Minutes of the Meeting held at the BYPA Hall on 26th March 2012


(Draft copy. Subject to approval at the next meeting)


PRESENT: Cllr Andrew Knowles (Chair), Cllr Philip Dore, Cllr Edmonds, Cllr Kevin Howell, Cllr Tomkins, Cllr Tamsin Witt, and 13 members of the public.


1. APOLOGIES – County Cllr Humphries.


2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – The Clerk stated she was a member of the Baydon Parochial Church Council for item 7.5.


3. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS PARISH COUNCIL MEETING – The minutes were deferred until the next meeting.


4. SUSPENSION OF THE MEETING FOR PUBLIC QUESTION TIME – A resident of 1 Model Cottages, Mr K Smith, raised his concern regarding the increased traffic in Aldbourne Road possibly caused by the grocery sales opposite his property. Mr Smith has raised the issue with Wiltshire Council directly and was now bringing the issue to the notice of Baydon Parish Council.  The Chairman explained that the Parish Council would wait to be contacted by Wiltshire Council regarding the matter.




5.1        E/2011/1636/FUL – Planning Appeal, Erection of single dwelling with associated parking. Land adjacent to 1 Ermin Street, Baydon.  A planning appeal has been lodged against this application. The Parish Council discussed the Appeal and had no further comments to make regarding the appeal.


5.2        E/2012/0335/FUL – Extension and alterations together with a detached building, Rowan House, 4 Barley Fields, Baydon. The Cllrs agreed ‘No Objection’ to this application.

                                                                                                                        Action: Clerk


5.3        E/2012/0331/FUL – Change of use of garden area from A4 drinking establishment to C3 residential, 9 Aldbourne Road, Baydon. The Cllrs discussed this application which covered a section of No 9’s garden and agreed to ‘Support’ this application.                                    Action: Clerk


5.4        E/2012/0037/ENF – Baydon House Farm. The Wiltshire Council Planning Enforcement Officer has written to Baydon House Farm regarding their recent driveway works asking them to submit a planning application.




6.1        To elect a Vice Chairman. There were no nominations.  It was agreed that a Cllr could be nominated to Chair a particular meeting if required.


6.2               The Traffic Calming Working Group, (TCWG) report.  Cllr Witt reported that Wiltshire Council is investigating the feasibility of a physical Traffic Calming Measure at the East end of Baydon.


6.3               Marlborough Traffic Seminar - Cllr Edmonds and Mr Mark Austen had both attended the recent Traffic Seminar meeting on the 13th March 2012 in Lockeridge. The meeting was well attended by representatives from Marlborough area villages demonstrating a strong interest. The Seminar agreed a resolution to request funding from the next Marlborough Community Area Board, (MCAB) to fund a ‘Contractor Review’ of all participating Marlborough villages. It was agreed by unanimous vote to request Baydon be included in the second tranche of this review. Cllr Witt agreed to draft a letter to the MCAB expressing a keen interest in being included in the study after the current Community Area Transport Group work at the east end of the village.

                                                                                                Action: TW/Clerk



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6.4               Village Storage arrangements - The Cllrs have agreed to spend a period of time sorting through the Parish paperwork that the Clerk currently holds. The Cllrs agreed to send available dates to the Clerk.                                                                                           Action: All


6.5               Jubilee Activities – 


a.                   Jubilee Stone - The Chairman outlined his proposal to make the current Jubilee stone more accessible by moving it within the village. The Cllrs discussed the current site and access to the stone and the Chairman agreed to contact Mr J Smith who originally donated the stone to seek his views.                                                           Action: AK


b.                   Planting on the Parish Field - The Chairman proposed that daffodil bulbs are planted on the Parish Field as a community event to mark the Diamond Jubilee. The Cllrs agreed to this proposal but the planting will need to be in the autumn.


c.                   Gazette & Herald Grant. – Mrs Debbie Moxon explained that the Gazette & Herald were offering £250 grants towards Jubilee events. Mrs Moxon is happy to apply but needs the agreement of the Parish Council as the money, if granted, will come directly to the Parish Council.  The Cllrs agreed to the proposal that Mrs Moxon apply for the grant.


d.                   Jubilee Mugs –The Clerk reminded the meeting that the deadline for returning Jubilee mug order forms was the 30th March 2012.


6.6                Parish Council policy regarding financial grants. – The Cllrs agreed to adopt the previously circulated Financial Grant Policy for any future grant applications received by the Council. Cllr Dore offered to update the associated Excel spreadsheet.                        Action: PD


6.7               A report on the informal BYPA/BPC meeting. – A group of Baydon Parish Councillors met with the Chair and Treasurer of the Baydon Young People’s Association, (BYPA) to share ideas and identify common goals for the BYPA hall. It was agreed that the Chairman would look at village hall organisations in other villages.                                             Action: AK/Clerk




7.1        The Financial Responsible Officer. – It was agreed, due to the Clerk’s increasing work load that Cllr Edmonds would become the Financial Responsible Officer from the 5th April 2012.


7.2        Payments made between meetings. -  There were no payments made between meetings.


7.3        To approve Payments. – The following payments were approved:


            BYPA, Hall Hire                        £40


The Cllrs discussed Community First membership but agreed to investigate Wiltshire Village Hall membership first.                                                                                       Action: TW       


7.4        Bank funds reconciliation statement for February 2012.     The Cllrs approved the bank funds statement for February 2012. The total in the RBS bank is currently £13,435.78 (£3178.10 in the current account, £10240.52 in the Savings account). The Petty Cash total is £17.16.


7.5               Baydon St. Nicholas, Church Roof. -  Miss S Smith, (Churchwarden) spoke to the Council regarding the current repairs required for Baydon St. Nicholas church roof. A letter from the Baydon Parochial Church Council, requesting financial assistance for the repair, had been previously circulated to the Cllrs. Cllr Edmonds proposed a donation of £1000 from the Parish Council Reserves, this was unanimously agreed.                                                  Action: Clerk 



7.6               BYPA Hall Window repairs. – The Chairman took the opportunity to thank: the BYPA Hall trustees for hosting the ‘Baydon Sports Mile’ event, Lee Hogan, Heather Burch and Harriet Knowles for organising the very successful event (113 people attended) and FOBs for providing the refreshments.



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The BYPA trustees have asked the Parish Council for a grant of £1900 to ‘match fund’ their input for a MCAB grant of £3800 to replace the doors and windows in the BYPA hall. Cllr Witt said she hoped it would ‘kick-start’ the required renovations in the hall. The Cllrs discussed the request and agreed to the following: agree to the grant with a view to re-claiming the money from current S106 monies, if not possible, then use Parish Council Reserves with a view to re-couping the money in the 2013/14 Precept.                                                                          Action: Chairman/Clerk


7.7               Parish Assembly arrangements for the 18th May 2012 at 7.45pm. – The Cllrs agreed to defer this until the next meeting. The Clerk and the Chairman plan to meet to discuss the current format of the meeting.                                                                                            Action: Clerk




8.1        Community Area Manager – Mr Andrew Jack, Marlborough Community Area Manager is available to meet on Wednesdays 12.00 – 17.00 hrs at the Marlborough Library. The Clerk was asked to advertise the arrangements within Baydon.                                                   Action: Clerk


8.2        Allotment Vacancy – One allotment plot will become vacant in March 2013.


8.3        Plastic Recycling bin. – The village recycling bins do not take plastic. There are no current intentions from Wiltshire Council to provide village recycling facilities for those plastic items that do not go into the blue-lidded bins.




9.1        To approve Parish Assembly arrangements for the 18th May 2012.


9.2        To discuss a requirement for a Baydon Automatic External Defibrillator – After village consultation.


9.3        To discuss a proposal for a fence along the northern boundary of the playground – May Meeting



The meeting closed at 9.25 hr





Signed............................................                       Date..................................


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