Minutes of the Meeting held at the BYPA Hall on 26th November 2012

(Subject to approval at the next meeting)


PRESENT: Cllr Andrew Knowles (Chair), Cllr Philip Dore, Cllr Alison Tomkins, Cllr Kevin Howell, Cllr Tamsin Witt County Cllr Humphries and 7 members of the public.



1. APOLOGIES – none



2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Cllr Witt reminded the other Cllrs that she is the Parish Council Representative on the BYPA Committee, therefore doesn’t have a personal or prejudicial interest in item 7.3


Cllr Humphries stated that it may be advisable for Cllrs to declare a personal interest when setting the precept for the village, but obviously this interest is no more than any other person in the Parish




The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 15 October 2012 were approved with one amendment: Minutes should show that it was resolved to request that during the Wiltshire Highways remove or at least do not repaint the centre white lines on the road during the Taking Action on School Journeys Project.




It was noted that High Farm House is having gas connected that requires Back Lane to be dug up from 10 – 21 December, but the lane will always be accessible for the neighbours.


The gravel bin needs refilling at the Manor Lane / Ermin Street junction










To notify members of decisions on any outstanding application and responses to communications regarding planning applications.


6.1        Wiltshire County Council decisions update


Decision concerning the extinguishment of part of Baydon 11 is not due for another 3 weeks.





7.1        Marlborough Community Area Board report


It was noted that the Marlborough Area Board Meeting was taking place the following day (27 November 2012)


Cllr Witt informed the Parish Council that Baydon Toddlers Group would shortly be applying for a MAB grant for a baby change facility to go on the wall in the BYPA unisex toilet. The BYPA Committee is also planning to apply for a MAB Grant for a replacement picnic bench and new adult tables for inside the BYPA Hall


7.2        Traffic Calming Working Group (TCWG) Report


Cllr Witt informed the other Cllrs that work on the Taking Action on School Journeys project is due to start any day. This is work to widen the pavement outside the school, install safer crossing points, ‘square off’ the junction of Ermin Street and Aldbourne Road and introduce parking restrictions,  which should reduce car speeds and stop people parking unsafely on that corner


Mark Austen reported that during a recent Community Speed Watch, on a Sunday, volunteers were still recording speeds up to 60MPH, with the number of speeding cars making it difficult to record details of all the cars


Cllr Witt stated that she will be attending the next Community Area Transport Group Meeting on 15 January 2013 and has already requested that Baydon’s need for a physical traffic calming obstacle on Ermin Street, near to the playground, be added to the agenda.


All Cllrs agreed that Cllr Witt could approach Aldbourne Parish Council to remind them to lobby CATG to make sure that the Aldbourne road is one of the roads considered for the C-Class Speed Limit Review next year



7.3       To receive an update on the progress regarding BYPA Plans


It was agreed that the new heating system in the BYPA Hall was a great success, thanks to Kim Austen on the BYPA Committee applying for Lottery funding.


Cllr Witt reported that she had successfully applied for Swindon & Wiltshire Community Foundation grant and BYPA has been awarded £4,850 to pay for a new disabled toilet facility.


Cllr Witt advised that following Baydon Parish Council’s request, Wiltshire Council have now formally agreed in writing that Baydon’s S106 money from the Newton’s Walk development, can be used for refurbishing the BYPA village hall, instead of outdoor recreation. Cllrs therefore formally and unanimously resolved that the S106 money be used to pay for 50% of the planned BYPA Kitchen refit, the roof insulation and a new floor. North Wessex Downs Leader Programme has already agreed to fund the other 50%


The work on the kitchen and roof is to take place during the Christmas holiday. Baydon Parish Council agreed to pay £8,501, which will be refunded from Wiltshire Council S106 money, once the work is completed in early January. The new flooring will be installed in the February half term and Baydon Parish Council agreed to pay £3780 which will also be refunded from the S106 Money


Cllr Andy Knowles stated that the BYPA Committee had worked hard to achieve a lot in short amount of time.


7.4        Christmas Tree – payment / donation and erection date + carols around the tree


·         Cllrs agreed to spend £130 maximum plus delivery for a Christmas Tree for the Green and erect it on 8th December at 09.30.

·         Cllrs thanked Brook Johnson for the offer of a tree from his property

·         It was agreed that the annual event of ‘Carols around the Tree’ be held at 6pm for drinks on the green with carol singing starting at 6.30pm

·         Cllrs agreed to spend £100 maximum on mulled wine from Baydon Post Office and Stores

·         Cllr Dore offered to source hot chocolate for the children. Cllr Tomkins will bring the lights, posts and ropes needed

·         It was agreed that the Christmas Tree lights should be on from 6am – 9am and then again at 3pm – 11pm

·         Cllrs agreed that next year it would be better to have a sunken pole to put the tree up and the electric box needs fixing so the Electricity Board should be contacted



7.5       Dead Tree on the Green


Cllr Dore will speak to Guy Watson for advice about the state of all the existing trees and suggestions for replacements. Cllr Witt suggested that additional box trees should be purchased to fill in the gaps in the hedging, to improve the look of the Green


7.6       Emergency Plan


Baydon’s emergency plan is in draft form at the moment at will be circulated shortly by Cllr Knowles


7.7      Baydon Pub


It was noted that The Red Lion is now closed. Cllrs agreed that a letter should be written to the owners to ask for an update on the current situation and remind them that during the planning application for the new house on Aldbourne Road, they had said they were going to invest in the pub to make it bigger and provide a better restaurant, which Baydon Parish Council fully supported


7.7      Baydon Big Breakfast – new date to be considered


It was agreed that Cllr Witt should ask the BYPA Committee whether they wanted to use the Big Breakfast event to re-launch the newly refurbished hall and if so, confirm what dates would be suitable.





8.1        Approval of 2nd Quarter budget report


This was approved by the councillors


8.2        Bank reconciliation statement for September / October for approval


This was approved by the councillors:

·         Treasurers a/c £7,258.09

·         Savings a/c £10,590.00

·         Petty Cash £21.35

·         Total £17,869.44


8.3        Approve payments.The following were approved:


·       Ex-Clerk Payment (R. Cockcroft) £241.23 (June) + £85

·         Southern Electric  £21.61


8.4        Approve payments between meetings.The following were approved:


·       Thames Water (July – Oct) £19.55 to be cross charged to the Allotment Association

·         Pittams grass cutting £1,125.00



 8.5       Precept budget report for 2013/14


The precept budget for next year was discussed;  Cllr Witt suggested that £3,000 should be included in the budget to go towards traffic calming, which is the number one priority identified in Baydon’s Village Plan survey.

Cllr Knowles suggested that due to the recent refurbishment, the BYPA Hall should be self-sufficient because there will be more user groups paying to hire the hall, therefore the annual running costs of the hall should not be included in this year’s budget. Instead, it was suggested that Baydon Parish Council support the BYPA by including the BYPA grass cutting in the general grass cutting contract for the village.


8.6       Youth Worker Update £500 refund


There was disagreement amongst the Cllrs regarding whether asking for a refund was the right thing to do because it might be interpreted by Aldbourne Youth Council as Baydon Parish Council being unsupportive. All Cllrs agreed this is not the case and as soon as a Youth Worker has been recruited, Baydon PC will return the first payment of £500. Cllr Witt agreed to contact AYC to explain this.






9.1 Baydon Mile – final update: There were 117 entries and the event raised £2,010 in sponsorship money


9.2. Baydon’s School and Church Christmas Fayre


9.3. The Baydon village sign on the Green has been repaired. Action for Cllr Dore to replace the cable ties.


9.4. The drains on Ermin Street near the pub have still not been cleared and is still causing flooding despite several complaints to Wiltshire Council. Cllr Knowles agreed to contact WC again.





·         Review and submit New Emergency Plan

·         New Clerk

·         Firework costs for 2013

·         Extra litter bin request for Aldbourne Road, near the alpacas






30 January 2013                                                signed:…………………………………

                                                                                    Chair – A Knowles




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