7th January 2008 (Subject to approval at the meeting on 18th February 2008)



PRESENT: Kevin Barnes (Chair), Don Carmichael, Susan Grove, Tony Prior, Alison Tomkins, Heather White

Also in attendance: Elizabeth Carmichael (Clerk), Cllr Humphries and Cllr Findlay and 12 members of the public.

1.             APOLOGIES

It was noted that no apologies had been received from Mr Haythornthwaite.



Sue Grove declared an interest in agenda item 7.1. Tony Prior, Don Carmichael and Alison Tomkins declared an interest in agenda item 9.1 as they are members of the Village Plan Steering Group.



It was noted that Tony Prior and Alison Tomkins were not included in the list of people present at the meeting. Subject to this amendment the minutes of the meeting on 27th November were agreed to be a correct record and were signed at the end of the meeting.


4.             CLERKS REPORT

The Clerk advised the meeting that Councillor Humphries had made enquiries regarding the status of Willow Lane and that it is not adopted and hence is not the responsibility of Highways. It was noted that an application for the lane to be adopted by Highways could be submitted. Councillor Humphries advised the Parish Council that Willow Lane was not a right of way. A grant cheque for the development of the Parish Plan has been received.      



5.1         To consider tenders for the grass cutting contract

The Parish Council consider the tenders submitted by Sodexho Land Technology, P&J Bracey Garden Services, Scofell Landscapes Limited, Valley Garden Services and Cutting Hedge Gardens. The Parish Council resolved to award the contract to Sodexho Land Technology. It was noted that Sodexho may offer a discount on the cost of the tender as grass cuttings could be placed on the compost heap on the allotments.


Write to Sodexho Land Technology                                                                            Action: Clerk


5.2         To discuss the allotments

The Parish Council resolved to discuss the rent, tenancy agreement, millennium trees, relationship with the Allotments Association and any other matters pertaining to the allotments at the next meeting.


Draft tenancy agreement to be circulated prior to next meeting.                               Action: Clerk






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5.3         To discuss the proposed changes to the M4 diversion

The Parish Council was not is support of the proposed changes to the M4 diversion. It was noted that Councillor Humphries had already objected to the proposal to divert motorway traffic along Ermin Street.


5.4         To consider the timing of the release of the meeting minutes to the public

The Parish Council discussed whether the draft minutes or the approved minutes should be published on the notice board and website. It was agreed that as there is 8 weeks between meetings the draft minutes should continue to be published.


5.5         To consider making a donation to the Citizens Advice Bureau

The Parish Council resolved not to make a donation to the Citizens Advice Bureau.   


5.6         To consider providing funding towards a water supply and rabbit fencing on the allotments

The Allotment Association provided the Parish Council with costings for the water supply (£1919) and rabbit proof fencing (£1973). It was noted that the Allotment Association are intending to apply for a grant from Kennet District Council but this is likely to only cover 40%-60% of the project costs. Heather White advised the meeting that an Awards for All grant could also be applied for and volunteered to help the Allotment Association put together an application. It was agreed that the Allotment Association apply for more than one grant and should seek as much grant funding as possible. The Parish Council resolved to provide funding of up to £1900 in support of grant applications from Kennet District Council and Awards for All. Funding from the Parish Council is conditional on grants being received.  


Help Allotment Association submit Awards for All application                                    Action: HW


Write letter of support for project to be submitted with KDC grant application          Action: Clerk


6.              CORRESPONDENCE

6.1         Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service, Consultation for Annual plan 2008/2009 - noted

6.2         Wiltshire County Council’s Corporate Plan 2007 - noted

6.3         Wiltshire Wildlife Trust, letter on public authorities’ duties regarding biodiversity and questionnaire – noted.

6.4         Postwatch, Post Office closure programme, consultation – It was noted that Baydon Post Office was not going to be closed.


7.             PLANNING

Sue Grove left the meeting

7.1         To consider what response to make to the appeal against the refusal of permission for the wall & gateway alterations at Baydon House and the associated diversion of bridleway 11

The Parish Council had no additional comments on the application.


Advise Planning Inspectorate that Baydon PC has no further comments                 Action:  Clerk


Sue Grove rejoined the meeting


7.2         To note any planning decisions

No planning decisions have been received since the last meeting.




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The meeting was suspended to allow members of the public to speak to the Council. After this period the meeting was resumed.


9.             FINANCE

9.1         The Parish Council approved payment of the following:

Sodexho Land Technology, invoice 9050480203 for £350.31

Alison Tomkins, £12 expenses incurred in connection with the Baydon Village Plan

Mike Collis, £150 Petty Cash for the Baydon Village Plan Committee

9.2         To agree the budget and precept for 2008/2009

The Parish Council considered the budget prepared by the Clerk. The amount for grass cutting was lower to £1950 to reflect the Sodexho tender and the insurance value was increased by £100 to £276 in expectation of the Parish Council covering the November 5th fireworks display on its own insurance policy. It was agreed to increase the projects budget by £1900 to cover funding for the allotments. A total budget of £10335 was agreed. The Parish Council resolved to set the precept for 2008/2009 at £8335. The shortfall of £2000 will come from reserves.  



It was noted that a letter of thanks should go Debbie and Alan who provided the Christmas tree for the village green.


Thanks go Jim & Sue Grove, Trevor Dominy, Alison Tomkins & Rob and Mark Austen & his sons Harry & Sam for their help putting up and taking down the Christmas tree.


It was noted that there is a hole in the pavement outside 44 Downsmead.


Agenda items for next meeting:

i)                    to consider purchasing 2 additional sets of Christmas tree lights

ii)                   to discuss Willow Lane & to consider whether it should be adopted

iii)                 to discuss the rent, tenancy agreement, millennium trees, relationship with the Allotments Association and any other matters pertaining to the allotments




The meeting ended at 10.10 pm


Signed :  ________________________________                      Date : _______________


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