Minutes of Meeting held at the BYPA Hall on 10 May 2010


(Draft copy. Subject to approval at the next meeting)



PRESENT: Cllr Tony Prior (Chair), Cllr Michael Edmonds, Cllr Alison Tomkins, and 5 members of the public. 


1. APOLOGIES –   Cllr Tamsin Witt, County Cllr Humphries.

2. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN AND VICE-CHAIRMAN – Cllr Tony Prior was unanimously re-elected as Chairman of the Parish Council for another year.


3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Cllr Tomkins declared a personal interest in items 8.1 & 9.5.



The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 19th April 2010 were approved.



The meeting was suspended so members of the public could speak to the Parish Council.  Mr Mark Austen, Baydon webmaster asked if he could have a copy of the Annual Return for the website. The Cllrs agreed to the request.                                                 Action: Clerk



The Items were reported in Appendix A. No comments were forthcoming.




The Clerk had circulated the report to Cllrs as Appendix B. No comments were forthcoming.




8.1        Newton’s Walk Street Lighting Plan - The Cllrs reviewed the plans which had previously been circulated by the Clerk, there were no further comments made.


The Clerk had also circulated the new footpath plan for Aldbourne Road to Cllrs. The Clerk informed the Cllrs that Mr Ruaridh O'Donoghue, the Wiltshire Council Planning Enforcement officer had responded regarding the planning conditions for the footpath.  Mr O’Donoghue had stated that the footpaths did not need to be constructed until any part of the development is brought into use. The Clerk had also contacted the Wiltshire Council Highways Department to ask for a proposed schedule for the footpaths. The Highways Department has responded that there is currently no schedule in place as they are still under discussion with the Redcliffe developers.


8.2        E/10/0536/FUL – Two storey side extension and single storey lean–to  extension and open front porch, 8 Ermin Close. After discussion, the Cllrs raised no objections.

                                                                                                                                                                Action: Clerk




9.1        To receive a Traffic Calming Working Group report – This item was deferred.


9.2        Parking in Ermin Close at school time – The Chairman noted that some residents in Ermin Close were concerned about cars parking across their driveways and possible damage to a tree by children continually climbing it.  The Chairman noted that the majority of Baydon school children walk to school and therefore this problem is maybe not caused by Baydon residents. The Cllrs felt that there was little the Parish Council could do regarding this issue as it was caused by inconsiderate drivers.





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Mrs Denise Mathewson, Chairman of the School Governors, stated that the school periodically sends information home to parents regarding parking issues in Baydon and that this particular issue could be added  as a point to the next letter.  The School has recently engaged Mouchel contractors to look at traffic issues as part of the ‘Taking action for school journeys,’ this will be discussed in the Traffic Calming Working Group and reported back to the Parish Council.


9.3        PlayBuilder progress – The Chairman reported that the consultation between Baydon St. Nicholas School and Ella Coghlan, the PlayBuilder representative, had yet to take place. The Chairman forwarded a planning pre-application to Wiltshire Council, Planning Department on the 26th April. The Chairman also confirmed that it is not possible to pursue a lottery grant until full planning is granted.


The Chairman reported that his discussions with the Redcliffe developer regarding the possible S106 money available had ended and that Redcliffe would build a play area in Newton’s Walk as per a planning condition. Cllr Edmonds raised the point that Wiltshire Council, Planning Department had not discussed the use of any S106 money with the Parish Council, prior to making allocations. After discussion, the Cllrs asked the Clerk to write to Mr Colin Brown, Wiltshire Council regarding the use of S106 money from the Redcliffe development     Action: Clerk


9.4        Wiltshire Youth Development Co-ordinator.  Jan Bowra, a Wiltshire Youth Development Co-ordinator, based in Marlborough has contacted the Parish Council regarding youth work in Baydon. Cllr Edmonds informed the meeting that Aldbourne, Baydon & Ramsbury were already trying to co-ordinate youth work and this was a timely request. The Cllrs asked the Clerk to send Jan Bowra’s information to Mr Gordon Walker, Baydon Youth Group.             Action: Clerk


9.5        Drainage in Newton’s Walk. A resident has noted that during the recent rainstorms, water was seen flowing across Aldbourne Road and into Manor Lane. The Cllrs felt that they were not drainage experts but would monitor the Newton’s Walk drainage scheme after completion of the surface.


9.6        Current Wiltshire Council recycling arrangements. The Cllrs discussed the temporary recycling arrangements in place for plastic and cardboard and felt that the current trial arrangements were satisfactory. The Cllrs briefly discussed what happens to the recycling once it has been collected.


9.7        To consider forming a Baydon Firework’s sub-committee – This item was deferred.


9.8        Village Green Tree. – The Cllrs agreed not to proceed with a resident’s proposal as there had been no support for the proposal at the Village Assembly Meeting on the 30th April.


9.9        Village litter pick on the 22nd May – The Cllrs agreed that the next village litter pick would start at 10.30 am, with an afternoon session if required.  The Chairman offered to put up notices on the notice boards.                                                                                                 Action: TP




10.1      Payments made between meetings: There were no payments made between meetings.





10.2      The Parish Field water bill - standing charge.  The Cllrs agreed to pay this year’s standing charge for the water on the parish field which has increased from an estimated £75 to £104 ex VAT.


10.3      The Parish Council annual insurance. – After discussion, the Cllrs agreed to accept the quote of £262.50 inc VAT from Came & Company for a three year binding contract. The quote includes cover for the annual village fireworks display. There will be an extra premium to insure play equipment when installed.                                  


10.4      Baydon St. Nicholas School, financial request – Mrs Denise Mathewson, Chairman of the Board of Governors gave a brief report regarding the new school building.  The school has to find 10% of the total cost, (3% will come from Diocese, 7% from fundraising) and this is estimated to be around £45,000; so far the fund raising committee has raised £21,000. Mrs Mathewson then asked the Parish Council if they were able to provide a financial donation to the new school building fund, a similar request has been made to Lambourn Parish Council as some Lambourn children also attend the school.


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The Cllrs discussed the request and queried whether the Parish Council could make a donation for an educational purpose from the precept. Cllr Tomkins suggested money towards a specified gift may be appropriate and Cllr Edmonds said that there may be unspent project money carried over from last year’s budget. The Cllrs asked the Clerk to check the legality of donating to the school building fund and agreed to defer the decision to the next mtg.                    Action: Clerk


10.5      The Annual Return – The completed Annual Return, previously circulated by the Chairman to Cllrs, was approved.


10.6      The Annual Governance Statement. – The signed copy of section 2 of the Annual return was approved by Cllrs.


10.7      Bank funds reconciliation statement for April 2010. - The statement was approved by Cllrs. The total in the RBS bank is currently £22,638.43, (£13,329.62 in the current account, £949.24 in the Allotment account, (including £250 rental) £ 8359.57 in the Recreation Account).




11.1      Purchase of 30 mph stickers - These have been ordered.


11.2      Locking mechanism for the Downsmead Notice board. – The locks have been removed and a closing mechanism fitted.


11.3      Baydon Path 11 –Creation/Diversion Order 2010 - The Chairman informed the meeting that he had received notification that the Baydon 11 footpath has been formally diverted to the existing alternative route.


11.4      Parish Field Access - For clarification the Cllrs stated the following: “Contractors employed by the Parish Council, working on the Parish Field, have the implied authority of the Parish Council.”


12. ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING – 28th June 2010


12.1      To receive a Traffic Calming Working Group report


12.2      To discuss the link between the fireworks committee and the Parish Council


12.3      To consider the financial request from Baydon St. Nicholas, School Governors







The meeting closed at 21.07pm







Signed............................................                       Date..................................




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