Minutes of Meeting held at the BYPA Hall on 8th November 2010
(Draft copy. Subject to approval at the next meeting)
PRESENT: Cllr Tony Prior (Chair), Cllr Michael Edmonds, Cllr Andrew Knowles, Cllr Alison Tomkins, and 3 members of the public.
The Chairman opened the meeting by sending congratulations to Cllr Witt and her husband on the recent birth of their son.
The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 18th October 2010 were approved.
The Standing Orders were
suspended so members of the public could speak to the Parish Council. The
ongoing issue of the broken footpath sign in
E/10/1015/FUL– The Parish Field planning application to change the use from agricultural to recreational and to erect play area equipment has been approved.
6.1 Nomination and election of a Vice Chairman: The Chairman reported that he is having a major operation in December and may be absent for a period after that; he re-iterated the need for a Vice-Chairman. The Clerk reported there were currently no candidates forthcoming. The Cllrs agreed to defer the election of a Vice-Chairman to the next meeting. Action: Clerk
6.2 Selection of the Play Equipment Supplier: Following the Play Area Information Meeting on the 10th July, the Chairman had obtained three final quotes for play equipment on the Parish Field. The Phase 1, Playbuilder quotes were:
Timberplay: £17,700
Produlic: £19,685
Miracle £15,139
The Cllrs agreed that the Miracle company appeared to be the most financially competitive. Miracle equipment layout had been used as an example for the planning application which had been approved with conditions relating to that layout.
Miracle is a Wiltshire Council approved supplier and has provided good back-up support and shown a keen interest in the project.
The Cllrs agreed to select the Miracle company as the supplier for Phases 1, 2 & 3.
It was agreed that the Chairman would ask Miracle to supply brown and green metal for the installation. Metal equipment had been the large majority choice in the school children consultation. Action ANP
Cllr Edmonds stated that this was a large project in terms of Parish Council budget and the Cllrs need to spend any Parish Council project money in proportion to the benefit of the whole village. Cllr Edmonds went on to thank the Chairman for his patience and attention to detail which had enabled the project to proceed.
The Chairman announced that the Playbuilder Year 2 award of £15,000 had been maintained despite national cuts by the Government. For the record he then summarised the costs of each Phase.
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Phase 1 – The final quotation for Phase 1 (Zip wire and Basket swing) is £15,139 + VAT. The Cllrs agreed to fund the extra £139 + VAT if the Miracle quote could not be reduced to £15,000.
This sum would be paid by Wiltshire Council using the Playbuilder award.
Action: ANP
Phase 2 - Toddler Equipment. The Chairman would discuss the remaining equipment for this Phase with the Play Area Working Group. Action: Clerk
The current quote is £8,247 + £1,447 VAT (which is reclaimable.) The Cllrs agreed to fund the £8,247 from the Parish Recreation fund and initially pay the £1,447 VAT from the Parish Main Account. This will then be reclaimed from HMRC. The Cllrs also agreed to go ahead with Phase 2 concurrently with Phase 1 to avoid the requirement for an additional £1,000 security charge, (required each time the site is visited by Miracle for installation)
Phase 3 - Junior twin tower unit – The current quote is £11,514 + £2014 VAT.
The Cllrs all agreed that they should be financially prudent and not proceed with Phase 3 until the funding had been identified. The Chairman is applying for an Awards for All Lottery grant which may provide up to £10,000. Action: ANP
Cllr Edmonds demonstrated the projected cash flow for the project and confirmed that Parish Council funds are sufficient to carry through the project. The Chairman recommended that a large proportion of the Parish Council Reserves should not be not used to cover cash flow needs, before VAT recovery, until any Lottery Grant is confirmed.
Signage – Cllr Knowles raised the issue of appropriate signage regarding public liability and the requirement for an annual inspection from ROSPA – for future consideration.
Extra Equipment - The Playbuilder group have offered to donate an additional piece of play equipment (Maypole roundabout) to Baydon Parish Council. The Cllrs agreed to accept the offer on the proviso that they can get planning permission to install it. There will be an additional installation charge for this piece of equipment.
7.1 The 2011/12 Budget/Precept. The Chairman had previously circulated the 2011/12 draft Budget for discussion. The Clerk left the room whilst the Cllrs discussed the Clerk’s annual increment. Cllrs agreed to the following reduced budget totals, namely: Clerk overtime payment £100, Audit cost £220 and Projects £1000.
The Budget total of £9820 was £40 lower than that for 2010-11. The Cllrs approved this total and confirmed the 2011/12 Precept as £9820. Action: Clerk
7.2 The purchase of a Christmas tree for the Green. The Cllrs approved the quote for a village Christmas tree of £79.90 inc VAT from a local supplier. It was agreed that the tree would be put up on the 4th December.
7.3 Grass Cutting – The Cllrs approved a half-yearly payment of £1,110.38 inc VAT to Pittams for grass cutting.
Manor Lane Bank– The Cllrs approved a payment
of £12 inc VAT to Cllr Edmonds for compost used on the
8.1 Public Open Space Study. – The Clerk has received a questionnaire from Wiltshire Council regarding listing public open spaces in Baydon. The Clerk offered to draft a response for Cllrs to review. Action: Clerk
8.2 Fireworks Display. - The Parish Council offered a vote of thanks to the Fireworks Working Group for another excellent display.
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8.3 Baydon Police Report. - The October Police Newsletter, although highlighting Baydon traffic issues, stated that to date no persons have been caught exceeding the speed limit. The Chairman asked the Traffic Calming Working Group to verify the statement as this was not his understanding of the outcome of the Camera Speed Van visits. Action: TCWG
8.4 MAVCAP – Cllr Edmonds is attending a public meeting of Pewsey partnership on the 18th November.
9. ITEMS FOR THE NEXT MEETING – 29th November 2010
9.1 To consider the location for extra grit storage within the village.
9.2 To consider the unused allotments.
9.3 To consider participating in the Wiltshire Council, Great Green System
9.4 To elect a Vice Parish Council Chairman.
The meeting closed at 21.30 pm
Signed............................................ Date..................................
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