Baydon Parish Council


Draft Minutes of the Baydon Parish Council (BPC) meeting held on Monday 22 February 2016 held at the BYPA Hall


PRESENT: Cllr A Knowles, Chairman, Cllr John Cockcroft, Cllr Kevin Howell, Cllr Tony Prior, Cllr Tamsin Witt, 6 residents.







Cllr Prior  8.3, 8.15, 8.20.

Cllr Howell 8.21



The Minutes of the meeting, dated 9 February 2016, were approved.



PC Boardman had sent a report with two items (1) The Serious Collision Investigation Unit is continuing with its enquiries into the recent accidents in the Parish (2) a goods vehicle had been tampered with but nothing was stolen.



The chairman advised the meeting that he and his family will be leaving Baydon. Their house had been sold and their departure could be any time forward. He consequently said he would be resigning from the Parish Council but would carry on as Chairman until his departure. He thanked Councillors for their work and support, particularly for the recent extraordinary meeting with its associated work. He highlighted the vacancies for two Councillors and the possibility that other changes could arise due to personal circumstances. Charlotte Booth will be joining as the Parish Clerk on 7 March.

Councillors joined Cllr Witt in thanking the Chairman for his work and time in the position.



The condition of the tarmac in Ermin Street was raised.

The Fireworks Committee will be applying for a Community Grant for a new firing box costing £1550+VAT and a question about the Parish Council involvement was asked and answered as none, the application can go straight to the committee.

The Council was advised   a resident’s complaint about the consultation procedure involving 15/00980/FUL is being investigated by Wiltshire Council.



Marlborough Community Matters 29 Jan – local issues

Local Highways Newsletter 28 Jan – Parish Steward, “Clean for the Queen”

Electoral Roll Feb 2016 - updated

RBS interest – paid gross from April 2016

Community Emergency Plan workshop



15/00980/FUL Baydon Valley farm – 18 Jan 2016 WC Planning approved - BPC objected.

16/00804/FUL Extra playground equipment – applied for by BPC



8.1 Laptop & printer

It had been agreed at the 9 January meeting that the draft needed to be re-written and simplified. The Chairman asked for it to be ready for the next meeting.             Action Cllr Cockcroft


8.2 PC event and clerical items

Councillors reported their PC holdings. The list will be circulated.            Action Cllr Prior

Storage was discussed and it was felt that the area above the BYPA kitchen could be used and this needed a confirmation. Much of the paper records should be archived thereby saving space required.                   Action Cllr Witt & Clerk

The Chairman asked Councillors to decide who would be store all of any equipment item or paperwork and let him know by Friday 26 February.            Action All Cllrs


8.3 Allotments – Plot 14A                                                                                                      

Mrs Stather made a presentation describing her plan to plant fruit trees in an espalier style. After discussion Councillors approved the plan.


8.4 Playground

Cllr Witt explained that a full planning application was necessary at a final cost of £97.50. The consultation period will end on 8 March and the meeting will be held by 5 April.  The difference between the s106 sum available of £10015.06 (reducing the balance to zero) and the total cost of the project £10594.00 excl VAT, including a landscape cost, is £578.94. Cllr Witt proposed that this sum be paid by the Parish Council. The total project cost and the excess over the s106 allocated sum were approved by Councillors.  It was agreed that the playground be closed during installation rather than spend money on Heras fencing.  Notices will be prepared.                Action Cllr Witt



8.5 Little Crickets

Following the Ofsted report of unacceptable standards Wiltshire Council had ceased funding from 1 January 2016.The Chairman reported the outcome of the 9 February extraordinary meeting was that the Parish Council will pay the Little Crickets’ hall hire for the Jan- Mar 2016 hire directly to the BYPA, this being in line with the Parish Council policy of supporting village organisations with justified needs.

An additional condition was raised that if the payment against invoice is paid before 5 April and the Ofsted re-inspection report is a repeat of first one the payment will be repaid to the Parish Council by The BYPA committee. This was agreed by Councillors. The BYPA committee will be notified of this condition.        Action Cllr Knowles

The Little Crickets trustees and Cllr Prior had met Claire Perry MP to explain the consequence of WC funding withdrawal.


8.6 Trees and Hedges

(a) Manor Lane/Aldbourne Road – The laurel hedge had not be cut back. Cllr Howell advised that WC Highways should be asked to rule whether the standard of sighting by car drivers was impaired then the Parish Council could then write to the resident requesting action.           Action Cllr Prior

(b) Manor Lane/Track corner – there had been extensive cutting back of the hedge. Thanks were expressed to   Mr & Mrs 0. Bond for their co-operation.

(c) Manor Lane chestnut trees – correspondence had been sent to Mr M Lloyd by Mr R Baylis requesting a meeting, as yet unanswered because Mr Lloyd is still in Australia.

Cllr Prior also reported that the holly bush on the permissive path around the alpaca field had been cut back to the fence line. Thanks were extended to Mr S Greaves.


8.7 Footpaths

(a)BAYD 2 & 11 Diversion Order – The east Planning Committee will meet on 10 March to consider approval/rejection or passing it to the Planning Inspectorate.

(b) Manor Lane/Ermin Close – the voluntary trimming work will be done as soon as possible.             Action Cllrs Howell/Cockcroft


8.8 Painting maintenance

The work is scheduled for 1 August.


8.9 PC Notice Board

Cllr Prior described the problem of getting quotations in that 28 contacts had been made resulting in only 2 quotations being received. He outlined the content of the two received, £625 and £1125, and a timescale of about two day’s work thought reasonable for manufacture. He proposed that the 3 quotation rule be waived in this case on the basis that the Regulation proviso of “striving” to get quotations had been met. Councillors agreed and approved the £1125 quotation.           Action Cllr Prior


8.10 Baydon Welcome Pack 

The item was deferred because the Baydon PCC was awaiting quotations.         Action Cllr Knowles


8.11 Speed Indicator Device (SID)

Cllr Witt updated the arrangements for obtaining a SID. Two people would have to be trained in its application at a cost of £500. The Road Transport Laboratory tests on a SID installation had shown an average reduction in speed of 1.4mph, the effect of which was reduced after 3 weeks ie due to familiarity. Councillors considered the opportunity should be taken on a no lose basis as far as trials. Obviously if the installation was abandoned then the loss would be financial.

Councillors, other than Cllr Prior who dissented, approved the project.              Action Cllr Witt


8.12 Risk Assessments

The litter picking and emergency plan were both deferred. Mark Houghton will be consulted about the structure required.

The litter picking subject has a priority because of the Parish Council duty of care in relation to insurance considerations.               Action Cllr Knowles


8.13 Grass cutting contract

The Chairman is negotiating with Pittams about a 3 year contract and is obtaining alternative quotations  for comparison.           Action Cllr Knowles


8.14 Parish Field

Three subjects were brought from the BAA AGM for consideration, namely tree pruning, moles in the playground, hedge in allotment area. Cllr Prior suggested a tree expert be used for advice and that Councillors consider the safety aspect of subsidence in the playground. The BAA had offered to shape the hedge which had been planted by the Council.    Action All Cllrs


8.15 Victim support donation

Councillors decided not to make a donation because the appeal was of a national rather than local nature.


8.16 Councillor vacancies

The Chairman repeated the point that two vacancies still exist. Cllr Prior referred to the Message from Councillors posted in August 2015. Nothing had been forthcoming and he posed the hard question as to whether the residents were bothered about a Parish Council. Analysis of 2015 attendances at routine meetings indicated that an average of three people attended. This may not be unusual but the difference from other local Councils is that Baydon Council is not full - and kept full after resignations. Changes have also been mentioned. If resignations do occur then the position of not being quorate, ie no decisions could be taken, could possibly be repeated. His personal position is that there will be a decision point around his 78th birthday. He closed by repeating the appeal for retired residents to join, enabling projects requiring day involvement to be more efficiently progressed.

Cllr Cockcroft explained his personal situation which could involve working away from home.

Cllr Howell asked whether an outcome could be combining with Aldbourne if the Council could not function. A comment was made about how Ramsbury plus Axford Council operates.


8.17 Queen’s 90th birthday

There had been no mention about a Baydon celebration from the village. Mr J Grove suggested the beacon be lit. This was welcomed by Councillors as a good community idea. It was decided to light it on 21 April. Mr Grove agreed to check the organisational details.   Action Mr Grove


8.18 Aldbourne Road accident

The Chairman, on behalf of the Councillors, extended wishes of a good recovery to Mrs Taylor who was injured in the accident.

He also expressed condolences to the family who suffered in the tragic accident at the Russley Park turning.

Replies to the letters received from the Flett and Kinch families about the need for a pavement outside Barrowdale will be sent. Cllr Howell made the point that a discussion with Barrowdale owners would be sensible as a first step.      It was decided to send a letter to WC Highways requesting a feasibility study be carried out into a joining of the two existing stretches of pavement each side of Barrowdale.         Action Cllr Knowles.


8.19 The Green

Councillors agreed to replace the bench due to its condition.  Mr J Grove is seeing the family and offered to discuss the question of the existing engraving on the bench.           Action Mr J Grove


8.20 Church repairs

As no request had been received the item was deferred.


8.21 Event tent loan

It was agreed that Cllr Howell could borrow the tents for the Baydon Bake Off Day on Saturday 5 March in aid of Action Duchenne.


8.22 Storage boxes

It was agreed that more storage boxes are necessary for Council equipment and an expenditure of up to £50 was approved.    Action Cllr Cockcroft




9.1 Income

RBS Reserve  25.19


9.2 Bank statements @ 15 February 2016

RBS Treasurers a/c                5153.79   (incl 1200 - awaiting credit slips from Barclays a/c)

Reserve a/c                                 0.00   (transferred to Treasurer’s a/c ahead of transfer to Barclays)

Barclays                               30063.52  

Petty cash                                  13.58      


Net PC cash                       34030.89


The Chairman suggested that the monies saved due to the absence of a Clerk could be used to support village organisations when a need arises.


9.3 Payments approved between meetings

Cllr Knowles (webmaster gift)  14.55

Thames water                            6.03

These payments were endorsed by Councillors

Payments for approval

Cllr Witt (planning fee)            97.50

SSE Electric                  21.47

Councillors approved these payments.


10. Items to Note

10.1 The entrance to the new house by the shop will be amended to a left hand entry. (Power pole kept in current position)

10.2 Twenty Parish Stewards will be employed in the County.

10.3 Four BAYD27 waymarks on Ermin Street have been removed by an unknown person. Replacement will continue.

10.4 BAYD23 (behind Downsmead) has been blocked by an electric fence, erected to contain sheep.    Action Cllr Prior

10.5 There is a Ladies night at the Red Lion on Friday 4 March, Little Crickets fund raising at BYPA on 19 March


11. New Items for next meeting



The meeting was closed at 10.02 pm.  Signed…………………............ Cllr Knowles, Chairman    Date…………………………


Date of next meeting Monday 21 March 2016






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