Appendix A – Acting Clerk’s Report for Meeting on 19 October 2009





PC insurance copy passed to Mr T Dominy

Water leak in Aldbourne Road repaired

Thames Water investigation in Finches Lane complete

Letter sent to Baydon Allotment Association.

Correspondence re allotments and proposed play area location, PC replies sent

Review of clerk salary by internal auditor completed.

Petty Cash checked by internal auditor



Allotment Tenancy Agreement (18 Feb ’08) – Document to be redrafted based on model tenancy agreement provided by NALC. Awaiting approval by Parish Council.

Allotment Rules (18 Feb ’08) – Rules will need to be reviewed after tenancy agreement has been revised to remove any duplication. Rules for fruit frames, raised beds, ground covering material (e.g. plastic sheeting) and power tools need to be confirmed. Revised draft document produced.

Removal of Mound on Parish Field (10 Mar ’08) – to be considered as part of Parish Filed development.

Letter to Mr & Mrs Lloyd (7 Apr ’08) – Awaiting reply.

Definition of Liaison Officer Role (29 May ’08) –  This matter has been merged with the agenda item to consider how to manage allotment queries between meetings. Going forward both matters will be discussed together.

Handling of Allotment Queries between Meetings (7 Jul ’08) – It will be combined with the definition of the liaison officer role. 20/04/09

Water Supply for Parish Field (19 May ’08) –   Letter to be sent to residents regarding closure of the lane prior to any work commencing.


Relationship/Partnership Agreement between Baydon Parish Council and the Allotment Association (9 Jun ’08) – Draft document produced. To be agreed by Parish Council.

New Hedging for Parish Field (9 Jun ’08) – Decision to proceed with hedge required.

Revised Standing Orders (7 Jul ’08) – Still under development.

Letters from School regarding paddock (1 Sept ‘08) – No feedback on draft notice/letter to date.

Working Party to review Clerk’s Contract and Salary (27th October ‘08) – Updated draft of Clerk’s contract prepared. For approval and implementation after recruitment.

Savings Account (27 October ’08) –  Change of signatories for Nationwide account underway and will require closure of account due to Building Society rules.  Decision on new account for future agenda.

Parish Calendar (11 May ’09) - Calendar to be populated & reviewed for completeness   Action: All (29 June ’09)

Parish Improvement Grants Scheme (29 June ‘09) - Review improvement grant information and attend workshop as necessary       Action: Cllr Witt

Manor Lane/Aldbourne Road hedges  Householders to be contacted  Action AT

Manor Lane/ Ermin Street visibility  A check to be made  Action ANP

Footpath signage Checks  and recommendations to be made Action ANP

Blocked drains in Aldbourne Road  Checks to be made Action ANP


Signatories on Accounts  The Acting Clerk is in the process of changing signatories, all of which are ex-councillors, on three accounts. The Nationwide  account is particularly problematic because the Instant Access account is not permissible for Parish Councils. The staff advised the account should be closed and a Trustees account opened.  The Nationwide pass book  contains no signatures which, under normal conditions, would enable existing signatories to withdraw under PC instructions. The new account for the Nationwide balance will be a future agenda item.


Removal of Hawser Wire (7 Apr ’08) – Raised by a member of the public. This will need to be added to a future agenda so that the Parish Council can decide whether or not to remove it.

Allotment Matters (29 Sept ’08) - To consider joining NSALG.

Parish Field – To discuss the fence  repair.

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