Clerk’s Report for Meeting on 18th October 2010 Appendix A





Ermin Close and Russley Park signs – Missing signs reported with Clarence.


Redcliffe Development Play Area (26 Jul’ 10) – Drafted response letter to Redcliffe Developers.


Speed Camera Signs (26 Jul’10) – Written to Swindon Borough Council requesting spare camera signs.


Speed Indicator Device, (SID), (06 Sep’10) – Raised Marlborough Area Board Issue requesting temporary SID.


Baydon Signing Review (06 Sep’10) - Sent Baydon PC response to Wiltshire Council.


Street Naming and Numbering Consultation (06 Sep’10) – Sent Baydon Parish Council response.


Real –time Bus Services (26 Jul’10) – Written to Wiltshire Council regarding Real-Time Bus Services.



Park & Stride Signs (28 Jun’10) – Parish Council awaiting formal agreement to signage.


Playbuilder Play Equipment – Awaiting confirmation of continuation of Playbuilder scheme and outcome of planning application.   


Highways Authority Survey (28 Jun’10) – Traffic Calming Working Group to draft letter.


Membury Businesses (26 Jul’10) – Write to Membury Businesses regarding speeding traffic in village.


Parish Gate Insurance (06 Sep’10)   – Quote obtained, awaiting approval.


BAYDON 29 (28 Jun’10) - Written to Wiltshire Council, Rights of Way Officer requesting information, awaiting response.


BAYDON 11 (28 Jun’10) - Written to Wiltshire Council, Rights of Way Officer requesting review, awaiting response.


Removal of Mound on Parish Field (10 Mar ’08) – to be considered as part of Parish Field development.

Parish Improvement Grants Scheme (29 June ‘09) - Review improvement grant information and attend workshop as necessary       Action: Cllr Witt

Footpath signage Checks and recommendations to be made Action ANP

Blocked drains in Aldbourne Road  Checks to be made Action ANP


Revised Standing Orders (7 Jul ’08) – Development to be progressed.



Village Design Statement

Screening for Parish Field

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