Ermin Street
                through Baydon

Village Sign

Village DefibrilatorVillage Defibrillator

Wilts Community

Welcome to the Baydon Village Website

The village lies on the ancient Roman Road of Ermin Way; between Newbury in Berkshire and Swindon in Wiltshire. Rising to 230 metres above sea level, Baydon is the second highest village in Wiltshire, comprising some 300 homes, including outlying farms, with a population around 600. Nearby villages include Aldbourne, Lambourn, and Ramsbury; with the famous market town of Marlborough being nine miles to the south.


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Baydon Book Exchanges

Located in the Church, (open daily 8-4.30)Book
A Children's Book Exchange is also available. Childrens Book Exchange
Donations are always welcome.


St Nicholas 100 Club

Join our 100 Club and help raise much needed funds to run the church. It's only £5 per month!

Each month, 35% of the money received is paid out in three prizes.
More subscribers means,
Bigger prizes!

The draw takes place on the 2nd Saturday of each month with results posted on the Church notice boards.

For more information please email -
Contact Mike Gray on 01672 540783.

Information Diary
Week Commencing

                Store & Post Office
Baydon Stores & Post Office

Baydon Store & Post Office opening times



Temporary Closure of
Aldbourne Road
from the junction with Ridgeway View, south towards Aldbourne for about 275m.

26th - 28th March
road works
Click above for info

Church Meeting

Church Meeting

Monday 24th March
Domestic Waste Collections

Tuesday - Kerbside collection:
Black Bin
Rubbish -
General household waste

Tuesday - Prayer meeting
@ St Nicholas, from 7:00 pm

Wednesday - Defibrilator Awareness session -
BYPA Village hall - 8:00 pm

Thursday - Baydon Flyers
gather on the Green - 6:30 pm

Friday - Table Tennis Club
BYPA Village Hall - 7-9 pm

Saturday - Start BST
Clocks Go Forward tonight
(@Sunday 02:00) -

Sunday - Mothering Sunday - Family Service from 09:30am.
Online services are available from 11:30am.

Monday 31st March
Recycling Collections

Monday - Kerbside collections:
recycle Bins
Recycling -
(No Glass)

Black box-
Glass items only

Click for recycling details.

Tuesday - Kerbside collection:
Green watse bin
Garden waste
(a subscription service).

Tuesday - Prayer meeting
@ St Nicholas, from 7:00 pm

Thursday - Baydon Flyers
gather on the Green - 6:30pm

Friday - Table Tennis Club
BYPA Village Hall - 7 - 9 pm

Sunday - Church is open for Private worship. Online services are available from 11:30am.

Lent Lessons Click above for more information


Is a lifeline to assist if you have no transport or are temporarily unable to drive or cannot access normal public transport, but you still need to get to that appointment at the Hospital, Doctors or Dental surgery.
We can help.

BUT WE ARE SEEKING MORE DRIVERS (expenses paid), especially based in BAYDON.
For further details please contact: Coordinator 07767 116 895
or Alan Duck 540198

  Terms and Conditions