Appendix A – Clerk’s Report for Meeting on 30th March 2009


1.        Completed MATTERS FROM MINUTES

Grass & Hedge Cutting – Invitations to tender sent out.

S106 Money – Letter sent to KDC.

Trees Chopped Down by Sodexho – Sodexho have planted 2 new beech trees on the Parish field following the line of the existing trees.

Sodexho Contract – Credit note has been accepted and to be balance paid.




Allotment Tenancy Agreement (18 Feb ’08) – Document has to be redrafted based on model tenancy agreement provided by NALC.

Allotment Rules (18 Feb ’08) – Rules will need to be reviewed after tenancy agreement has been revised to remove any duplication. Rules for fruit frames, raised beds, ground covering material (e.g. plastic sheeting) and power tools need to be confirmed. Deferred agenda item from 9th June.

Ownership and Maintenance of Willow Lane (18 Feb ’08) – Ongoing. Formal instruction sent to Withy King.

Removal of Mound on Parish Field (10 Mar ’08) – 3 quotes are required.

S106 Money (10 Mar ’08) – Awaiting the transfer of the S106 by KDC to Baydon Parish Council’s current account.

Barrier Tape & Pins (10 Mar ’08) – To be purchased. Action: AT

Parish Path Survey (10 Mar ’08) - Heather White stated that she would carry out the survey in August.

Letter to Mr & Mrs Lloyd (7 Apr ’08) – Awaiting reply.

Aldbourne Road Development (19 May ’08) – Ongoing.  

Letters of Complaint from Allotment Holders (19 May ’08) – Follow up letter still to be drafted.

Definition of Liaison Officer Role (29 May ’08) – Deferred at meetings on 7th July, 21st July & 29th September. This matter has been merged with the agenda item to consider how to manage allotment queries between meetings. Going forward both matters will be discussed together.

Handling of Allotment Queries between Meetings (7 Jul ’08) – Deferred agenda items from meetings on 7th July, 21st July & 29th September. Going forward it will be combined with the definition of the liaison officer role and both matters will be discussed together.

Water Supply for Parish Field (19 May ’08) – Review of risk assessment deferred at meetings on 9th June, 7th July & 21st July. Risk assessment reviewed 18 August and approved 1st September. Letter to be sent to residents regarding closure of the lane prior to any work commencing.

Rabbit Proof Fencing for Parish Field (19 May ’08) – Review of risk assessment deferred at meetings on 9th June, 7th July & 21st July.   

Relationship/Partnership Agreement between Baydon Parish Council and the Allotment Association (9 Jun ’08) - Responsibilities of Allotment Association to be documented and agreed by Parish Council.

New Hedging for Parish Field (9 Jun ’08) – Quote for mixed hedging to be obtained.

Blocked Gully Drains (9 Jun ’08) – Reported to Highways

Review of Parish Council Risk Assessment (7 Jul ’08) – Deferred at meeting on 21st July.

Revised Standing Orders (7 Jul ’08) – Still under development. Awaiting feedback from Councillors.

Letters from School regarding paddock (1 Sept ‘08) – Meeting held with School Governors on 29th September. Awaiting feedback on draft notice/letter.

Pond on Parish Field (29 Sept ’08) – Allotment holder has been asked to remove pond. Action: TP.

Working Party to review Clerk’s Contract and Salary (27th October) – Agreed 27th October that Cllrs Prior, Tomkins and Timms set up working group.

Correspondence Regarding the Allotments & Lane (27th October) – Reply to be sent.

Savings Account (27 October ’08) – Close the Portman savings account (which has been transferred to a Nationwide Instant Access account) and transfer funds to a Nationwide Treasurer’s Trust account. Cllrs Tomkins and Prior to be the signatories for the new savings account.

Review of Salary Paid (9 February ’09) – Review calculation of salary payments put together by TP and confirm if correct. Action Clerk/TP

Best Kept Village Competition (16 February ’09) - Information on the competition to be circulated to all Cllrs for future reference.

Calor Wiltshire Village of the Year Competition (16 February ’09) - Information on the competition to be circulated to all Cllrs for future reference.

Highways issues as a result of the snow (16 February ’09) – Letter to be sent to Highways.

Land Maintained by Highways (16 February ’09) - KDC not to cut grass on Ermin Close & junction with Ermin Street until further notice given.

Contract of Employment (16 February ’09) - Photocopy and sign contract of employment.            Action: Clerk/TP





Removal of Hawser Wire (7 Apr ’08) – Raised by a member of the public. This will need to be added to a future agenda so that the Parish Council can decide whether or not to remove it.

Willow Lane/Ermin Street Hedge Cutting (19 May ’08) – To avoid disturbing nesting birds, hedges can generally only be cut back between 1st September and the end of February. Discussion on how to manage the hedges to be added to a future agenda.

Allotment Matters (29 Sept ’08) - To consider joining NSALG, to agree an advert to go into the paper regarding the re-appropriation of the Parish field, to consider if the allotments fit the statutory definition.

Current Account (27 October ’08) – Third signatory for the RBS current account required following resignation of Oliver Bond.

Savings Account (27 October ’08) – Following resignation of Oliver Bond, third signatory for the savings account is required.


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