village, one at the exit of the village at the Swindon end.


                8.6 CATG Meeting

No report                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

                8.7 Parish Steward progress

The Parish Steward will be visiting on 26th June.  A list of all community matters will be sent out one week prior to this.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

                8.8 Footpath off Manor Lane – handrail                                                                                                

Cllr Knowles spoke to Chris Duck and asked him to go ahead with the work required.  No date as of yet. Awaiting confirmation email as to date and cost.                                                                                                              


8.9 Trees on the Green                

The results of the soil sample taken by Kate Buckingham showed Honey Fungis.  It has been decided to wait before making any kind of decision on whether to replace the trees or not.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

                8.10 Pittams 2015 contract

The Contract is still pending though two cuts have been done.  Cllr Knowles asked Cllr Cockcroft to contact Pittams to do a village walk.  Cllr Knowles will speak to him on his return.           


                8.11 Allotments

Matters for the allotments have been deferred until next meeting when a liaison officer can be appointed.  However, Alan Archers quote of £57.17 to replace rotten fence posts and retraining wires has been accepted and approved. 


8.12 Youth worker update

Greenfields Ltd have quoted £75.00 to repair the zip wire in the Playground.  All agreed and approved this as long as there is confirmation that a risk assessment will be carried out.  


                8.13 Purchase of litter pickers and additional Equipment               

                Deferred until next meeting      


                8.14 Minutes Content

                Remove from agenda


8.15 Standing orders revision

                Cllr Prior has circulated the new standing orders and these have been approved.


          9. FINANCE                                                                                                                                                                                              

                9.1 Clerk payment

Nothing to report as no bank statements


9.2 Income

                0.11 RBS interest

                50.00 Barclays


9.3 RBS statements

April figures due 18th – 19th April – not available




9.4 Payments approved

WALC  membership        £235.87

Thames Water                   £    6.76

Cllr Witt Expenses            £   15.50

                Chris Duck                           £ 180.00

                Cllr Prior stationary          £     6.58

                Internal Audit                    £   40.00

                Cllr Witt Refreshments for Parish Assembly £76.69


9.5 2014-2015 Annual Return

9.5(a) Section 1 – Accounting Statement was approved

9.5(b) Section 2 – Annual Governance Statement was approved.


9.6 Bank Change

Agreed that Cllr Prior will start this in June


9.7 Asset Register

Addition of laptop


      10. ITEMS TO NOTE

          Diversions of BAYD2 & 11 have received final approval – Formal notification has been received

          Pensions – No pension payable to the Clerk, Cllr Prior will declare this.

         Cllr Knowles spoke to Lee Hogan – Cricket Club.  The Treasurer is writing a cheque to the Parish Council to close          the account.  This will be put into a cricket club or sport club account for the village.





The meeting was closed at 9.25pm.                                                                              Signed…………………............ Cllr Knowles, Chairman    Date






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