All correspondence received 25 August –10 October 2010     Appendix B

C = circulated    WCNR = Wilts Council News Release    CH = Cllr Humphries


Corres date       Rec’d    Corres




2508                 0209     Parish Steward Scheme (C)

                                    0309     NCT Poster (NB)

0109                             0409     North Wessex Downs Area of outstanding Natural Beauty, Forum 2010 (C)

                                                North Wessex Downs – Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, Booklet

0209                             0409     The Society of Local Council Clerks – Membership Offer.

0809                 Hopes Grove Nurseries – Hedging advert

                                    0809     WALC September Newsletter

0509                             0609     BYPA Invoice ( C)

0609                             0909     Wiltshire Councils Flood Awareness Event

                                    2509     Definitive Baydon Footpath Maps

                                    2509     Parish Steward Autumn Schedule

0410                 0510     Department for Transport Poster

                        0710     WALC October Newsletter

                        0710     WALC AGM Invitation – 16th November (C)

                        0710     Eastern Area Planning Committee Agenda

                         0910    Society of Local Council Clerks – Membership request.



                                    2508     WC – Kate Davey, Baydon Signage Review, timing response

                        2708     CH-WC Elected Wire 27 August 2010 (C)

                        3108     WC - Weekly Planning Decisions List - Week ending 29.08.10

                        0209     WC – Jim Waite, Electoral Register Monthly Changes – September

                        0309     Sandy Martin - MAVCAP meeting 28 September 2010 (C)

                        0309     Sandy Martin - MAVCAP September Newsletter

                        0509     Mary Spender - Village entrance gates, Insurance enquiry.

                        0609     WC - Weekly Planning Decisions List - Week ending 05.09.10

                        0609     West Berkshire - Publication of the Post Submission Schedule of Proposed Focused Changes to the West Berkshire Core Strategy (C)

                        0709     WC – Parish Newsletter 2010 (C)

                        0709     CH-WC Hot Wire - The next four years video (C)

                        0709     RBS Software Solutions Limited – advert

                        0809     CH-WC Wiltshire 20 MPH Speed Limit Trial (C)

                                    1009     WC- Consultation on Wiltshire and Swindon Aggregate Minerals Site Allocations Development Plan Document

                        1309     WC - Weekly Planning Decisions List - Week ending 12.09.10

                        1509     WC - Street Naming & Numbering Consultation, reminder

                                    1509     Melanie Gee - Greatwood Newsletter 2010

                        1509     Baydon School Opening Invitation- 2nd October 2010

                        1609     Melanie Gee - Greatwood Charity - Textile Bank Request

                        1709     WC – Wendy Packer, Grit Bins (C)

                        1709     Denise Mathewson - St Nicholas  ‘Building for the future fund’.

                        2009     WC - Weekly Planning Decisions List - Week ending 19.09.10

                        2009     CH-WC Grit Bins- additional information (C)

                        2109     WC – KarenScott, Marlborough Community Area Network- Consultation on Great Western Hospital's proposed bid to deliver Wiltshire Community Health Services (C)

                        2109     CH-WC, Final reminder-  Community Area Transport Group 7/10/10 (C)

                        2109     WC - Definitive Map of Rights of Way (Copy)

                        2209     Elliot Potter - Age UK Wiltshire Update (C)

                        2409     K104 2011 Census (C)

                        2409     Simon White - Lappset Playworld (advert)

                        2409     CH-WC Elected Wire - 24 September 2010 (C)

                        2609     Baydon Query – Cycle helmets (C)

                        2709     WC - Weekly Planning Decisions List - Week ending 26.09.10

                        2709     WC - Minutes Document for Marlborough Area Board, 31/08/2010 (C)

                        2709     WC -Just a Minute- Marlborough Area Board Newsletter, September 2010 (C)

                        2809     SMP Playgrounds Advert

                        2809     Wiltshire Police - Neighbourhood Police Bulletin, September (C)

                        2809     CH-WC Briefing Note No. 45 - Care & Support Tender - Consultation with Tenants of Sheltered Housing Schemes

                        2909     Training Express –Advert

                        0210     CH-WC Electric Wire 1 October 2010 (C)

                        0410     WC - Weekly Planning Decisions List - Week ending 03.10.10

                        0410     CH-WC Wiltshire Local Transport Plan 2011 – 2026 (C)

                        0510     WC Agenda Document for Eastern Area Planning Committee, 14/10/2010 (C)

                        0610     Sandy Martin – MAVCAP funding reminders (C)

                        0710     CH-WC Officer Contact details (C)

                        0710     D Crawley - BYPA Car Park Enquiry

                        0810     Came & Company Insurance - Bonfire and Firework Event 6th November 2010

                        1010     CH-WC Electric Wire 8 October 2010

                        1110     WC - Weekly Planning Decisions List - Week ending 10.10.10


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