Baydon Church
Village Sign

Village Prayer

The origional advertising poster by
Chloe Butcher

Baydon St. Nicholas Church

is open every day, between 8am and 4.30pm.


Services for March @ St Nicholas

Please see the notice boards in church, the parish notice board at corner of Downsmead
or the School notice board for details.
Please feel free to continue to wear a mask if you feel comfortable.

Sunday When Where Type of Service
16th 09:30 am Baydon Informal All-age Worship
23rd 09:30 am Baydon Contemporary Praise
30th 09:30 am Baydon Mothering Sunday - Family Service

Details of all the services for the team area can be found on
Facebook: Whitton Team News and the Team Website:

Online and phone-in services will continue at 11.30am every Sunday morning.
There will also be live streamed services from various locations.

All services and service sheets can be found on
Facebook: Whitton Team News and the Team Website:

We have a Weekly prayer meeting in church, every Tuesday at 7pm,
everyone is welcome.
There are usually members of the healing prayer ministry team in attendance
if anyone would like to come and be prayed for.


‘Fruitfulness on the Frontline’ homegroup study



Church Council Meeting


Baydon Book Exchanges

There are two book exchanges open for all to use in the church.
Bring a book and exchange, or feel free to make a donation.

Many thanks to all those who have kindly donated.

Book Exchange

The childrens exchange
Childrens Book Exchange


  St Nicholas Church 100 Club

Become a "Friend of St Nicholas Church",
to help keep the church open and running, and continue to serve the needs of the village.

We have to find over £2,000 every month, just to keep our lovely little church running.
So we are inviting you to join our 100 Club to help raise the much needed funds.

The cost is £5 per month per subscription, paid by monthly/annual Standing Order or annual cheque/ bank transfer.
Each month, 35% of the money received is paid out in three prizes (to a maximum of £100, £50 and £25, respectively). Clearly, then, the more subscribers, the bigger the prizes!

The monthly draw takes place on the second Saturday of the month,
with the results being posted on the Church and Parish notice boards.

Leaflets to join the 100 Club can be found in church.
The 100 Club was first set up in 2017 and is open to anyone in or outside of the village, so why not sign up now!

For further information email
Or Contact Mike Gray on (Baydon-01672) 540783.



School Foundation Governors
We also desperately need nominations for people who will represent the Christian ethos of the school on the governing body. As long as they are members of a Christian denomination they are eligible, they don't have to belong to the Church of England.

Church Building Crisis
A working group coordinates the efforts to support the church, and a Church in Crisis page has been setup where news and updates will be displayed.

FLOWER ROTA FOR ST. NICHOLAS - We would like to thank all those who help with the church flowers and brass cleaning throughout the year. Your help was very much appreciated. If anyone else would like to join our volunteers please get in touch with Tina Evans or anyone from the church - you will be welcomed with open arms.

The Facebook page, search for us at St Nicholas Church Baydon and please let
Kate ( know if you have any content or photos you might like uploaded.

Team Rector:  Revd. Beth Hutton
Team Vicar:    Revd. Rhona Floate
Team Vicar:    Revd. Sue Rodd
Team Curate: 

Church Wardens - Peter Chambers and Tony Topp.
Pastoral Visitors - Tina Evans (Baydon) 540250 and Kate Buckingham 07860 388197

Secretary - Margaret Hill (contact via



Church in Festival


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