Minutes of Meeting held at the BYPA Hall on 29th November 2010


(Draft copy. Subject to approval at the next meeting)


PRESENT: Cllr Tony Prior (Chair), Cllr Michael Edmonds, Cllr Andrew Knowles, Cllr Alison Tomkins, and 3 members of the public. 


1. APOLOGIES –   Apologies were received from County Cllr Humphries.





The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 8th November 2010 were approved.



The Standing Orders were suspended so members of the public could speak to the Parish Council.  The Council was asked if it was going to mark the Royal Wedding in 2011 or the Jubilee in 2012 with any village events. The Clerk was asked to add this to the agenda for discussion at the next meeting:                                                                                         Action: Clerk



The Items were reported in Appendix A. No comments were forthcoming.




The Clerk had circulated the report to Cllrs as Appendix B. No comments were forthcoming. The Chairman proposed that this report was no longer necessary and the Cllr’s agreed.

Action: Clerk




7.1        E/10/1511/FUL – Hazelbury Farm, Gore Lane, Baydon. Extensions and alterations. The Cllrs had no objections to the application.                                                        Action: Clerk


7.2        E/10/1522/FUL – Hazelbury Farm, Gore Lane, Baydon. Proposed garage /annex. The Cllrs had no objections to the application.                                                        Action: Clerk




8.1        Traffic Calming Working Group, (TCWG) report:  Mr M Austen spoke on behalf of the TCWG.


a.                   Community Speed Watch, (CSW) Due to the disbanded Wiltshire Camera Partnership, the TCWG recommended going ahead with CSW in Ermin Road and Aldbourne Road. After discussion, the Cllrs approved by a majority vote, to go ahead with the scheme, (the Chairman was not in favour.)  The TCWG was asked to organise the volunteers and their training.                                                                                                  Action: TCWG


b.                   Yellow ‘’WATCH your speed’’ bin stickers. These are available from Wiltshire Police, free of charge.  The Cllrs did not approve the use of these stickers as they are quite small and it was felt that they may conflict with the larger red triangular stickers that the residents currently use.


c.                   Road Signage Review.  The Chairman agreed to discuss Agenda Item 8.4 at this point.


Wiltshire Council, Department of Neighbourhood and Planning have sent a reply to the Parish Council letter, requesting a meeting of those concerned to clarify the requests. After discussion, it was agreed that the next step to achieving ‘Rumble Strips’ in Aldbourne Road was to meet with Wiltshire Council to discuss the issues.                                                                                                                                   Action: Clerk





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d.                   Marlborough November Police Newsletter. -  MA confirmed that the comments in the newsletter pertained to ad-hoc speeding incidents and not to the Camera Speed Partnership that had been successful in fining speeding motorists on Ermin Street.


8.2        The Marlborough Community Area Board, (MCAB) –   The Chairman gave a report from the last meeting on the 23rd November 2010.


MCAB Issues - The dropped kerb on Ermin Street, opposite the Parish Field, has been accepted as a MCAB issue and passed on to the Highways department for action within three months. The Clerk reported that the temporary Speed Indicator Device request for Ermin Street has been added to the Wiltshire Council four month programme.


Finance – MCAB reported that the Unitary Council had made savings of £8.2 Million in the first year and £5.8 million pounds to date this financial year.


Representation - There were only six out of a possible sixteen Parish Councils represented at the last MCAB meeting.


8.3        The Marlborough and Villages Community Area Partnership, (MAVCAP) –   Cllr Edmonds reported that the Partnership had met on the 17th November 2010. MCAB will in future work directly with MADT on the amendment of the 2004-14 Marlborough Community Area Plan.


8.4        Baydon Signing Review – This was discussed under agenda item 8.1 c.


8.5        Parish Council Vice-Chairman­­ – Cllr Edmonds nominated Cllr Knowles as Vice  Chairman of the Parish Council, this was seconded by Cllr Tomkins and voted unanimously by the Parish Council.


8.6        The Wiltshire Council, Great Green System – Cllr Knowles reported that he had seven requests from residents to take up this scheme which he would now process. The Parish Council will need to decide which organisation will benefit from the subsequent donation of £35 from Wiltshire Council but agreed to defer this decision to the next meeting.                  Action: Clerk


8.7        Extra grit storage within the village - After discussion, as there was no suitable village storage identified, the Cllrs agreed not to request bulk quantities of grit from Wiltshire Council.


8.8        Parish Council requirements within the BYPA hall – The Cllrs discussed whether the Parish Council had any requirements within a possible future BYPA Hall.  The Clerk briefly noted her logistical requirements which the Council discussed. The Cllrs agreed to write to the Chair of BYPA indicating their interest in principle.                                                   Action: Clerk


8.9        The village recycling bins, (Public House Car Park.)   -  There has been a report of the public recycling bins in the Red Lion Public House car park being mis-used and consequently not emptied by the Council; residents should only place the appropriate rubbish type in each bin.  A new Wiltshire Council recycling regime is due to come into force next year and the Parish Council will revisit the requirement for the public bins once the new regime is in place.


Details of the proposed scheme can be found at:


8.10      The Parish Field.


a.                  Play area - Project status.  The Chairman reported that orders have been placed for Phase 1 and Phase 2 with Miracle Design and Play Limited. The intention is to order Phase 3 if the Awards for All Lottery grant is successful; this should be known by the 21st December.  Additionally, the Parish Council has planning permission for a Toddler roundabout but currently no identified funding.


The Play Area Working Group had met on the 18th November 2010 to discuss final Toddler equipment and was encouraged by the progress to date.







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Health & Safety -   The Cllrs discussed several Health & Safety issues for the field, including the perimeter fence, entrance to the field, possible 5-bar gate, pedestrian access and the removal of remaining brushwood piles. The Cllrs discussed possible funding options for these improvements and agreed to wait until the 4th December 2010 for a response from Wiltshire Council regarding possible S106 money. After that date an application to MCAB for a grant would be made as the deadline for applications is the 20th December.  Cllr Edmonds raised the issue of picnic benches for the Parish Field and the Cllrs agreed to include them in the MCAB grant application. Cllr Edmonds was asked to prepare a draft grant application for the Chairman.                                                           Action: ME/TP


Mr Mike Collis has agreed to help with project management of the field improvements.


b.         Future of the Mound. -  The Cllrs discussed the pros and cons of keeping the mound on the Parish Field and decided they did not have enough information regarding possible costs to make a decision. More quotations for the removal would be obtained. The Cllrs agreed to defer the decision to the January Parish Council meeting.                                                                                                                                       Action: ANP/ Clerk


c.         Amendments to the current allotment rules. -  The Cllrs briefly discussed proposals for changes to the allotment rules, regarding allocations but agreed to defer it until the January meeting.                                                                                  Action: Clerk    


Neither Baydon St. Nicholas School nor Little Crickets pre-school have made use of their allocated allotments.  As a consequence, the Cllrs agreed to withdraw the Parish Council offer of allotment plots so that they may be reallocated to other users. The Clerk was asked to inform Baydon St. Nicholas School and Little Crickets pre-school by letter.                                                                                                                                Action: Clerk


The Chairman asked the Cllrs to look at access on the field for manure deliveries in order to discuss it at the next Parish Council meeting.                                                Action: Clerk


8.11      The purchase of new external Christmas tree Lights - The Cllrs agreed to use the current set of lights and discuss their replacement with specifically exterior quality at a future meeting.                                                                                                                           Action: Clerk




9.1        Payments made between meetings: The following five payments were approved:


            Miracle Design and Play Limited                                                 £5084.03 inc VAT

            S Electric (Standing Charge up to the 17th December.)                  £32.35

            BYPA Hall                                                                                 £47.50

            HRMC                                                                                       £162.33

            Pittams                                                                                     £167.44  inc VAT                      

The Cllrs agreed to the Miracle Design and Play Limited invoice which was 52 percent  of  Phase 1 costs.


9.2        Bank funds reconciliation statement for November 2010. -. The total in the RBS bank is currently £25,287.75, (£16,001.20 in the current account, £909.48 in the Allotment account, £8377.07 in the Recreation Account). The Petty Cash total is £8.01.


9.3        Christmas Carols - The Cllrs agreed to have Christmas Carols at 6.00pm around the tree on the 17th December 2010, followed by refreshments in the Red Lion Public House. The Cllrs agreed to a donation of up to £50 ex VAT towards refreshments, if required and asked Cllr Knowles to liaise with the Landlord.                                                                    Action: AK


9.4        Chairman’s expenses – The Cllrs approved the Chairman’s petty cash expenses of £5.99 for a new plastic box to contain the Christmas tree lights


9.5        BYPA Hall Payment - Approved under item 9.1.


9.6        Financial Data -   Cllr Edmonds proposed posting the Quarterly Budget report on the Baydon web site and Parish Council noticeboard. After discussion the Cllrs agreed to this proposal.


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9.7        The Responsible Financial Officer -   Cllr Edmonds reminded the Parish Council that he had taken on the responsibility of Responsible Financial Officer as a temporary measure and that he was ready to relinquish the post. The Cllrs agreed that the Clerk would take on the responsibility from the onset of the new financial year.




10.1      Pittams Invoice. – This was discussed under item 9.1.


10.2      Village Xmas Tree. – The Village Christmas tree will be delivered on Friday the 3rd December 2010 and erected on Saturday the 4th December 2010.


10.3      HRMC - The Chairman reported that he had received a letter from HMRC on the 19th November 2010 cancelling the previous penalty notice.


10.4      Lottery Grant Acknowledgement – The Clerk confirmed that she had received acknowledgement of the Lottery grant application.


10.5      Redcliffe Development response.  The Parish Council had received a reply to their recent letter to Redcliffe developers regarding the private play area in Newton’s Walk. The letter, from the Managing Director, stated that this was a planning agreement between Gleeson Homes and Wiltshire Council that could not now be altered. That agreement also involved the payment to Wiltshire Council of £31000 approximately under s106 provisions.


10.6      Think Road Safety. The Clerk asked for approval to place the ‘Think Road Safety’ publicity on the Notice boards. The Cllrs agreed.


11. ITEMS FOR THE NEXT MEETING – 17th January 2010


11.1      To discuss possible Royal Wedding Celebrations in 2011 and/or the Queen’s Jubilee in 2012.


11.2      To agree the recipient of the Wiltshire Council, Great Green System contribution.


11.3      To discuss possible options for the Parish Field Mound.


11.4      To discuss amendments to the current allotment rules.


11.5      To discuss access to the allotments for manure deliveries.


11.6      To discuss the purchase of new external Christmas lights.



The Chairman wished everybody a Happy Christmas and the meeting closed at 22.00hr






Signed............................................                       Date..................................



Click here to see Appendix A


Click here to see Appendix B


Click here to return to the Homepage




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