Minutes of Meeting held at the BYPA Hall on 6th September 2010


(Draft copy. Subject to approval at the next meeting)


PRESENT: Cllr Tony Prior (Chair), Cllr Michael Edmonds, Cllr Andrew Knowles, Cllr Alison Tomkins, Cllr Tamsin Witt, County Cllr Humphries and 3 members of the public. 


1. APOLOGIES –   None





The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 26th July 2010 were approved.



The Standing Orders were suspended so members of the public could speak to the Parish Council.  Mr Mark Austen questioned the ‘VP Payment’ shown in the 2009/2010 accounts; this was clarified as the transfer of the remaining balance in the Village Plan account to the Parish Council account.



The Items were reported in Appendix A. No comments were forthcoming.




The Clerk had circulated the report to Cllrs as Appendix B. No comments were forthcoming.





7.1        E/10/1015/FUL– Change of use from agricultural to recreational, Baydon Parish Field.

There were no objections from the Cllrs.   It was pointed out the application also involved erection of play equipment.                                                                                      Action: Clerk


7.2        E/10/1062/FUL – First floor extension and indoor swimming pool, Baydon Hill Grange. There were no objections from the Cllrs.                                                                 Action: Clerk


7.3        E/10/1076/FUL – External alterations to property, Gooselands, Aldbourne Road, Baydon.

There were no objections from the Cllrs.                                                               Action: Clerk


7.4        E/10/1077/LBC- Various internal and external alterations to property, Gooselands, Aldbourne Road, Baydon. There were no objections from the Cllrs.                    Action: Clerk





8.1        Traffic Calming Working Group, (TCWG) report:


a.             Options for Planting in front of the new entrance gates. Cllr Witt apologised for not yet obtaining quotes for planting options.  The Cllrs discussed the requirement to maintain visibility of the new gates.  The Chairman proposed that nothing is planted in front of the gates and the Cllrs agreed to the proposal by majority vote.


The Cllrs discussed ownership of the gates and agreed they were owned by the Parish. The Chairman offered to check whether the gates could be listed on the Parish Council Insurance.

                                                                                                                        Action: AP


b.             School ‘Park & Stride’ sign.  The Sign options are not yet available.           Action: TCWG


c.             Recalibrating the Village Vehicle Activated Sign, (VAS).  The Cllrs discussed the requirement to change the calibration of the village VAS sign to a higher speed, as the TCWG had recommended the change. The Cllrs discussed the proposal to ask highways to reset the VAS to the Acropro recommended settings but voted against the proposal by a majority vote.


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The Clerk reminded the Cllrs that the Camera Speed Partnership was disbanding and that would mean the loss of regular speed camera vans in the village.


d.             Temporary Speed Indicator Device Signs (SIDS). The Cllrs agreed to raise a Marlborough Area Board Issue to request an available SIDS for Ermin Street. The SIDS would be temporary.                                                                                                      Action Clerk


e.             The Baydon Signing Review.  Wiltshire Council had forwarded a Signing Review for comment by the Parish Council, the Clerk had circulated this to the Cllrs and the TCWG had met to review the recommendations.  The TCWG made the following suggestions:


  • Request a yellow background to the new 30mph sign in Aldbourne Road, (similar to the other village entrance signs.)
  • Site the new 30mph sign at the current location, (bearing in mind vehicle visibility from the adjacent property driveway.)
  • Request red rumble strips and white 30mph roundels at each of the 3 gate entrances.
  • Request a ‘Children at Play’/ ‘Slow Children’ sign for Manor Lane.
  • Remind Highways that there will be a requirement for a ‘Children at Play’/ ‘Slow Children’ sign close to the Parish Field when the play ground is built.


The Cllrs agreed to the TCWG recommendations and agreed the following additional requests:


  • Request that the 30 mph signs in Aldbourne Road, be moved adjacent to the white gates.
  • Request a ‘Welcome to Baydon Sign’ for all the Village gates.

Action: Clerk


8.2        Baydon Fireworks Working Group, (BFWG)  The Chairman attended the BFWG on the 2nd September 2010.  The Fireworks Risk Assessment was discussed.


8.3        The Marlborough Community Area Board, (MCAB) – The Chairman gave a brief report from the last meeting on the 31st August 2010. Topics included: The Marlborough parking consultation, the 2011/12 Budget and a new Avebury to Stonehenge footpath. A youth transport co-ordinator is still required in every village; details have been passed to Venice Marriott and Gordon Walker.


8.4        The Marlborough and Villages Community Area Partnership, (MAVCAP) - The Partnership has not met since the last meeting. The Clerk asked the Cllrs if they had any new agenda items for the Partnership meeting but there were no items.


8.5        Invitation to join the Marlborough Community Area Transport Group. – There were no volunteers from the Parish Council to join this group.  


8.6        Parish Field Play Area –   The Chairman advised the Council that the full planning application had been submitted to Wiltshire Council on the 27th July.  After several requests from Wiltshire Council for more specific information, which the Chairman had supplied, that stage was completed on the 30th August. A planning decision is due on the 4th October.


No decision has been received yet regarding the proposed Playbuilder funding. The Chairman is awaiting planning permission before submitting applications for ‘Awards for all’ and ‘Landfill Tax’ grants.


8.7        Manor Lane Bank - The Chairman reported that the bramble roots on the Manor Lane Bank were still evident and asked the Cllrs for its views on future maintenance. Cllr Edmonds volunteered to review the requirement, weed kill the area and put down grass seed in the spring. The Cllrs agreed to this action.


8.8        The Wiltshire Council, Parish Improvements Grant Scheme - The Parish Cllrs discussed the footpaths signs that are misaligned and broken in Manor Lane; the Clerk has previously reported these to Wiltshire Council via Clarence. A decision on applying for this grant was deferred to the next meeting.


8.9        The Street Naming and Numbering Consultation.  The Cllrs agreed to Option B, which require applicants/developers to reach an agreement with Parish Councils in advance of a formal application being made, as a majority decision.                                                        Action: Clerk


8.10      The Wiltshire Council ‘Review of Leisure’ consultation.  The Cllrs agreed not to send a response to this consultation.

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8.11      The Wiltshire Council, Great Green System.  Cllr Knowles offered to review the information and make a report back regarding the scheme to Cllrs at the next meeting.

                                                                                                                        Action: AK




9.1        Payments made between meetings: The following four payments were approved:


            DR &RA Pittams         £1,336.56 – half year grass cutting.

Mazars LLP                   £158.62 – external audit fee.

Transfer                                     £20    - Petty cash

Southern Electric                     £20.25 - Southern Electric standing charge.


9.2        Bank funds reconciliation statement for August 2010. - The statement was approved by Cllrs. The total in the RBS bank is currently £26,454.80, (£17,168.25 in the current account, £909.48 in the Allotment account, £8377.07 in the Recreation Account).


9.3        Annual Return.  The Parish Council approves a monthly bank account reconciliation statement and a quarterly budget report at relevant Parish Council meetings as an ongoing internal audit. The Chairman had checked with Mazars, the external auditor, and they had agreed this was adequate. The procedure should be noted in the next Annual Return. The Cllrs agreed the procedure should continue.


9.4        Internal Auditing Arrangements - The Cllrs discussed arrangements to approach the proposed internal auditor Jane Collett. It was agreed that Cllr Prior and Edmonds would pursue the arrangements.                                                                                     Action: AP/ME             




10.1      Footpaths – Baydon 11, Diversion Order 2010.  Due to further objections, the Baydon 11 Diversion Order has been referred to the Eastern Planning Committee.


Wiltshire Council, Rights of Way Officer, Ester Daly is meeting with the Chairman in Baydon, on the 9th September, to review the current issues with other sections of Baydon11.


10.2      Attachments to Street Lighting Columns. The Clerk advised the Cllrs of the requirement to notify Wiltshire Council if attaching anything additional to Baydon street lights.


10.3      Notices on Village Gates. The Cllrs agreed to remove any informal notices placed on the new village gates.


10.4      Parish Field entrance  The Chairman noted that dog mess had again been left on the entrance to the Parish Field.


10.5      2011 Precept dates.  The 2011/12 Precept figures are due to Wiltshire Council by the 21st January 2011, the Baydon Parish Council budget will be reviewed at the next Parish Council meeting.


10.6      Community First – The Clerk informed the Cllrs that the Community First Annual General Meeting is scheduled for the 6th October.




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11. ITEMS FOR THE NEXT MEETING – 6th September 2010


11.1      To consider purchasing a ‘Park & Stride’ sign


11.2      To consider applying for a 2010 Parish Improvement Grant


11.3      To consider participating in the Wiltshire Council, Great Green System


11.4      To review the 2011/12 Baydon Precept


11.5      To review 2011 Parish Council Dates


The meeting closed at 21.30 pm


Signed............................................                       Date..................................


Click here to see Appendix A


Click here to see Appendix B


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