Minutes of Meeting held at the BYPA Hall on 18th October 2010


(Draft copy. Subject to approval at the next meeting)


PRESENT: Cllr Tony Prior (Chair), Cllr Michael Edmonds, Cllr Andrew Knowles, Cllr Alison Tomkins, County Cllr Humphries and 5 members of the public. 


The Chairman opened the meeting by saying how saddened the Parish Council were to hear about the tragic death of Mrs Wright. The Parish Council had sent letters of condolence to Mr Wright and Mr Chambers, the Headmaster at Baydon St Nicholas School.


1. APOLOGIES –   None





The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 6th September 2010 were approved.



The Standing Orders were suspended so members of the public could speak to the Parish Council.  The ongoing issue of the broken footpath sign in Manor Lane and the blocked drains in Aldbourne Road were raised. Both issues have been reported to Wiltshire Council; the Clerk and the Chairman will chase the outstanding actions:                                     Action: Clerk/ANP



The Items were reported in Appendix A. No comments were forthcoming.




The Clerk had circulated the report to Cllrs as Appendix B. No comments were forthcoming.




BAYDON 11 Diversion - The Chairman attended the Eastern Area Full Planning Committee on the 14th October 2010. The Planning Committee decided to pass the Orders to the Secretary of State for determination with the recommendation that they be confirmed as made.




8.1        Traffic Calming Working Group, (TCWG) report:  Mr M Austen spoke on behalf of the TCWG.


a.                   School ‘Park & Stride’ sign.   After discussion, the Cllrs agreed to keep this as an informal arrangement and not to purchase a sign.


b.                   TCWG Terms of Reference.  The Cllrs approved the updated TCWG Terms of Reference. The Chairman would sign and date the document ahead of distribution.


c.                   Speed Cameras. Mr Austen reported that the mobile Wiltshire Speed Cameras were now turned off and that the TCWG would be revisiting the recommendation regarding Community Speedwatch in the village.


8.2        Baydon Fireworks Working Group, (BFWG) A meeting had been held on 5 October. The Chairman reported that the signed Risk Assessment had been accepted  by the Baydon PC Insurers. Notifications to emergency services for the evening had been allocated to specific members. The Cllrs agreed they would be available as Stewards for the fireworks evening.


8.3        The Marlborough Community Area Board, (MCAB) – The next meeting of the MCAB is scheduled for the 19th October 2010; the Chairman has asked for Finance to be added to the agenda but this has not happened.




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a.                    Speed Indicator Devices (SIDs) – The Clerk confirmed that she had raised a MCAB issue to request temporary SIDs in the village.


b.                   Extra grit storage within the village.  – There is the possibility that extra grit could be stored in the village for use in the yellow grit bins. The Cllrs asked to defer this item to the next meeting.                                                                                           Action: Clerk


8.4        The Marlborough and Villages Community Area Partnership, (MAVCAP) –   Cllr Edmonds reported that the Partnership had met on the 28th September and that the draft minutes would be available soon. He reported that discussions regarding the Marlborough Community Area plan had started but did not involve individual Parish Councils at this stage.


8.5        The Parish Council meeting dates for 2011.  - The Clerk had previously circulated a list of proposed dates to Cllrs. The Cllrs agreed to confirm the dates by email and publicise the agreed dates.                                                                                                              Action: Clerk                

8.6        The Redcliffe Development – Play Area. – The Clerk had previously circulated a draft letter for comment. The Cllrs agreed to Cllr Edmond’s updates and asked the Clerk to send the letter.                                                                                                               Action: Clerk


8.7        The proposed Baydon, St. Nicholas School donation.  The Governors had proposed that the Parish Council contribute to a new school sign. The Cllrs asked for more details including a quotation but agreed to donate towards the proposed sign.  Cllr Knowles offered to discuss the requirement with the Chair of Governors, Mrs D Mathewson.                         Action: AK


8.8        Parish Field Play Area –  


a.                   Trees on the Parish Field - The Chairman reported that the trees from the neighbouring property are overhanging onto the Parish Field and will require trimming to allow access beneath them. The Parish Council should also note that the Millennium trees and the Ermin Street trees may also require pruning in the future.


b.                   Play area - Planning application status – The Wiltshire Council Tree Officer  had contacted the Chairman to discuss possible tree root damage from play equipment foundations. Additional drawings had been prepared by the Chairman to show  locations and circumferences of trees on the Ermin Street bank. They had been forwarded to the Tree Officer on the 4th September.

 A further period of consultation was necessary because play equipment had been moved slightly away from the trees. The planning decision process will now commence from 18th October 2010.


c.                    Allotment area – To approve the installation of a rabbit proof fence.  – The Cllrs approved the provision of a rabbit proof fence, at no cost to the Parish Council, but asked the Baydon Allotment Association to present their final plans to the Council.


d.                   Unused Allotments ­ - The Cllrs briefly discussed options for the unused allotment plot which had previously been offered to Baydon, St Nicholas School and Little Crickets pre-school for use. Cllr Tomkins commented that the increase in residents from Newton’s Walk may increase future demand. The Cllrs deferred a decision until the next meeting.

Action: Clerk


8.9        The Wiltshire Council, Parish Improvements Grant Scheme – After discussion the Cllrs agreed not to apply for a grant this year.


8.10      Wiltshire Council, Great Green System. Cllr Knowles has disseminated information around the village regarding the Great Green System. The Cllrs agreed to defer a decision until the next meeting.                                                                                     Action: Clerk


8.11      The use of cycle helmets within the village. The Parish Council has no responsibility regarding individuals wearing cycle helmets; however, the Cllrs agreed to ask Wiltshire Council Road Safety department for their official advice.                                                  Action: Clerk




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9.1        Payments made between meetings: The following three payments were approved:


            HMRC                           £162.33

            S Electric                      £20.25

            BYPA Hall                     £38.00


The Chairman stated he had been notified by HRMC that a surcharge was due related to non- submission of the new online Income Tax Annual Return. An appeal had been lodged as data had been entered on 6 April.


9.2        Bank funds reconciliation statement for September 2010. - The statement was approved by Cllrs. The total in the RBS bank is currently £26,235.33, (£16,931.51 in the current account, £909.48 in the Allotment account, £8377.07 in the Recreation Account). The   Petty Cash total is £17.27.


9.3        The Quarterly Budget Monitoring Report. – This was approved by Cllrs.


9.4        The Baydon website – The Cllrs approved a payment for   Heart Internet server costs of up to £40 inc VAT. Cllr Tomkins proposed a vote of thanks to Mark Austen for all his hard work with the Baydon website. Cllrs endorsed this and consider the website is excellent.


9.5        The annual fireworks donation - The Cllrs approved a sum of £250 for the annual fireworks donation.


The BFWG commented that several unacceptable and possibly dangerous items, such as mattresses and metal goods, are being placed by the bonfire base despite visible notices to the contrary.


9.6        The Village Gates Insurance. – The Cllrs approved the premium of £25 ex VAT to add the village gates to the Parish Council Insurance. The Chairman would request an invoice from  the insurers.                                                                                                         Action: AP                   

9.7        The 2011/12 Precept budget – The Cllrs discussed the draft 2011/12 Precept budget; the Chairman explained that the Parish Council has little control over expenditure for services from external suppliers but went on to explore other possible reductions  within the budget. Cllr Tomkins noted that the additional housing in Newton’s Walk will increase the Precept revenue. After the discussions the Chairman recommended deferring the final budget until the next meeting, the Cllrs agreed.                                                                          Action: Clerk




10.1      BAYDON 11 – Planning meeting. – This was discussed under item 7.


10.2      BYPA treasurer.  -  The Parish Council noted that there had been a change of Treasurer from Mr P Dore to Mrs K Austen at the Baydon Young Peoples Association.


10.3      Changes to the Parish Steward scheme.  -  The Clerk reported that there had been a change in the Parish Steward system and that the Clerk had forwarded a list of ongoing requests for routine attention. The next visit was scheduled for the 2nd December 2010.


10.4      Census 2011 – The next Census date is the 27th March 2011.


10.5      Wiltshire Local Transport Plan 2011 – 2026. The Wiltshire Council Transport Plan is available for consultation until the 26th November.  No Cllrs wished to attend the Stakeholder Consultation Workshops.


10.6      Further aggravation on the allotments.   Further vegetable thefts have been reported together with deliberate weed seed distribution. The Cllrs discussed the requirement to insure any future rabbit proof fence and the Chairman offered to obtain a quote from the Parish Council Insurers.                                                                                                             Action: AP


10.7      The Ermin Close nameplate signs. – The Ermin Street nameplate is missing; the Clerk has already reported this to Wiltshire Council.



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10.8      Deputy Chairman – The Chairman asked Cllrs to consider a nomination for a deputy Chairman for election at the next meeting due to his personal health circumstances, thereby enabling Council business to continue smoothly during any absences. He also advised his physical contributions in the village would probably have to be curtailed.                                                                                                                                                                     Action: Clerk



12. ITEMS FOR THE NEXT MEETING – 29th November 2010


11.1      To consider the location for extra grit storage within the village.


11.2      To consider the unused allotments.


11.3      To consider participating in the Wiltshire Council, Great Green System


11.4      To review the 2011/12 Baydon Precept.


11.5      To elect a Deputy Parish Council Chairman.



The meeting closed at 21.55 pm





Signed............................................                       Date..................................



Click here to see Appendix A


Click here to see Appendix B


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