Baydon Parish Council



Draft Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 11 January 2016 held at the BYPA Hall


PRESENT: Cllr A Knowles, Chairman, Cllr Kevin Howell, Cllr Tony Prior, Cllr Tamsin Witt,  7 residents.




Cllr J Cockcroft



Cllr T Witt re. Planning application 15/12020/FUL5



The Minutes of the meeting dated 30 November 2015 were approved.



Not submitted.



No questions raised.



Dec 2015 Revised Electoral Register

WALC News Letter Dec 2015

Victim Support donation letter

15 Jan PC Forum chaired by Ms C Perry, Marlborough



15/12020/FUL5. No objections were raised by Councillors.



8.1 Laptop &printer

The Chairman opened the discussion by saying the IT policy prepared by Cllr Cockcroft was a first draft and mentioned that Council members were described in several ways. He invited comments. Cllr Witt preferred to reply in email form.  Cllr Prior wished to voice his concerns in order to try and move the subject forward. He identified examples of possible editorial, procedural and financial changes. Cllr Howell thought there was content that was not entirely relevant to a Baydon Council IT policy.               

It was agreed that a separate meeting be held to discuss the way forward.                  Action Cllr Knowles                  


8.2 Footpath off Manor Lane - handrail                                

The handrail had been installed and a minor repair carried out.         


8.3 PC Event and clerical items             

It was noted that the increasing amount of Council equipment is currently stored by Councillors. Problems may arise with e-location when resignations occur. Cllr Witt said it should be possible to store some items above the BYPA kitchen area. Weight consideration were raised. Cllr Prior suggested that building an extension to the hall should be investigated. Cllr Witt said an office/room extension had been considered in the past but it had not been progressed.                   Action Cllr Witt


8.4 Playground

Cllr Witt reported that the ring fenced s106 money now included a roundabout and a see-saw. The final Miracle Ltd drawing was available and the electronic application to Wiltshire Council was ready for posting. It was confirmed that an Internet payment of £192.50 could be arranged given the banking details.                 Action Cllr Witt/Prior


8.5 Allotments

Cllr Prior reported that new tenant had been agreed for plot 14A and that the precedent of a rent free first year due the plot conditions had been offered. Councillors agreed to this arrangement. Also it was agreed that the tenant of plot 2 could phase a change to plot 13 over one year with the proviso that if another request was made then that could take precedence.


8.6 Little Crickets

Members of the Little Crickets team gave a verbal presentation of the consequences of the recent Ofsted inspection   . The basic problem is that funding will be withheld for 3 months ahead of another inspection. An action plan has been drawn up to remedy the operation of the group. Councillors asked many questions and requested a written presentation of the background to the Ofsted decision and the financial implications rising therefrom. An extraordinary meeting could be arranged ahead of the next scheduled meeting at any time convenient to all parties. A parents’ meeting was scheduled for the next day. Cllr Knowles offer to attend was accepted to assist in explaining the Council position.            Action Cllr Knowles                


8.7 BAYD 2 & 11 part Diversion Order, Modification Order 2015

Cllr Prior summarised the current position, the main point being that Mr Johnson was not willing to agree to an alternative path proposed by two objectors. Wiltshire Council could not enforce it, if challenged, without authority from the Inspectorate or, possibly, a senior civil court. Compensation could then arise. Wiltshire Council had been involved with the design of the path defined in the Diversion Order. He had hoped Mr Gribble would have attended the meeting to hear the details first hand but would make arrangements to speak with him.                        Action Cllr Prior


8.8 Trees and Hedges

(a) Manor Lane/Ermin Close.   

Arrangements will be made to carry out the work.                 Action Cllrs Cockcroft/Howell.


(b) Manor Lane/ Aldbourne Road north corner.

Hedge trimming has not been carried out as requested. The subject will be discussed at the next meeting.     Action All Councillors

(c) Manor Lane/Track corner.

The householder has advised that trimming is planned for February.                                                                


(d) Manor Lane 5 chestnut trees                                                                           

A meeting has been requested by Mr R Bayliss with Mr Lloyd, who is currently in Australia.


8.9 Painting maintenance

It was agreed that the quotation of £595 be accepted.                    Action Cllr Prior


810 PC Notice Board

Cllr Prior reported that quotations from local carpenters were slow in reply and invitations to quote from the Swindon area had been posted. Two from seven had been received.             Action Cllr Prior


8.11 Baydon Welcome Pack  

A meeting with Mrs R Cockcroft, Baydon PCC, will be arranged             Action Cllr Knowles


8.12 Christmas Tree/Carols on the Green review.

Residents felt the tree, kindly donated by Mr B Johnson, was excellent. Thanks were again forwarded by the Councillors.

Thanks were also extended to all helpers involved in the erection, decorating, re-erection and disposal of the tree and provision of refreshments.

The carol singing evening was successful and a view was expressed that music was preferable but not essential. Small improvements could be made by appointing a singing leader and preparing list of carols  beforehand. Carols would start at 6.30pm this year.  


8.13 Speed Indicator Device (SID)

Cllr Witt reported volunteer training would cost £250.  Groups could now consist of two or three villages. Cllr Witt hoped to have more information for the next meeting so that a decision could be made about participation.                  Action Cllr Witt


8.14 Grass cutting contract

The Chairman suggested that, in view of the recurring difficulties of obtaining three quotations each year, a three year contract including certain conditions be placed with Pittams. It was agreed that clause in the Council Rules be waived in the case of grass cutting.       Action Cllr Knowles


9. FINANCE                                                                                                                                                                                            


9.1 Income

RBS Reserve    Repayment and interest         46.21     


9.2 Bank statements @ 15 December 2015

RBS Treasurers a/c         1,020,932.96 *

Reserve a/c                            4,626.74   (1200 ring fenced, excluded from PC total below)

Barclays                                20,092.85  

Petty cash                                   13.58 



It was agreed that £10,000 be transferred to Barclays Community account. Further Barclays accounts will be opened to accept the RBS Reserve sums. Closure of all RBS accounts will then be arranged.                                      Action Cllr Prior        


* figure subsequently corrected in 9 February 2016 meeting


9.3 Payments approved between meetings

Chris Duck (handrail)              360.00

A Tomkins (tree stays)               8.75T

These payments were endorsed by Councillors

Payments for approval

Cllr J Cockcroft (litter pickers etc)                          209.44

Red Lion (Carols on Green refreshments)             154.49

These payments were approved.


10. Items to Note

The Parish Assembly date Friday 13 May. Venue School Hall - tba.                     Action Cllr Knowles

Mrs D Moxon had washed and replaced the webbing on the bunting. Councillors expressed their thanks for her work.

(Location Cllr Prior)

The last date for Scene in Baydon entries - 19 January.

In appreciation of the work carried out Mr M Austen as Webmaster for the Council web pages and the whole village he was presented with two bottles of wine.


11. Items for next meeting

Litter picking risk assessment.


The meeting was closed at 9.45 pm.  Signed…………………............ Cllr Knowles, Chairman    Date…………………………


Date of next meeting Monday 22 February 2016




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