Baydon Parish Council


Draft Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 29 June 2015 held at the BYPA Hall


PRESENT: Cllr Andrew Knowles, Chairman, Cllr John Cockcroft, Cllr Kevin Howell, Cllr Tony Prior, Cllr Tamsin Witt and 2 members of the public



The Chairman reported that the Clerk, Luci Bruins, had agreed to finish her active role on 29 June.






Revised Minutes of the meeting dated 30 March 2015 were approved.

Cllr Prior raised two points about the minutes dated 18 May 2015, namely Item 4, (no questions were raised)  and 9.7 (the Minutes and the Annual Return details have to refer to the same Item number). A revised version of the Minutes was tabled and approved.



No questions were raised.






6.1 15/03264/FUL Queries about any permanent residency and lighting were raised. No primary objections were raised.



                7.1 Purchase of laptop &printer

 The policy document defining laptop use, security etc was still being prepared. A target for completion by the next meeting was agreed.                                                                                                                                                               Action Cllr Cockcroft


7.2 Public Question Time

The introduction of a 15 minute time limit was discussed. It was felt that residents should not feel inhibited time-wise over serious issues and it was agreed to remove it.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

                7.3 Second Event Tent

A storage box for two tents had been purchased at a cost of £14.99. Weight could be a manhandling issue and it was agreed investigate the design               and cost of collapsible (for storage) trolley.

                                                                                                                                                                Action Cllr Cockcroft


                7.4 Asbestos fly tipping                                                                                                         

Cllr Prior had written to the Wiltshire Council Associate Director        Waste and Environment pointing out the removal request had commenced in November 2014. A holding reply had been received.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Action Cllr Prior                      

                7.5 Traffic calming measures 

                Cllr Witt reported that the application for a grant from the so-called Government Substantive Pot had been submitted on 26 June. The current policy required Parish Councils to make significant contributions to the overall cost of local traffic schemes.. Baydon Council agreed previously to provide £6000 and CATG will contribute £3000. These sums will approach half the total cost. The decision is expected in the period July – September.             

Plans with more details about locations etc will be circulated to Cllrs for consideration and comment.                                                                                                                                                                                                           Action Cllr Witt

                7.6 CATG Meeting

There have been some differing opinions about the demand for Speed Indicator Devices (SIDs) which are no longer available for sharing amongst Councils.

A review had taken place on the road from Baydon to Ogbourne St George. No changes to speed   restrictions had resulted. Cllr Witt was continuing to pursue the  Baydon Council wish to have the 30 mph limit moved the village gates’ location on Aldbourne Road.

                                                                                                                                                                Action Cllr Witt                      

 7.7 Parish Steward progress

The planned visit on 26 June did not occur because the Steward had moved to another project.

A tripping hazard had occurred near Downsmead and dealt with locally. This led onto pavement/footpaths discussions and how ROW and the Steward could progress items.

                                                                                                                                Action Cllr Knowles                                                  

                7.8 Footpath off Manor Lane – handrail                                                                                               

There had been no communication from Chris Duck. The possibility of another contractor being used was raised.                                                                                                                                                         Action Cllr Knowles


                7.9 Trees on the Green          

No comments had been made at the Parish Assembly. It was agreed to postpone any replacement decision for some time and then assess  resident reaction.


                7.10 Pittams 2015 contract

 Cllr Prior had met Mr Pittams and discussed the operation of the proposed 2015 contract. Details were agreed and the proposal to adopt Pittams as the contractor and payment at the end of the grass cutting season, up to a figure of £3200 incl VAT, was approved. 

The BYPA hall grass cutting by Pittams at a cost of £36 incl VAT per cut, paid on a two monthly basis, was also approved.

Cllrs approved a cost of £36 incl VAT for grass suppression spraying around the boundary of the allotments.

                                                                                                                                                                                Action Cllr Prior                                      

                7.11 Allotments     

Thanks were recorded to Alison Tomkins for volunteering to collect the 2015 plot rental and Jenny Gribble and Alan Brown for covering plot 13 with black sheeting. Plot 14 will follow.

The final total rent is £220 and there are three vacant plots.

No offer to be the Liaison Officer was forthcoming. Cllr Knowles to take on the role on an as-and-when basis.

A horse    had accessed the area but fortunately had not caused extensive damage. The field owner had erected a new electrical tape fence to prevent further access.

A quotation has been requested from Alan Archer to inspect and replace any boundary posts and tighten the straining wires.    

                                                                                                                                                                Action Cllr Prior      

7.12 Youth worker update

No progress.          


                7.13 Purchase of litter pickers and additional Equipment    

                It was agreed to purchase litter pickers and sack hoops to raise the total to twelve of each.           

                                                                                                                                                                                Action Cllr Cockcroft

7.13 Purchase of litter pickers and additional Equipment (cont)

The subject of road signage for the firework event and litter picking was discussed. The Firework Committee will be invited to discuss the safety of pedestrians on the road to the bonfire site.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Action Cllr Knowles

                 More investigation about the need and costs of road signage related to litter picking will be carried out.

                                                                                                                                                                Action Cllrs Cockcroft/ Howell

                7.14 Playground

The zip wire maintenance is scheduled for 1 July. Cllr Knowles pointed out the need to include a reference to the potential consequences to be included in the risk assessment.


7.15 Wiltshire Communications

Communications with ex-Clerks directly rather than through meant that some documents were misplaced for varying periods. It was suggested that WC Democratic Services be contacted to circulate all departments.                                                                                                                                                                                                    Action Cllr Prior

A Wiltshire Council relevant departmental contact list will be prepared.                                            Action Cllr Knowles


7.16 Parish ROW Map

Cllr Prior pointed out that the map should show the new diversions as well as the ROW numbers. This would result in an extra charge, making the total £240. Cllrs felt the map will have value to the village and that options about costs were limited due to copyrights etc and agreed to the figure.

The cost of multiple copies will be obtained.                                                                                        Action Cllr Prior

The location of the map raised several options and all Cllrs were asked to consider them.


          8. FINANCE                                                                                                                                                                                 

                8.1 Clerk payment

                Nothing to report. It was agreed to remove item from the next Agenda.


8.2 Income

                VAT reclaim 2014-15              861.85

                Allotment rent                        100.00

                Clerk refund (3rd)                      25.00

                Interest                                       0.12


8.3 RBS statements

Treasurers a/c                        29648.58

Reserve a/c                              3134.63

Petty cash                                     20.21




8.4 Payments for approval

Pittams BYPA April/May           72.00

                Alan Archer                                 57.17

                Clerk payment 1-7 July 2015   51.56

                Dolphin Press                            78.00

Lovell Johns Ltd                         70.00

HMRC income tax                   167.40

Smith of Derby                        242.40

Staples    (storage box)          14.99

Cllrs approved all the payments.

8.5 Payments approved between meetings

SS Electric  £22.79

Cllrs endorsed the payment.


8.6 Bank Change

Application forms were complete and ID checks were being carried out before submission.

Cllrs agreed that an initial transfer of £15000 ie approx. one year budget, should be made into the Barclays account.                                                                                                                                                                                   Action Cllr Prior

8.7 2014-2015 Annual Return

Queries from Grant Thornton have been answered satisfactorily. There was a request for information about committed cheques not on bank statements at 31 March. This was supplied. The Annual Return does not have a box for this figure.                                                                                                                                                                                  Action Cllr Prior

8.8 Pension Regulator

Cllr Prior had registered as the contact. Information indicates salaries less than £5824 do not qualify for pension arrangements. Action date for Baydon Council would be November 2016 ie notional start of pension scheme, if it applied.


      9. ITEMS TO NOTE

                Pedestrian road signs are an ongoing subject in CATG.

                Recent break-ins in cars and burglary from a cottage in the village

                 It was agreed to invite the police to attend the next meeting to outline their activities in the Parish.



                Police report

                Storage of Parish Council assets.

                Tree on corner of Aldbourne Road/Ermin Street.

                Formal agreement for event tent loan.

                Litter pick date.


The meeting was closed at 9.35 pm.                                                        Signed…………………............ Cllr Knowles, Chairman    Date…………………………




Date of next meeting Monday 10 August 2015




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